Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1363: Capture the mother worm

After pushing away from the center of the explosion, Chu Feng's face turned pale.

At the center of the explosion just now, a pit with a diameter of more than 30 meters appeared.

An explosion of this magnitude would not threaten his life.

What really made Chu Feng's face pale was the will he had just sensed.

The town monster talisman is just a medium to control the monster beast, and the one who can really control the monster beast of oneself still has to rely on one's mental power and strength, and the subtle influence.

The Thunder Corpse Dragon is the best behaved because of its unique evolutionary route.

The mountain giants and the Deep Sea Green Demon Flood had never rebelled, but this was not the effect of the Demon Talisman. What the Demon Talisman could do was to suppress the monsters when they rebelled.

And, increase intimacy with the owner through continuous influence.

However, if Chu Feng's own power is not enough, even if the Deep Sea Blue Demon Flood Dragon is forcibly controlled, the Deep Sea Blue Devil Flood Dragon will try to break away from the master's control and struggle for freedom.

When Chu Feng tried to control the mother worm, he felt a great will.

If he hadn't cut off the spiritual power on the town monster talisman in time, his soul would have been hurt now.

Although he did not have the means to heal the soul, the price paid was not small, even Chu Feng was unwilling to pay the price easily.

Just cutting off that mental power was enough for Chu Feng to recuperate for seven days.

"That is definitely not the power of the mother worm!"

Although he didn't know the source of the willlessness, Chu Feng faintly understood that the spiritual will of all the female worms that fell on the earth might be connected together.

If you want to control the female worm with the demon talisman, I'm afraid it is impossible.

Since it was too dangerous, Chu Feng temporarily gave up the idea of ​​controlling the female worm.

Fortunately, there is no such link in his plan.

After collecting the debris of the Worm's Nest around, Chu Feng scanned the surroundings mentally and found a space channel with a very strong death breath, which looked a little inconspicuous in the ocean of Worm's Nest.

However, if the space channel continues to expand, I am afraid it will open the earth's channel to the underworld.

Chu Feng teleported to the side of the passage and sensed the breath on the opposite side of the passage.

"It's the domain of the undead. It seems to know that the gate of **** is the least threatening to me, but the Lord of the underworld does this to give us food for the earth?"

A weird smile appeared on the corner of Chu Feng's mouth.

It is impossible for the Lord of the Underworld to not know the current strength of the earth, and he should also know his own methods.

Since he has never made a move before, he must be absolutely sure of making a move now.

It may be possible in the future to want to destroy the earth only with some gates of the underworld, but this is obviously a bit naive on the earth that cannot accommodate the existence of holy steps.

Obviously, this is not the support of the Lord of the Underworld.

Even if there is only one side, Chu Feng can feel the lack of feelings of the Lord of the Underworld.

He didn't think that the other party would be ruthless, and since he decided to use himself as his opponent, he would never use ridiculous means to start a war.

"The Undead Realm, the Undead Scourge, or the death wave of the Nether Sea? However, under the formation system from the God Realm, what the Lord of the Underworld can do is limited, right!"

At this conclusion, Chu Feng did not feel a trace of joy.

Facing a terrifying enemy who had already stood at the apex of the highest plane, but still valued an opponent who was not a holy rank, he didn't think the Lord of the Underworld would do meaningless things.

It can only be said that the methods the other party will use may exceed their own understanding.

"In any case, it is enough to strengthen the earth's own defenses."

After Chu Feng collected the debris from the surrounding Cordyceps nest, he came to the next Worm's nest non-stop. This time he didn't hesitate and burned it directly with real star fire.

In less than half a minute, the entire insect nest burned into an empty shell.

The worms and female worms inside were directly burned to death by him.

After doing the same for more than a dozen times, Chu Feng harvested 15 empty shells of insect nests.

After putting away these empty shells, Chu Feng came to the next Worm Nest.

However, this time he doesn't need to collect extra empty shells.

The sword qi of the wind system cut over, and the worm nest was turned into fragments. The female worm in the center of the worm nest was also cut into dozens of fragments by Chu Feng, and then these fragments were swallowed by the worms.

The continuous sword energy fell, and three minutes later, all the surrounding insects were beheaded.

The female worm has also become a pupa.

This time, Chu Feng did not use the Demon Talisman to control the female worm, but directly activated the God-Binding Lock.

The pitch black was like ink, like a silk thread that even light could swallow, entwining the chrysalis heavily. After strengthening the seal, Chu Feng threw it into the small world.

Although it cannot be fully controlled, it is also worthy of research.

After sealing the first chrysalis, Chu Feng continued his sealing work.

In the next 10 hours, Chu Feng sealed more than 100 pupae, collected a large number of corpses and nest fragments, and collected them into the small world.

As for the complete nest with the female worm, Chu Feng also tried it, but failed.

Because he discovered that when the mother worm is threatened, not only will she sacrifice her body to make the worm, but even the power of the worm's nest will be absorbed.

A worm's nest that loses its strength is just waste.

Even the waste is not left. Chu Feng's nameless technique can refine everything into the most essential vitality. The mother worm seems to have the same ability to transform all energy and matter into its own body and what it needs to function. energy of.

Such characteristics aroused Chu Feng's interest.

Chu Feng, who possesses various methods of Yuanfu, Yuanfu, Wuming Techniques, and mysterious ancient books, can theoretically become a fort with unlimited firepower, but even with unlimited firepower, it must be limited by the barrel of the output.

The "barrel" of Chu Feng himself was powerful enough, but it was on earth.

On the highest plane, he was barely called the strong.

Against the existence of Pinnacle, his hole cards are far from enough.

The powerful swallowing and transformation abilities of the Zerg, including the weird ability to multiply, are all things that Chu Feng is interested in. If they can be researched out, no, it only has one-tenth of the means, which is all for Chu Feng. A huge boost.

It can even help Chu Feng improve the Wuming technique.

All of Chu Feng's methods came from mysterious ancient books.

Even now his external methods have increased a lot, and he has developed the essence of Chinese wisdom like Zhenyuan, but the nameless technique is still the foundation of Chu Feng.

If Chu Feng could improve even the Wuming technique, even a little, it would mean a major breakthrough.

So, with these worm nest fragments and female worm pupae, Chu Feng returned to Yuan Palace.

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