Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1402: Ability extraction plan

Han Yunxiao didn't resist either. He knew Chu Feng's strength. He couldn't resist what Chu Feng wanted to do to him.

Just through the induction of the soul aura, he confirmed that the person in front of him was Chu Feng.

In this case, there is no need to resist.

What's more, he didn't think that Chu Feng would do it himself.

Then, Han Yunxiao felt a strange power pouring into his body, as if his thinking had become a bit more agile, and the world in front of him was no longer what it looked like on the surface.

It seems that this world overlaps?

As long as you follow some strange ripples, you can overlap yourself with the distant place, and then change your position.

Thinking of this, he suddenly had a thought that appeared three meters away.

"Empty, space ability!"

Han Yunxiao looked at where he was just now in disbelief, eyes full of surprise.

He couldn't believe that he had actually become a space system superpower.

He certainly knows how difficult it is for the space system to be able to deal with. The space system is not necessarily the most powerful, but it must be the most difficult to kill.

If it were not for the shortcomings of unsuitable time after the space transfer, and the speed would be forced to zero, then the space system superseder would kill most of the same-level existence in seconds.

As long as it can break the defense, it can be killed.

Even with such restrictions, it is very easy for space-based supers to escape, because they only need a thought to initiate teleportation.

Unless there is a crushing gap between the strength of the two parties, even if the opponent initiates a spatial movement, you can rely on your reaction power and shot speed to kill the opponent while the opponent is not standing still.

After all, it is very difficult for the supernaturalists of the space system to teleport continuously.

Those who can live to the present space system supernatural powers are all powerful pronouns.

Now that he has mastered the ability of space like this?

Is this made by the lord?

Han Yunxiao's heart was full of surprises.

Chu Feng looked at the joy in Han Yunxiao's eyes, and said, "Although the capabilities of the Space System are powerful, you still need to use and develop it yourself. I hope you can keep it secret and use it when it is critical."

"Yes, City Lord." Han Yunxiao answered.

He only mastered the space system ability, but did not master the usage.

There is pride, but it is not complacent.

"By the way, do you feel anything? Especially the change in thinking?" Chu Feng asked.

Changes in thinking?

Although Han Yunxiao felt strange about this question, it was a question from the city lord, and he did not dare to deal with it casually.

So, he began to ask his own thoughts deep in his heart.

A few minutes later, Han Yunxiao said: "After possessing space-based abilities, I feel that many tactics that I didn't dare to use before can now be more adventurous. If my strength becomes stronger, I still dare not take more risks. What do I need to do with my strength? ?"

Chu Feng nodded and asked, "If your subordinates, such as Ruan Jian'an under yours, want to rebel and seize the power of the reconnaissance battalion from your hands, what would you do?"

"Things are just thoughts after all, and if you don't act, it is a fantasy."

Han Yunxiao replied without hesitation, "If he rushes into action, I will punish him according to the consequences he may cause. If he wants to rely on prestige and record to seize power in a fair manner, I will compete fairly with him."

"What if it is Zou Mengxuan?"

Chu Feng asked again.

Han Yunxiao thought for a few seconds this time before repliing: "If it were Zou Mengxuan, I would care more about what he wants these powers to do. After all, he can't be a person who pursues power. For him, the power is the most. Just a tool."

Chu Feng nodded and said, "The thing I just gave you can make people gain supernatural powers, but the output of this kind of thing is a bit complicated, so don't expose it."

"Yes." Han Yunxiao promised without hesitation.

"Well, you can continue to do your own thing."

Chu Feng waved his hand, and his body disappeared from the same place.

Han Yunxiao is a little confused, is this gone?

Seeing Chu Feng's figure disappeared, Han Yunxiao had to return to the reconnaissance camp.

And Chu Feng, who had returned to the small world, also breathed a sigh of relief.

“It’s normal for people who have acquired space system abilities to be affected by power, and this is true for anyone who has acquired powerful abilities. Han Yunxiao’s changes are negligible, and his essential thinking habits have not changed, plus I don’t feel it. As long as his soul and will are anything different, this method should be safe."

Although he had worked out a way for people to obtain supernatural powers, Chu Feng did not easily promote it.

After all, to allow a person to acquire an ability, it is necessary to kill a person with an ability of at least the same level.

The space power of Han Yunxiao's body is also available at the expense of top space powers like Misius.

You know, Matthews is one of the nine kings of the last days in the future.

Killing one to complete the other is essentially a waste of resources.

Chu Feng could hunt down the high-level supernatural powers of the Mi Empire in cold blood, but it didn't make sense. There were only so many true powers in the Mi Empire, and most of them became the source of supernatural powers in his own hands.

Of course, there are still many supernatural powers all over the Mi Empire, not many of Tier 9 and many of Tier 7 and 8.

It's just that these are of no use.

For Chu Feng, now is not the time to destroy the Mi Empire. Similarly, after killing these abilities, how many thousands of abilities are captured? What impact can this have on the overall situation?


Huaxia now can't be changed by thousands of abilities.

Because Huaxia is too powerful now.

Any regular army regiment, if it reaches the regiment level, it must have the ability to kill the 9th rank strong, and it is to counter the ability to have the 9th rank strong to lead troops.

If this requirement is not met, then go to the reserve battalion and logistic soldiers to exercise.

China, where the strong are like clouds, is just that wayward.

Even if it is a folk master, the 7th-level strong are emerging in an endless stream. If the weak are allowed to gain the power of supernatural powers, Chu Feng feels a waste, but the strong gains the original power, then it is icing on the cake.

Might as well continue to study.

Chu Feng had no such plan to catch a powerful person with supernatural powers for research.

However, aren't there many powerful "superiors" in his Yuan Palace?

For the time being, the Snow Wolf clan, the strong in the **** are endless, the 7th-level strong is the lord of a small tribe, and the earth is the village chief in the village.

Chu Feng grabbed tens of thousands of rank 7 powerhouses, it was not a problem at all.

Even the vitality is badly injured, it is estimated that I can't talk about it.

"The extraction of powerful abilities mainly uses the power of time to completely annihilate the enemy's consciousness, but if it is the original power left by the **** powerhouse, can people still obtain the magical abilities on the earth? "

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