Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1367: Waste recycling station

After two days of research, Chu Feng discovered one thing.

When those worms swallowed life, they swallowed together with their origin.

After the death of the life in the small world of Yuanfu, part of the original power returns to the small world itself, but if this life is swallowed by bugs, then this original power will also be swallowed.

"No wonder some bugs have crystal nuclei in them, and some don't."

Chu Feng thought about it. It turned out that whether a worm possesses a crystal core is not only determined by its strength and potential, but the most important thing is whether it has swallowed the life of this world.

Only the life that has swallowed the earth, not necessarily human, can it be transformed into a crystal nucleus.

"Perhaps, this is a place to be used."

Chu Feng casually spread the sky full of sword aura, harvesting a large number of insect lives.

At the same time, he arranged a nine-fold formation within the range of the Worm Nest's activities.

Each layer of formation is protected by a large amount of sword energy.

Once the insects try to pass here, they will be killed by Jian Qi.

If the Worm Nest wants to let the insects leave these areas, it must continue to strengthen the insect's strength, at least improve the insect's defense and the ability to withstand various attacks.

The sword aura of the nine-layered formation is complete with the four elements and five elements.

After killing a large number of insects, Chu Feng refined the crystal core.

After these crystal nuclei have been refined, the origin has returned to the small world, which is considered to have completed a cycle.

It's just that the link in this cycle is accelerated by the effect of bugs.

"Even if the insects cannot be controlled, it is enough if the insects work for themselves."

Chu Feng seemed to regard these insects as waste recycling stations, but any material that could not enter the small world circulation of Yuan Palace would be treated by Chu Feng as insect food.

The corpses of the demons used for the demonization experiments were also used by Chu Feng as food for the insects.

The crystal nucleus matters.

Now that I have mastered the self-circulating crystal nucleus production method, I naturally want to open this production line.

In just one day, Chu Feng had more than 10,000 Tier 5 crystal nuclei.

Such a number is certainly not a big deal to Chu Feng, but this is the result of Chu Feng's restriction on the insects. If Chu Feng did not restrict the insects, the yield of crystal nuclei would increase tenfold and one hundredfold.

The most important thing is not the number of crystal nuclei, but the significance of mass production.

The rapid progress of modern society does not rely on weird and unique props and weapons pursued in ancient times, but on industrialized assembly lines.

If there are enough crystal nuclei, Chu Feng can manufacture the strong in batches.

At the same time, these Zerg warriors are also the best sparring partners.

At least the wolf cubs in Yuan Mansion can get the best sparring.

After understanding this, Chu Feng fed a lot of these insects.

Anyway, no matter how much you lose, as long as you kill the bugs, the loss can enter the internal circulation.

Moreover, Chu Feng discovered that when he refined the crystal cores and corpses of the insects, the efficiency and speed were much higher than those of ordinary substances. This discovery strengthened Chu Feng's determination to play with fire.

Of course, this approach is not without danger.

In the process of swallowing, bugs and worm nests are also evolving.

If it loses control, the worms will swallow the Yuan Palace in turn.

However, compared with the bleak prospects of the earth's future, this level of danger is simply insignificant.

Since doing nothing is dead, it is better to play a big one.

In order to improve efficiency and reduce risks by the way, Chu Feng cultivated some nests.

What Chu Feng was worried about was not the number of insect nests, but the quality.

The quality is not enough, Zhuxian's Four Swords can be killed easily.

Conversely, if the Worm Nest evolved to be able to resist the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, it would be a disaster for Chu Feng.

For this reason, Chu Feng went to the outside world to capture hundreds of chrysalis.

Seven days have passed since the catastrophe that the dead meteorite fell.

In these days, China has been stabilizing the situation, and tried its best to bring the demon hunters who were living in the outside world back to the City of Dawn. In this process, the Hell Knights also made a lot of effort.

However, in the border area of ​​China, a large number of insects attacked China's defense line.

Chu Feng paid a little attention to the situation of the defense line, and then ignored it.

That is, if the pressure is greater and there is no danger of collapse, then he has no need to act.

In the process of constant research, Chu Feng has discovered the eyebrows of the master of the underworld.

If the Lord of the Underworld really wants to deal with the earth by that means, then no matter how smooth the battle on the front line is, the earth may have already lost in the result.

No matter how many partial wins, there is no way to make up for a strategic failure.

Just as Chu Feng thought, as soon as the master of the underworld made his move, he directly forced the earth to death, but the earthlings have not discovered it yet, and even some demon hunters are still excited about the harvest of crystal nuclei.

This method does not belong to the category of conspiracy and conspiracy, it is a lore.

The gates of the underworld around the world also indicate that the master of the underworld will not have so few backhands.

When conditions permit, even if the enemy is still very weak, it will not leave any room for the enemy to breathe.

"Such an opponent is really hard to deal with!"

Chu Feng once again put a large amount of waste into the "waste recycling station" to speed up the growth of these insects. More than one hundred "chrysalis" grew into female insects, and countless insects flooded the Yuan Palace.

More chrysalis were thrown around Yuan Mansion by Chu Feng, but they were not turned on.

Chu Feng dared to play with fire, but he wouldn't fail to take any precautions.

"Sure enough, the real threat of insects is not just their combat power and quantity, but the plundering of natural vitality, that is, the acquisition of natural energy, life energy and original power. However, ordinary energy and vitality, A bug can obtain it by relying on itself and the sun. Only the life energy and the original force combined with the life energy and the original force cannot be produced by the insect itself."

Chu Feng casually killed a chrysalis under study, feeling the feeling of the chrysalis after refining.

When he killed the pupa, the internal structure of the pupa was destroyed.

"It's a pity, the structure of the chrysalis, no matter where it is used, is revolutionary progress."

Chu Feng looked at the destroyed chrysalis, feeling a little regretful.

The complexity of the human body surpasses the extreme that the science of the old age can explore.

However, the complexity of bugs is hundreds of millions of times more complicated than humans.

This is still the part that Chu Feng can perceive.

A worm's nest constitutes an ecosystem by itself. Such a rigorous structure is beyond human understanding. If he hadn't seen such a thing with his own eyes, Chu Feng would not be able to imagine the magic of the Creator.

After these chrysalis swallowed for three days and swallowed up 1% of the "trash" in Chu Feng Yuanfu's small world, Chu Feng suddenly saw that the chrysalis had begun to split.

After a while, a small pupa appeared.

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