Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1389: Northern battlefield

After the end of the second escape drill, many survivors had already spontaneously grouped together, agreeing to help each other and live together when facing a real crisis and must escape.

After all, many wild survival skills explained in the escape manual are the more people the better.

This is not propaganda from a spiritual perspective, but a benefit perspective.

The above contrasts the many differences between unity and dispersion, especially the vague point out that when united together, even in the face of thieves, there is at least resistance.

From another perspective, when the supplies are extremely scarce, the united people become thieves, and they can also grab more things.

These things will not be mentioned in the face, but will be hinted through concrete examples.

It's no wonder that the military teaches people to learn badly. It is really compelling.

When a race is alive and dead, people who are easier to live are definitely not saints.

Survival is their priority, unity is second, and morality is not on the list.

Too many people may seem bloated, but within twenty or thirty people, everyone is responsible for a fixed division of labor, and the probability of survival will be much greater than that of acting alone.

Now, the military has distributed some special items to these small groups of private groups.

The most striking thing is the apocalyptic survival base vehicle.

Although unlike the Red Police, a base vehicle can build a military base.

But in the base vehicle, high-quality crop growth soil and seeds, separate water circulation purification system, air circulation purification system, including mineral smelting tools are all ready, it is simply a mobile survival base.

Especially for those who have children and the children do not have the ability to survive alone, this is even more gospel from heaven.

As long as a survival base vehicle allows children to use it proficiently in a month, even children who have just learned to read have a great chance to survive for several months.

This kind of apocalyptic survival base vehicle has brought a great sense of security to many anxious people.

Moreover, in the base vehicle, a separate space is left for people.

This allows many people who fled with the help of the base vehicle to take away their accumulated wealth in the vehicle.

However, some people questioned: The base vehicle is larger than the largest truck in the old age, and it is too eye-catching in the world, and it is easy to encounter the Zerg hunting and hunting.

However, the military quickly dispelled everyone's doubts.

[We have built many underground survival bases in various parts of China. The underground survival bases have complete and independent hydropower systems. It is only due to insufficient materials and when a real crisis comes, many bases must be abandoned. Let the supplies be carried by every survivor. 】

[When we need to abandon the existing survival base, the survivors can take their belongings away, and when they find the underground shelter, they can replenish the underground shelter as quickly as possible. 】

This explanation has been convinced by many survivors.

The supplies of the last days have indeed appeared very abundant in the last two years.

However, everyone has also experienced the most difficult era, the era when even food is grabbed from the mouth of zombies.

The underground refuge has a general framework, and survivors bring their supplies into the refuge to take shelter, so as to ensure that every supply is used in key places.

At the end, the military propaganda staff also added a fatal sentence.

[The above escape exercises are all designed based on the current situation of the Teddy Bear Empire and the Mi Empire. 】

I don’t know who came up with this sentence.

However, with the contrast, the survivors have a greater sense of security.

Not many people question the correctness of this statement. After all, many of China's Demon Hunters have been fighting outside for a long time, and they can also get a lot of news from their mouths.

When the third escape drill was held three days later, the survivors not only did not feel panic, but felt a great sense of security.

As for the Teddy Bear Empire and the Rice Empire.

They are experiencing a real escape.

Siberia, this is the forbidden zone of life in the old age, has abundant natural resources, but cannot be exploited because of the harsh environment. It is in the extraordinary age that humans have such technology.

However, most of the mines here are demonized legions that have been made into puppets.

In order to gather funds and collect crystal nuclei, Chu Feng sold more than 1 million demonized legions to the Teddy Bear Empire and the Mi Empire in the following few years, so that the public could exploit the resources here.

After the outbreak of the worm crisis, this place became the most severe battlefield.

There are large survival bases in other places, and there are a lot of troops to resist the insect influx. Although there are still many casualties, it is obviously easier to continue with mutual support.

But here, he fell into a situation of isolation and helplessness.

Fortunately, those demonized legions still have enough combat power, especially small nuclear bombs or metal hydrogen bombs are placed on each of the demon puppets, which can delay some time with self-detonation.

It's just that the time they can delay is getting less and less.

"Why don't the reinforcements come?"

A soldier of the Bear Empire looked at the officer with a bleak expression, "Is there no reinforcements? Are we just like this?"

The sadness of fighting alone can only be experienced by personal experience.

"What nonsense are you talking about? As long as the Bear Empire is still there, they won't give up their fighters!"

The officer yelled, but under the cover of the thunderous sound, his hands could not help shaking.

He suddenly realized that he had said something stupid.

In the face of such a disaster, does the Teddy Bear Empire still exist?

"But China is just south of us. They are organizing military exercises!"

The soldiers’ eyes were full of grief and pain, “Why do they hold military exercises at this time? Because all disasters are blocked by them, what is our bear empire doing?”

The officer opened his mouth, but was not talking.

He looked around, and the soldiers around him looked haggard and were about to collapse.

The outbreak of the worm crisis was not long enough to defeat their will. However, while responding to the worm crisis, the Chinese soldiers took all the Chinese miners from Siberia, not the soldiers stationed here. Home, but took every soldier and the demon hunter, even the miners.

In the process, they also learned some of China's situation.

In the last few days, they discovered that Huaxia was actually conducting escape drills.

This is the root cause of their collapse.

Others are doing exercises, but they are really trying to escape!

When they were fighting the insects desperately, China Huaxia had blocked all the dangers outside the country.

Such a strong contrast and gap broke their will.

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