Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1392: Lessons for the Silver Wolf King

After cultivating a batch of Zerg that restrained the wolf tribe, Chu Feng immediately sealed the worms.

In a long time, he should not use these.

This is not to prepare for future troubles, but to bring the Silver Wolf King a deep memory again when the Silver Wolf King's mind is not sober in the future, and let the Silver Wolf King remember the lessons of blood.

For the Snow Wolf family, especially the Silver Wolf King, Chu Feng actually had great expectations.

However, this expectation is not the power of the wolf clan.

The wolf race's speed, sense of smell, ability to survive in the wild, and adaptation to harsh environments are all innate. If it is a human, it is not known how long it will take to do the same thing.

Even if it is acquired training, human beings can master this ability is still a minority.

Even if it is really trained, the casualty rate on the battlefield is very high.

Only a few elites can survive on the battlefield.

This is why Chu Feng named Han Yunxiao's team the reconnaissance camp.

This is the title of Huaxia Special Forces.

We can't blame human beings for not having this talent. In fact, human beings can master abilities that they haven't mastered innately through hard work and learning. This is already a miracle on the path of evolution.

At least on Earth.

However, Chu Feng was unwilling to cause too many casualties in this regard.

Whether it is the initial investment or the acquired training, battlefield losses, including pensions, are astronomical figures, and the cost is simply incalculable.

Instead of spending a huge price to train a few elites, it is better to hand over to a professional race, and then use a few elites to take care of such a race. The Silver Wolf King is Chu Feng's most optimistic.

However, although the Silver Wolf King is intelligent, it is not human intelligence.

It is always confused about positioning.

There is nothing wrong with the wolf race's desire for freedom.

Chu Feng didn't mind the wolf tribe's desire for freedom, or even the possibility of rebellion and killing of their masters. However, what he disliked the wolf tribe most was that it always didn't know its position.

The Silver Wolf King has been trying to make the wolf tribe a completely independent race. This idea is not wrong, but it does not understand that no race in this world can be completely independent.

Even if it is the relationship between predation and predation, different races are dependent on each other.

Don't human beings at the top of the food chain also need rice and wheat?

Does this mean that the destiny of mankind is controlled by plants?

The Silver Wolf King had this idea, and put it into action, placing many young wolves in the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races, snowfields, Kangaroo Island grasslands and other places. The hope of bringing to the ethnic group.

Chu Feng also didn't like the most mouthful, and the Silver Wolf King did not accept the mouthful.

The most profound lesson to the wolf clan is blood.

The invasion of the Zerg is Chu Feng's opportunity.

In this way, more than 20 hours passed before Chu Feng returned to the Silver Wolf King.

On the snowy field, it has been stained red with blood, and countless Zerg corpses are lying on the snowy field.

The Silver Wolf King stood lonely on a hill, with a piece of insect nest at his feet.

Under the courageous charge of the wolf tribe, even the Worm's Nest was torn apart.

However, its expression was full of sadness.

Around it, the number of wolves is already less than 800.

The more than 20 giant wolves who have been following by its side, reaching the 8th rank peak, now only four are still by its side, and there are no more wolf cubs who have been protected by the giant wolf.

There is no wolf clan who is unwilling to protect the cub, it is really impossible to protect it.

"how is it?"

Chu Feng came to the side of the Silver Wolf King and let out the sky full of flames and sword aura, igniting the insects in the distance. Those insects that were about to attack the wolf clan were burned by Chu Feng before they got close.

The Silver Wolf King spoke with mental fluctuations: "Master, am I wrong?"

The Silver Wolf King seldom spoke, and would only express his wishes with mental fluctuations when necessary.

However, now the silver wolf king's heart is full of confusion.

Hearing the confusion of the Silver Wolf King, Chu Feng was very surprised. When he had enough confidence to master the wolf clan, the smarter the wolf clan, the happier he was because it was easy to use.

Confusion itself is also synonymous with wisdom.

As for the danger? Think about it when the earth passes the disaster!

Chu Feng pointed to a withered grass not far away: "Your wolf clan does not have grass roots in the ground, and the ability to draw nutrients from the earth and energy from the sun has never been seen by you! "

The confusion of the Silver Wolf King did not come from doubts about power, but from doubts about race evolution.

In the past 20 hours, in order to fight the insects, the Silver Wolf King had no idea how many subtle tactics and cooperation he had come up with to maximize his commanding ability.

It asked itself that it had done its best, but the wolf tribe still suffered heavy casualties.

After just exercise and reflection, it can develop more sophisticated tactics, but it will not have much impact on the battle.

If the wolf clan fights the insects alone, its destruction is an inevitable result.

In order to fight the insects, a large number of wolves drank the power potions that Chu Feng had prepared for them.

The strength of the wolf clan who drank the potion increased more than 10 times, and the wolf clan gained 10 times the power. The wolf clan slaughtered the four directions in the worm tide, however, it did not cause much influence on the battle situation.

At this time, the Silver Wolf King understood why Chu Feng had given them medicine.

He wanted the wolf clan to see that even if the wolf clan's power suddenly increased tenfold, it would still be the consequence of destruction.

When the Silver Wolf King understood this, there were only less than 800 giant wolves left beside him.

The silver wolf king's heart was full of confusion and panic.

The roots of the snow wolves are in the small world of the Yuan Palace. If the roots of the snow wolves are here, will the snow wolves be annihilated?

With the IQ of the Silver Wolf King, of course, he can make the most accurate judgment.

There is no possibility of being spared by the wolf race.

Even if the wolf clan turns the power brought by those medicines into its own power, it is impossible to do it.

Therefore, Chu Feng's answer is that every creature has the characteristics of every creature, and IQ has been transformed into a way that the wolf tribe can understand.

The Silver Wolf King said with disdain: "How can the grass compare to us?"

"In my eyes, the wolf clan is also green grass, and in the eyes of these insects, your wolf clan is also green grass." Chu Feng said flatly.

The Silver Wolf King was silent. The cunning wolf clan would not be brave, and would not fight to the end when encountering an unresistible enemy, but would choose to escape and then find a way to deal with it.

So, of course, the Silver Wolf King would not refute Chu Feng's words with words, and he couldn't refute it in actions.

Whether the Silver Wolf King wants to admit it or not, the wolf tribe is an evolutionary failed creature compared to the zerg tribe.

The countless wolf clan corpses eaten by insects are the most powerful evidence.

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