Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1397: The destruction of the Biochemical Army

The biomechanical beasts, with red eyes, killed them.

Every key part of the biochemical mechanical beast has been transformed into a body of steel, and it carries weapons such as cannonballs on its shoulders, turning itself into a war machine.

Now with the protection of those worms, the biochemical mechanical beast has become extremely powerful.

The biochemical mechanical beast that hadn't killed the addiction just now went into the battlefield again.

Regardless of the enemy and me, the biochemical mechanical beasts enter the battlefield and begin to kill them.

Those soldiers who were cleaning the battlefield and had not had time to retreat turned out to be their first targets. In a blink of an eye, more than 10,000 soldiers were directly torn apart by the biochemical beasts, and then swallowed with big mouths. Went in.

The soldiers who had not had time to be killed screamed desperately.

"No, you can't do this."

"God will punish you."

"I curse you to go to **** after you die."

"We are all believers in the Lord, how dare you do this?"

Glancing at the high-levels with angry and worried expressions on their faces, Misius shook his head secretly.

In fact, now is not the best time to release the biochemical beasts. The best time is to wait until the large forces withdraw, and then release the biochemical beasts that are not separate from the enemy.

However, there is a fatal danger in this way.

Those bugs themselves possess powerful combat effectiveness. When most of the soldiers return to the wall of the survival base, some of those bugs will inevitably come to the wall.

If you want to repel these bugs, you must rely on the combat power of these soldiers on the wall.

In fact, the soldiers on the city walls are also good at fighting. After all, they are the bodyguards of these six-corner high-level buildings, and there are space-based superhumans like Michels. It is still very easy to keep the lives of these high-levels.

But they don't want to take such risks.

If these insects have the ability to be highly poisonous or self-detonate, they will probably cause a lot of casualties.

Although their bodyguards are also good, but what if?

As the top of the Mi Empire, of course they are not willing to take risks with their bodies.

Rather than let these noble characters be threatened with death, it is better to release those biochemical mechanical beasts early and get rid of all the enemies.

Michels saw what these people were thinking, but didn't stop it.

Stupid people have the use of stupid people.

The sacrifice of some ordinary people is nothing at all.

Now is not the time for him to turn his face.

After the biochemical mechanical beast shredded the soldiers of the Mi Empire, it came to the worm and instantly tore a large number of giant worms. The war knife in his hand easily split the worm's carapace, and a large amount of viscous liquid poured down.

Michels kept a calm expression, but in a blink of an eye, his expression changed.

When the viscous liquid fell on the biochemical mechanical beast, the body of the biochemical mechanical beast actually slowed down, and they were wrapped in the viscous liquid, just like moths falling into the water.

Tens of thousands of giant insects were torn apart by the biochemical beasts, but these biochemical beasts were also wrapped in insect fluid.

The biochemical mechanical beast struggled in the insect fluid, but the intensity of the struggle was getting smaller and smaller.

Gradually, signs of dissolution appeared on their bodies.

"No, let these biochemical beasts come back soon."

The top officials of the Mi Empire saw this scene, their eyes were full of horror.

These biochemical mechanical beasts are the crystallization of their wisdom.

But they never expected that these insects would use this method to deal with biochemical beasts.

These viscous liquids, without knowing what it came from, dissolved these biochemical mechanical beasts. If there were more insects, would the scientific research achievements of the Mi Empire over the years have been wasted?

Misius's complexion also became very ugly.

He had suspected that there would be problems with these equipment, but he didn't expect that the problem would be the biochemical mechanical beast. It would be useless no matter how hard the shell was wrapped in these insect fluids.

Is the body of the biomechanical beast fragile?

No, their bodies are harder than steel bodies.

But, such a body of steel, just melted in the worm fluid?

This scene caused miscalculation of despair in Mesius's heart.

Those high-levels madly gave orders to the soldiers around them to rescue these precious biochemical mechanical beasts, but in Michele's eyes, the defeat was already set.

"These bugs are very cumbersome. If humans wear these powerful equipment and fight with these bugs, they may suffer a loss if they are caught off guard at first, but humans who learn their lessons will definitely pay attention to these bugs and use long-range attacks. After solving the battle and taking some small losses, you will never give these bugs a chance again."

Michels' heart summed up the gains and losses of this battle.

Originally in his opinion, the biochemical mechanical beast was the killing weapon on the battlefield.

But this war changed his mind.

It can be said unceremoniously that even a legion composed of humans of Tier 6 will perform better than these biochemical mechanical beasts when fighting these insects.

At least humans will draw lessons from their failures. These biochemical mechanical beasts will not. Once their behavior patterns are fixed and they are cracked by the enemy, it will be a mass of waste.

In less than 5 minutes, nearly 10,000 biochemical mechanical beasts were killed.

On the distant horizon, black worms appeared from the night.

Looking at the endless sea of ​​insects, the senior officials of the Mi Empire were filled with despair. They shouted to the soldiers around them:

"No, go and fight those bugs."

"We must stop those bugs from getting close."

"Where are the biochemical beasts? And the biochemical beasts? Let them out, kill me, and kill all the bugs."

"You procrastinate here, Michels, take us back to the hexagonal building. We have to reformulate our military strategy against the bugs. After sending us back, the battlefield here will be under your command, Michels, Michel Si?"

These high-levels were in a panic and gave orders one by one.

Especially Michels, that is their hope of escape.

As long as Michels took them back to the hexagonal building, they could quickly reformulate their military strategy.

These bugs are not their opponents.

They believe so.

However, they discovered that Misius had no intention of doing this.

"Misius, I order you as the chairman of the Supreme Military Council of the Mi Empire, and now I will take us back to the hexagonal building immediately. This is related to the survival of our entire Mi Empire." A high-ranking serious team Misius of the Mi Empire. Ordered, "A momentary success or failure is nothing. We must consider the entire army."

"Well, it is related to the survival of the Mi Empire." Misius nodded indifferently.

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