Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1399: Capturing the abilities alive

"You, what did you do."

Before Matthews had time to consider whether to fight or flee, he felt the vitality in his body stagnate for a while, as if frozen from the state of air currents.

He suddenly realized why the soldiers around him stopped moving.

Chu Feng had already shot.

And it was a sneak attack!

Dignified the strongest on the earth, unexpectedly attacked them?

I am afraid that not many people believe this kind of thing.

Where is your strong dignity?

Michels didn't know what to say, but he couldn't speak either. He was able to cast a teleport just now, and it was already the limit to say a word.

"If you don't speak, I will take it as your default."

With a wave of Chu Feng, Misius left the survival base with hundreds of elite soldiers around him, as if he had never appeared here before.

There were some soldiers from the survival base nearby, but they were too weak and were directly beheaded by him.

As for the remaining survival base survivors?

In this worm tide, it is estimated that he will not survive much, and Chu Feng does not bother to waste this energy.

As Michels thought, Chu Feng's attack was a sneak attack.

Of course, this was not Chu Feng deliberately attacking in order to increase his certainty, it had almost become his instinct.

As for the dignity of the strong?

Chu Feng really didn't care.

If it is in normal times or in public places, Chu Feng will also maintain a little for his own image.

But this was on the battlefield, and Misius was not weak either. Although he couldn't handle Chu Feng's move, it was a fighting attitude.

Although Michels was strong, he had never been on the front line. Even if he took a shot on the battlefield, he did it at the most critical moment. He didn't know the cruelty of the battlefield of life and death.

Everyone who has been on the battlefield knows what is the difference between specialization and miscellaneousness? The dignity of the strong and the self-confidence of the strong are farts.

On the battlefield, how useful is how to come.

Don't talk nonsense if you can kill it with a single blow.

Of course, when you don't know the opponent's strength, you don't mind being an actor.

Every word on the battlefield is for survival.

Because of the change in status and status, Chu Feng has contracted some bad habits that shouldn't be caught, but some things have not changed.

Before he appeared, he directly used the God-Binding Lock.

Speaking of which, Bound Shensuo is one of his unique skills and has always been valued by Chu Feng.

Later, in order to develop a satisfactory domain, Chu Feng has been making various attempts. As a result, the domain has not been developed until now, but the power of the God Lock is getting stronger and stronger.

After comprehending the lock of time, Chu Feng's perception of the lock of the gods took another step.

Now, the form of God-Bound Lock is almost invisible.

Under careful observation, those people should be able to see the black silk threads floating in the air, forming a huge network, enclosing all the soldiers in it.

They are like insects on a spider web, there is no way to break free.

Michels was just a stronger bug, struggling to make it, but it was only a sudden.

Under such an advantageous situation, and at the same time, it was the time when God-Bound Lock further sealed the resistance of these people. Only then did Chu Feng say a few irrelevant nonsense.

Even when it was time to talk nonsense, Chu Feng was feeling the power of God-Binding Lock.

The god-binding locks in the past were based on the methods of mysterious ancient books, coupled with Chu Feng's understanding and use.

If the Bind God Lock is compared to a weapon, Chu Feng builds a weapon according to the map, and can play the role of a weapon, and it is constantly improving in actual combat.

Most people's attitude towards unlearning is to master it, and then continue to explore.

As for the development process?

It doesn't matter whether it is deliberate development or accidental inspiration.

Absolute learning is used to kill people, not to engage in academic research.

However, if you want to make the jerkiness reach its peak, you must have the essence of the jerkiness.

Chu Feng now uses the God Binding Lock to change thousands of different usages as he wants, whether it is to seal the body's actions, seal the vitality, or seal the soul, all within a single thought.

Such a realm is what Chu Feng pursues.

Therefore, under his sneak attack, Misius and the surrounding hundreds of the most elite masters of the Mi Empire, none of them had the ability to resist, they were all taken down by Chu Feng.

If it weren't for Chu Feng to comprehend the usage of Binding God Lock, even nonsense would have to wait until he returned to Yuan Mansion to talk about it.

After coming to Chu Feng's small world, Misius felt cold in his heart.

He was caught alive?

In just an instant, he lost his ability to move, let alone moving his body and mobilizing his vital energy, even using his spiritual power to explore the surroundings was impossible.

What kind of magic is this?

It is too exaggerated to let a 9th-tier strong person have no resistance.

Michels had always thought that he was a self-aware person. Many people in the Mi Empire compared him with Chu Feng, but he had never imagined that he could defeat Chu Feng.

Because he asked himself, if he stood in Chu Feng's position, he would definitely not win that miraculous war.

Even with a 9th-tier identity, it is not enough to win a 7th-tier war.

In that case, what else can he compare to Chu Feng?

If it is a head-on fight, I am afraid he will be killed in a flash.

Only if he had taken the tree of life in the southern continent, perhaps he would have such a qualification.

But when Chu Feng really appeared in front of him, he knew how outrageous he was.

This is not a seckill at all.

He was like a baby in front of Chu Feng, and there was no room to fight back. He was not Chu Feng's opponent, plus the elite group of fighters in the entire Mi Empire.

After experiencing the initial panic, Misius gradually calmed down.

He is not dead yet.

He didn't think he was still alive, so he might struggle in Chu Feng's hands, but Chu Feng didn't kill him, that means Chu Feng didn't plan to kill him, otherwise why didn't he do it?

It must not be considering international influence!

He would not naively think that Chu Feng would be constrained by morals and the international situation.

If Chu Feng is really subject to these constraints, he must be able to obtain more benefits under the circumstances of accepting these constraints, just like himself.

When Chu Feng's figure appeared in front of him again, Misius was surprised to find that he had recovered the ability to speak.

This was not because he broke free of the shackles himself, but because Chu Feng deliberately recovered.

At this moment, he seemed to understand something.

"I am willing to express my surrender to Your Excellency Chu Feng, and to become your servant Chu Feng forever, and I am willing to present a complete rice empire as a loyal gift to his subordinates."

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