Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1374: Yuanfu transformation

Chu Feng nodded in satisfaction to Tian Jing.

Tian Jing is not a meticulous and open-minded smart person like Xu Yan, nor is she a politically talented person like Su Yuan. She is talented in cultivation and fighting, and she can barely give an excellent evaluation. In most respects, Not so prominent.

However, she also has her own advantages.

He is very clear about his position, and he can convince people around him to see his position clearly.

I will never say anything that shouldn't be said, and I will never do more than do. Faced with the things explained above, I may not be able to make unexpected results, but I will definitely implement meticulously without any compromise.

On the basis of doing this, she will strive for as many benefits as possible for herself.

With Chu Feng's current status, there is actually no need to engage in nasty things.

But some things, after all, it is more convenient to leave them to specialized people.

The equipment given to Tian Jing and the others were actually Chu Feng's experimental products.

After obtaining the memories of a small part of the Zerg race, Chu Feng selected some of them and made a batch of beetles, which can withstand several attacks from the 8th-order powerhouse.

If it can be equipped on a large scale, it will play a very important role on the battlefield.

Unfortunately, if used to deal with bugs, it would be a disaster.

As long as the Zerg produces the corresponding corrosive items, they can easily corrode these beetles. Therefore, if the beetle is equipped on a large scale, it is good to deal with the high planes, and it will be a disaster to deal with the bugs.

After assigning tasks to everyone, Chu Feng left the conference hall.

Then, his body left this space and came to another world.

There, a beautiful woman wearing a blue scarf was waiting for Chu Feng.

If it hadn't been for her fascination in bed, Chu Feng would really think that she was a fairy who could not eat fireworks.

However, Chu Feng came this time, not for that kind of thing.

"Yi Qiuling, you said that the improvement of Yuan Talisman has made progress?"

Facing the news that Yi Qiuling had told herself through the message, Chu Feng also seemed a little anxious.

When he was trying to improve the Yuan Talisman, it turned out that Yi Qiuling made progress.

"Yes, look at this."

Yi Qiuling handed a leaf to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng took the leaf, and he couldn't feel Yi Qiuling's vitality on this leaf.

Such a discovery made Chu Feng's eyes full of surprises.

The biggest obstacle to the popularization of Yuanfu is to hand it over to others to draw.

If it were Chu Feng, he could forcefully use the seal technique to pin the power of the Yuan Talisman on an object, and the cards handed to Han Yunxiao were his own test items.

But it would be too difficult to leave it to others.

The control of Yuanli is a problem.

In contrast, obstacles such as materials are much smaller.

If Yi Qiuling can let others draw Yuan Talisman, that would be an important breakthrough.

But after Chu Feng observed carefully, he frowned.

"It's too rough. It's just an ice-bound element talisman. In the process of drawing, at least 90% of the element power was wasted. The effect of the use should not be satisfactory. At most, it can only exert 30% of the power. Killing Tier 3 is difficult and it is a failure."

Yuan Fu is an artwork with rigorous structure.

Accustomed to the exquisite Yuan Talisman, Chu Feng couldn't stand this kind of inferior goods.

"Actually, your request is too high. The true value of Yuan Talisman is not in its power, but in the value of its stored Yuan Power, which can exert additional effects in addition to its own combat power." Yi Qiu Ling said.

If in battle, a person's combat power is 50, after possessing Yuan Talisman, the combat power may become 51 or 52, and it may exert a powerful effect at critical times.

"It is true, but you overlooked another issue."

Chu Feng shook his head. "The study of Yuan Talisman itself requires time and energy. If you expect this method to increase your combat effectiveness, you might as well use this time to improve your combat skills. Even logistics personnel can use this time to work. The frontline personnel produced a piece of equipment and sew a tough leather armor and backpack. The strategic significance also surpassed the inferior Yuan Talisman itself."

What is most important to human beings today?

Time is the most important.

Human beings are very confident in their talents and development prospects.

Many people chanted the slogan: Give us time and we can punish the highest plane.

However, what humans lack most is time.

In the future, the nine kings of the last days, each of them is a strong man who dominates one side.

But, so what?

The foundation and bottom of humanity have been taken away.

The human race in the future will fail completely in the race against time. According to Chu Feng's estimation, the extinction of mankind will be within two or three years.

Similarly, learning meta-characters also takes time, and drawing meta-characters also takes time. If the value created during this period is insufficient, it is a waste of time.

Yi Qiuling's vision is very good, first achieve a breakthrough from zero to something, and then slowly improve.

But, where do humans have so much time? If you can't take care of it now, where is there time to think about the long-term future?

"So, what if you only learn one Yuan Talisman?" Yi Qiuling asked rhetorically, "A hundred people only learn one."

"One hundred people, only learn one?" Chu Feng was startled.

He didn't expect that a person would only learn one Yuanfu.

For such a complicated thing, most people only need to master one.

"Yes, after I returned to Yi's house, I found a total of more than 100 candidates who are qualified to draw Yuan Talisman. After communicating with each other and discussing with each other, these people gave such a result, although in your opinion, This is a crude and unbearable work, but if a hundred people or even more people work together to make a Yuan Talisman, it can produce some results."

Yi Qiuling took out thousands of ice crystal leaves again, "It took only two months, and their progress is very obvious. The work you have is the best one, and each of them can make it every day. 100, maybe the strategic significance is not great now, but combined, it can still create some value."

"It seems that I still underestimated the difficulty of Yuanfu."

Chu Feng supported the leaves with his vitality and came to him with a wry smile, "A low-level ice-bound Yuan Talisman needs so much time, I'm afraid Yuan Talisman is only the patent of genius!"

Talented people among humans are usually cultivated to fight.

Everything must serve the battle.

Before mankind can win the premise of peaceful development, fighting will be the theme of everything.

Under such circumstances, the quality of people studying Yuanfu is not high.

A hundred people studied a Yuan Talisman, and Chu Feng really doubted, is this kind of thing valuable?

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