Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 143: The best is what you can't get

Chu Feng said sternly: "Strength is the foundation of everything. If my strength is enough, my subordinates naturally dare not have special ideas, but if my strength is not enough, can I still use favors to persuade them to be loyal to me?"

"well said."

Xiao Tianlong clapped his palms hard, as if he had met Daigo’s initiation, "At first I thought you were not good at business, but I didn’t expect you to be a sensible person who can see the essence of things clearly. Dear world, I want to apologize for underestimating you at the beginning."

In the merchant family of the Xiao family, flattery is the basic skill.

If you blindly say good things, you may still be disgusted by some people, but Xiao Tianlong's rhetoric is very useful even for Chu Feng.

Xiao Tianyu said: "It's no wonder that the little friend lays such a foundation empty-handed. It turns out that he has such insights, but is he really confident to control everything with his strength?"

Chu Feng believed in himself: "Of course!"

Xiao Tianyu said: "However, if your subordinates have dissatisfaction, even if you can suppress them with absolute strength, this subordinate will eventually be lost."

Prevention is always more effective than remedy afterwards.

Even if you can suppress the rebellion with your strength every time, if things go on like this, your own power will be devastated, and the original intention of establishing power will be lost.

After hearing this, Chu Feng "thinked" for two seconds, and said, "Fish and bear's paw cannot have both. If I think that I am afraid of this and give up improving my strength, then I think that my strength is insufficient and it is inevitable to be emptied and betrayed by my subordinates. Yes, and if I have enough strength, even if the Dawn Alliance collapses, I can make a comeback."

He is now a power supremacist, so there is nothing wrong with his performance.

What's more, when he had the idea of ​​building a power at the beginning, it was to let this power serve him. Although the following thoughts have changed a bit, the general direction has not changed.

After hearing what Chu Feng said, Xiao Tianyu and Xiao Tianlong looked at each other, and they both saw the surprise look in each other's eyes.

Everything is as they expected, Chu Feng is indeed a person who is dedicated to the pursuit of strength.

If this is the case, then they have common interests, and with common interests, their plan will be half successful.

Xiao Tianyu said to Chu Feng with a heart-warming expression: "You have the means to cure the madness. This is a good way to buy people’s hearts. If it is wasted like this, it would be a shame. If you are willing to buy people’s hearts with this, I believe many people will be loyal to you."

Chu Feng shook his head: "I have only heard of generals who are good at war and strategy, but I have never heard of generals who are good at logistics. What's more, if I treat more people, this favor will be worthless."

The role of treatment in the team is great, but this is because of the scarcity of treatment.

In fact, in a team, the true core is always the best fighter, and a few are good at planning. If treatment becomes the core, it is a disaster for the team.

"well said."

Xiao Tianlong continued to hold the role of supporter, "If the genius doctor saves ten people, these ten people will be grateful to the genius doctor. If he saves a hundred people, let alone thank the genius doctor, even those who have not had time to be saved will hate the genius doctor. The understanding of the human heart is so thorough!"

As the first person to establish a large alliance of supernatural powers, if Chu Feng didn't even have this knowledge, they would be suspicious instead.

Now that Chu Feng said such words, they dispelled their doubts.

"Just now, Mr. Chu Feng said that you cannot have both fish and bear paws."

Xiao Xunli's body was close to Chu Feng, "But, what if I have a way to let Mr. Chu Feng have both fish and bear paws?"

Chu Feng's right hand gently touched Xiao Xunli's smooth and tender thigh, but his face still looked serious: "Could it be that the young lady is willing to take care of the alliance for me?"

Xiao Xunli moved the thigh touched by Chu Feng closer to Chu Feng, and then said with a smile: "As expected of Mr. Chu, I guessed it so soon."

Chu Feng didn't mean to refuse Xiao Xunli's almost naked seduction.

If there are advantages, don't take advantage of it.

Xiao Tianyu said: "You saw the influence of our Xiao family when you came in. It is easy to call on a group of people who are loyal to us. If you want to join hands with us, then you can improve your strength wholeheartedly and we will help you. Propaganda and unite people's hearts, isn't it both."

Chu Feng squeezed Xiao Xunli's thigh forcefully, and said, "However, I cannot add your seat to the league seat."

The several seats in the alliance were the "cake" that Chu Feng gave to Su Yuan and the others. If Chu Feng even got involved in this, then the alliance would not be far away from the split.

Therefore, even if Chu Feng wanted to get involved, he had to wait until the alliance was stable or his reputation was high enough to do so.

Xiao Tianyu said: "As the chief of the alliance, you naturally have the highest prestige. In addition to your treatment methods, recruiting confidants is simply a breeze. We are just helping you take care of your foundation."

"Sounds really good." Chu Feng looked moved.

However, after Xiao Tianyu and the others knew Chu Feng, there would definitely be a problem.

"However, how do I trust you?" Chu Feng said.

Xiao Tianyu said: "The vernacular is free. We will use actual actions to prove our sincerity, and we will use actual benefits to impress you."

Chu Feng smiled slightly and said, "For example..."

Xiao Xunli waved to his father and said: "Dad, uncle, you should go out first! Next, let me persuade Mr. Chu! I will definitely make Mr. Chu feel our sincerity."

Xiao Tianyu smiled and stood up and said, "If that's the case, I'll leave it to you. I hope you can persuade Mr. Chu."

With that, the three of Xiao's family left the living room.

After the three of them left, Xiao Xunli naturally took his thighs out of Chu Feng's hands, got up and walked towards a side hall, then looked back and smiled: "Mr. Chu, come on! I'll tell you our sincerity."

Chu Feng put on an undesirable, but also wanted to pretend to be serious: "Then, let me see Miss Xiao's sincerity!"

After the two entered the side hall, Xiao Xunyang was a little worried and said: "He hasn't promised anything yet! Just put my sister in? If he doesn't admit it, aren't we at a loss?"

It was not how deep his relationship with his sister was. The main reason was that if Xiao Xunli had been used by others, the value would be reduced.

Xiao Tianyu showed the old fox's smile: "You look down on your sister too much, how could she let the other party succeed so easily? The best is what you can't get."

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