Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1404: Yurou's awakening

The arrival of Zixue, in Chu Feng's eyes, was just a child's show off.

Chu Feng didn't ignore her either, but instructed her to use some Yuan Talisman methods.

A few hours later, Zixue happily devoted himself to the research of Yuan Talisman.

It has been a few years now, Zixue has only mastered the 7th-level Yuan Talisman production, there is only one of the simplest, not because her talent is too low, but because for the purple-patterned demons, this is not A means, but a system.

The current system of the earth is actually inherited from the existing system.

Ability is endowed by the will of the earth's world. The martial artist system is the crystallization of Chinese civilization. The martial artist of the genetic evolution route is also the combination of the purification of civilization and extraordinary power.

The combination of Yuan Talisman and Purple Demon Race, although it is also a fusion on the basis of the old system.

However, the purple-patterned demons are naturally unable to use their own energy!

The purple-patterned demons possess superb cultivation talents, but they use zero talents.

Therefore, this difficulty is as ridiculous as combining the hieroglyphs of square characters with cuneiform characters, and then creating note-like characters.

Fortunately, Zixue's talent is good, coupled with a pure heart, this is the only way to persevere.

After comforting Zixue, Chu Feng also felt that he should recruit the Zixue Demon Race to do something.

The reproductive ability of the purple-patterned demon race is actually very poor, and the large number is because of the good protection, even in the process of sweeping the hell, the casualty rate is not too high.

However, the sage of Ziyun said that even 90% death of the Ziyun Demon Race is acceptable.

The premise is that Zixue is fine.

However, in Chu Feng's view, people's ambitions and desires will grow with the growth of strength.

The Purple Cloud Sage said it nicely, but the purple-patterned demon clan used Chu Feng the most and was the most loyal. If the casualty rate of the purple-patterned demon clan was not kept to the lowest, even for several other races, he had to give it to himself. Find a way out.

Should they take the place of the Purple Veined Demon Race, would they also suffer the same treatment?

Any smarter race leader will consider this kind of problem.

Therefore, Chu Feng felt that unless the battle really collapsed, the maximum casualty rate of the Purple Demon Race could not exceed 30%, but it could not be less than 10%.

If they are too nice to them, maybe they will push their noses on their faces.

You know, their purpose of studying "Holy Pattern" is to be independent.

"Anyway, there is going to be a war soon. Save the research in this area and study it later!"

Although it is related to the improvement of strength, these studies obviously only leap forward when a large-scale war occurs in hell.

Chu Feng didn't want to invest too much energy now.

However, the study of original power and soul power also gave Chu Feng new ideas for the field of research.

Just when Chu Feng was about to build his own sanctuary model again, his face suddenly changed, and his eyes were filled with anger that would easily not be revealed.

He teleported to the side of Yurou who was sealed by him.

Yurou now should have been in a sealed state, but also in a deep sleep state.

When the Star God Clan was engaged in affairs last time, Yu Rou was briefly awakened, but was forcibly sealed by Chu Feng, otherwise, she would not be able to delay time.

"The Star God Race didn't do anything, what are you doing? Do you know that if you continue to do this, your soul will be emptied by the power of time! Do you have to trouble me?"

Chu Feng shouted angrily.

Why, Yurou, who was thinking of her in her previous life, will be like this when she meets herself again?

I'm already very annoying, and there are so many things to deal with, why is she still so ignorant of what's wrong?

Even if there are feelings, feelings need to be maintained, not for squandering!

What's more, he didn't allow anyone to stand in his way.

There are many people he wants to guard, and he does not exist for one person.

Yurou said with a weak voice: "But, do you know? What do I want?"

Chu Feng's body trembled slightly, but still said in a pretentiously calm tone:

"During the sealed period, you are just like ordinary sleeping, you will not feel the passage of time at all. As long as you are willing to fall asleep, everything will be fine when you wake up."

Yurou's force of driving time to make herself awake, in fact, is that she herself does not want to fall into deep sleep.

Moreover, if things go on like this, Yurou's soul will become weaker and weaker.

The use of power that does not belong to oneself, and it is overloaded, there is a price to pay.

"I do not want to!"

Yurou's voice angered Chu Feng again.

However, Chu Feng had nothing to do.

He has never been helpless for a moment like this.

"Become a piece of the Star Gods."

Chu Feng's anger disappeared instantly.

Yurou hasn't fully recovered yet, she is just reacting instinctively now.

Therefore, her words are entirely the instinct of the soul, and they are also the attachments etched in the depths of the soul.

"Everything will be resolved. I will negotiate with the Star God Clan. If they look down on me, they won't embarrass a woman. If they can look down on me, they won't have **** with me for a woman."

Chu Feng continued to persuade.

"No, you can't, you are, human, savior."

Yurou insisted.

Chu Feng was holding his hair painfully, why should he be so paranoid?

Why must I be so stubborn?

Why can't you believe me, do you have to go your own way?

He is a decisive person, but in front of this girl, he can't be cruel.

But why is she so paranoid.

"I can help you."

Yurou said intermittently.

Chu Feng released a part of Yurou's seal, so that her consciousness was awakened.

Then, Chu Feng's soul and Yurou's soul blended together.

"Do you know what I am going to do? How can you be sure that you can help me? You also know the curse of the time supernaturalist. Before I solve the curse, you will kill yourself by doing this."

In the face of Chu Feng's scolding, Yu Rou's consciousness remained unmoved, but gradually recovered her consciousness.

"Chu Feng, I'm sorry, maybe I am too paranoid, but I have already failed, and I have become a **** of the Star God Race, I can't hurt you anymore." Yu Judo.

"Is it that important to save the world?"

Chu Feng said coldly, "If saving the world is not for the people around me, then it doesn't matter if the world is not saved."

When I saw Yu Rou again in this life, Chu Feng knew that in Yu Rou's heart, the fate of saving the world was probably more important than himself.

Chu Feng didn't mind this matter, and he was not qualified to ask for it. The women around him were desperate for themselves.

However, Yurou's paranoia has penetrated into her soul.

"This is my mission."

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