Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1370: Lock of time

"The Eye of All Things"

Chu Feng put the magic elements into his body, and his eyes changed slightly.

However, it is only a weakened eye of all things.

The Tao of the Eye of All Things is too high and perfect. If Chu Feng directly merged it into his own eyes, his fragile human eyes would simply not be able to withstand the knowledge and power of the Eye of All Things.

Only supernatural powers can act as the carrier of the eye of all things.

But this is also just right. For Chu Feng, the Eye of All Things is too greedy to chew. Chu Feng can't absorb the inheritance memory of the Zerg at all. Now there is only a negligible little bit, but it is easier to digest.

The essence of power is not how much you have, but how much you have.

In the state of the weakened version of the Eye of All Things, the field of vision in front of Chu Feng's eyes has become a frame composed of lines and outlines, and the essence of everything is clearly visible before his eyes.

When he looked at a tree, the tree in his eyes was no longer a tree.

Bark, trunks, branches, leaves and other structures are all transparent in his eyes. Not only that, even when the tree breathes, the process of internal exchange of oxygen and energy is invisible to him.

"Perspective eyes, unfortunately, are not good for peeping."

Chu Feng thought maliciously.

With his current state, of course there is no need to peep.

The beauties who are really attracted by him, as long as he beckons, the other party can jump on the bed by himself, take off his clothes, and still need to see through perspective?

This is just a man's dream.

However, in Chu Feng's field of vision, the skeletal blood vessels in the organism, including the flow of blood and energy, cannot be concealed. It is not impossible to see through only, but it is just too difficult.

The most important thing is that in this state, he can't generate desire at all.

When he opened the Eye of All Things, the mental fluctuations naturally entered the sage's time. Observing with the calmest mindset, this is the most in line with the true meaning of the Eye of All Things.

After studying the function of the Eye of All Things, Chu Feng reached the rule of law again.

Examining himself with the eyes of all things, Chu Feng observed the origin in his body.

In the body of every life, there is a part of the origin of the world it was born into. The growth process of life will nurture and grow this original strength, and after death it will return to the world.

If it is an intelligent life, especially a civilized intelligent life, soul flowers and soul fruits will grow in the flesh, and the constant original power will grow.

The talent of the magical powers is the promotion of origin and soul.

Chu Feng's body originally didn't have various abilities. It was only by relying on the Yuan Talisman to make others mistakenly think that he was a full-line abilities. Later, Chu Feng also relied on continuous use to master Changes in various attributes.

In addition, although most of the original power that has absorbed the Holy Land of the Ten Thousand Races is consumed, the part of the original power that remains in Chu Feng's body is also immeasurable.

However, when Chu Feng was observing the internal power, he made new discoveries.

When the various origins are intertwined, a brand new origin power will appear.

This source of power is looming and easily undetectable.

However, whenever the source of power changes, this special source will appear.

"This origin is not the true origin, but the change itself."

Chu Feng was thoughtful. At this moment, his inspiration flashed, and a thought appeared in his mind.

"This is the power of time."

Chu Feng suddenly understood that time cannot exist alone, there is no matter, no space, and time without its carrier does not exist.

Even if it is taken out alone, the law of time does not exist.

Just like the Yin-Yang Dao that Chu Feng inadvertently realized, the Yin-Yang Dao does not have its origin, and it is not even possible to prove its existence with energy, laws, and magical powers, but it does exist.

It can be used even if it cannot be sensed.

All the opposites in the world are Yin and Yang.

As long as you understand this, you can use it directly even if you don't know the progress of Yin Yang Dao.

The same is true for space. There is no elemental power of space attributes. When you use space abilities and laws of space, you must consume elementless or all-attribute elemental power.

The same is true for time, but a little more special.

The laws of all element systems exist at the same time and coexist with space. When changes occur, the laws of time can exist, and the abilities of time can be effective.

Such harsh conditions of existence also make the process of developing time abilities difficult.

Even Chu Feng, who was a time ability person, had limited discovery of time ability.

Even in mysterious ancient books, there are magical powers that involve the realm of time.

The time supernatural power is the closest to time, but the time supernatural power itself cannot cultivate the time ability, and can only use the way of substitution of all things, so that the user itself has the potential to develop the time ability.

Just like radio gymnastics can't let people master the skills of fighting, but it can let people have the physical quality to support fighting.

Now, when Chu Feng developed the Eye of Everything, everything in the world and all the laws of nature can be seen in full view.

When he saw all the laws, he naturally saw time.

As he clearly understood the law of time, a clear vein appeared before his eyes, gradually woven into a giant net, and the center of this giant net was Chu Feng.

In the place where the giant net extends, is a person beside Chu Feng.

Zhang Ziqing, Su Yuyan, Su Yuan, Jiang Xinyue, Thunder Corpse Dragon, Lava Giant, Deep Sea Green Demon Flood, and Zhao Fan, Xu Yan, and Lu Ming are all present on the time web.

The closer you are to him, the more you will be affected by the web of time.

Similarly, in addition to the time network with Chu Feng as the core, there is also a giant network of the stars and stars in the universe. This is the network of time in the big world and the time axis of the universe.

"It’s probably impossible to go back in time. This is against the entire universe. However, it is possible to have some impact on time in certain areas. I did not come to the present from the future, but live in an independent time. After ten years, it is not a parallel plane, that time horizon originally existed for me."

When Chu Feng saw the Net of Time, everything became clear in his eyes.

The fact that time abilities do not meet each other is also reflected in the influence of the field.

At the same time, his eyes fell on the sealed Yurou body.

Chu Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and a chain woven of starlight was wrapped around Chu Feng's body, but only Chu Feng could see this chain like a starlight.

This is the field where Chu Feng has formed the time abilities, and it is also a brand new ability that has been formed by pulling out the web of time with himself as the core, using the sealing method of binding the gods.

This is the blocking power of time, which can only act on Chu Feng himself.

The effect is to strip out Chu Feng's time.

"This ability is called the Lock of Time!"

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