Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1365: The water on the highest plane is deep

"Sure enough, you will not consume such precious flames just to prove the safety measures of the real fire of the stars."

Zhao Fan is also a clever person, but his cleverness is mainly reflected in research, while Xu Yan's cleverness is reflected in the speed of thinking, whether it is observation of the situation or the world.

There are some things that Zhao Fan doesn't want to think about, but it doesn't mean he doesn't understand.

However, he still has some doubts: "If it's just a race across the starry sky, there shouldn't be any need to hide it! Human beings now have enough receptivity. I mean, those who survived."

Zombies and humans have all survived, and the subsequent disasters are also testing humans' ability to withstand.

In the first year of the last days, thousands of people committed suicide almost every day.

Even if the situation stabilizes, the number of suicides per day is more than a thousand.

However, compared with the number of people who died in the disaster, this is still not enough to attract attention.

This was also Chu Feng's greatest support to persuade Su Yuyan and Zhang Ziqing not to easily consume their boring kindness.

Only those who live desperately are worthy of being saved.

In Zhao Fan's view, everyone who can live to the present has a strong enough belief. When the meteorite rain fell, no one had heard of suicide!

One more race across the starry sky does not seem to be unacceptable.

"It's different."

Chu Feng shook his head, "Before the end of the world, although humans did not explore the space very well, there are still some satellites in the sky patrolling the space, but has anyone found the sign of the end of the world?"

Zhao Fan was taken aback, and immediately understood something.

Some conspiracy theorists will think that this is the deliberate concealment of information by the people above.

However, the City of Dawn and the military cooperate closely, and they know that this is not the case.

With their current relationship with the military, the military has no need to hide anything from them.

What's more, if they choose to blockade after receiving news, will the military not act in advance?

The fact is that not only is the military unprepared, but even the top executives have suffered heavy losses because they live in densely populated areas. The casualty rate of civil servants and officials exceeds any common occupation.

This is also the reason why there is no obstacle to the military's military control.

No one is there, how can you hinder it?

"The reason behind this incident is very complicated. The more people I know, the more trouble it will be, and it will also invite danger. Even I may not be able to save my life when I know the secret."

Chu Feng emphatically reminded the seriousness of this matter.

Seeing that Zhao Fan's expression became worried, Chu Feng comforted him: "In fact, I know too much. It is better to work hard to improve your own strength. Whether humanity can occupy a place in the highest plane in the future depends on strength."

Zhao Fan nodded solemnly.

In most people's minds, the biggest obstacle to human survival is not the danger from the environment, nor the threats from zombies and insects, nor the monsters that have been domesticated by humans.

But the attitude of the highest plane.

Under the deliberate misleading of the supreme plane, mankind believes that the reason why the new civilization cannot be integrated into the supreme plane is only because the cake of the supreme plane is too small, and they often fight to divide the cake. Where is the share of humanity?

However, if humans are strong enough, then there is no problem.

Moreover, there is a strong racial support from the highest plane, and the process of human beings integrated into the highest plane will be smoother.

Until now, most people believed so, including those in the City of Dawn.

As long as the strength is strong enough, they can occupy a place in the highest plane.

Even the current Star God Clan, it is said that the ancestors also came from a certain starry sky, but they were talented and powerful enough to become the royal clan of the gods.

It’s just that Chu Feng understands,

There is no problem with saying this in the past, but 20,000 years ago, since the law of the underworld was stolen, everything has changed. Within 20,000 years, no race has reintegrated into the highest plane.

Even the hometowns of these races have gradually become extinct.

Humans' endurance has indeed improved a lot, but it does not mean that they can withstand the destiny of doom.

Even Chu Feng was just in a desperate future, opening up a path that didn't know if it was an illusion.

If this matter is announced, the entire planet will fall into despair.

Those who work hard for the hope are completely different from the numbness under despair.

It's not bad to let humans work hard for a vain hope, at least humans are working hard.

"Okay, I believe you."

Zhao Fan's eyes were a bit complicated, but he chose to believe in Chu Feng.

Since Chu Feng said that this matter is not suitable for publicity, it must not be suitable for publicity.

"The water on the highest plane is very deep, even if it is me, I have the strength to match or even kill the existence of ordinary holy ranks, but it is vulnerable to the **** emperor and the demon emperor."

Chu Feng said, "Continue your research! Even if you don't take the road of battle, you can still reach the holy rank. The road of battle is easy to follow, because this road is easy to shape firm belief and determination, but when you are When there is a sincere heart in research, there is no need to search for these between life and death."

At the beginning, Chu Feng just felt that the City of Dawn was already strong enough, one less than Zhao Fan, and only then agreed to let Zhao Fan leave the combat unit and enter the research department.

However, in just one year, Zhao Fan brought himself a surprise.

Zhao Fan's knowledge reserve is an excellent graduate student.

However, he can't stand his high level!

The existence of a ninth-order peak can be said to be standing on the top of the world. The natural science knowledge of the old age is in his eyes a child's play.

When asked him to study, it was like a top professor at the national level, studying the solution of elementary school students' math problems. Even if he didn't know the solution, he could deduce it on the spot.

Of course, this is also the fact that the science of the earth's elemental force is too weak.

If Zhao Fan were to go to the God Realm, he could only start from a student.

Therefore, Chu Feng also had high expectations for Zhao Fan.

A total of hundreds of researchers were admitted to the research institute in the City of Dawn, but after Zhao Fan went there, most of them could only help him as his assistants and students.

Even using the ninth-order powerhouse as a computer can arouse the enthusiasm of researchers.

"I will."

When Zhao Fan found that he was more suitable for researching this kind of thing, and understood that his strength was more helpful to research than his intelligence and hobbies, he had really found his way.

Now he will not have any fear of the future.

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