Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1434: Are you breaking through?

"Is it really our devouring technique similar to our Demon Realm?"

Seeing this scene, the body of the Eclipse Demon King shrank.

In terms of the ability to swallow, the Demon Realm is the highest in the high plane.

In the harsh environment of the Demon World, the Demon Race has evolved various abilities in order to survive.

Everything that has energy can be used as food for them.

Not to mention devouring energy, swallowing vitality and flesh and blood, swallowing vitality, even steel and rock, there are many demons that can swallow it.

Because not all demons have the ability to forge their own weapons.

According to legend, the origin of the Golden Armored Demon Race is that in order to survive, some demon tribes dived into the forbidden land of the Demon World, the Golden Sand Sea, and then swallowed the Taiyi flowing gold in the Golden Sand Sea, casting their own body of steel and becoming a humanoid. The most defensive existence among the demons.

In order to survive, the potential for life to erupt is immeasurable.

Therefore, even if Chu Feng had the ability to swallow and refine all things in the intelligence of the gods and demons, he did not take it seriously, after all, the demons were the ancestors who played these things.

However, when he saw Chu Feng's movements with his own eyes, the Eclipse Demon Emperor felt a little uneasy.

Can he swallow refining bugs?

And, what about the dead bodies of those bugs?

Why is the body missing?

Only some fly ash remained.

Then there is only one possibility.

Just like life on earth, most of the ingredients are water. In the body of a worm, there are just a few things that really form the core of life.

The rest are constructed with the ability of Yuanli to construct everything, or simply constructed with swallowed matter.

"His ability is not to swallow quickly, but to decompose something!"

The Eclipse Demon Emperor seemed to understand something, and then the feeling of stiffness in his body struck again.

He was about to initiate a consciousness transfer, but found that the black silk threads had entangled his body, even running through every place in his body.

Then, a sword gas fell.

"No, how can he stop his consciousness transfer?"

The Eclipse Demon King just thought about it, but found that his soul power was actually hurt.

"He is making progress? No, the body I just selected can show the strength of Tier 9, and then use my own consciousness to reconstruct it. It has a part of the characteristics of Saint Tier, so the resistance is strong enough. However, I think about the next step. There is also a transfer of consciousness. This body has only 6 steps, and it can't resist Chu Feng at all."

Under the crisis, the thinking of the Eclipse Demon King moved rapidly.

The nearby insects madly killed Chu Feng.

The explosion-proof sword energy erupted from Chu Feng's body, and the insects were easily torn into pieces, and then forcibly collected by Chu Feng, refined into the most essential elemental power.

However, taking advantage of this opportunity, the Eclipse Demon King also escaped.

This time he learned well. Although Chu Feng's sword aura just now, although he didn't know what kind of magical power it was, his soul was also hurt by that sword aura.

If Chu Feng continued to use this method, his soul would not last long.

So this time, he chose a powerful bug.

After the transfer of consciousness, he immediately directed the surrounding insects to kill Chu Feng.

He didn't expect that he could escape Chu Feng's observation, nor did he expect that some small tactics would have much effect on Chu Feng. He pinned his hopes on the Chonghai tactics.

At this moment, tens of thousands of sword aura suddenly rose under the ground.

The insects that besieged Chu Feng were easily torn apart by Jian Qi.

Seeing these sword auras, the Eclipse Demon Sovereign's eyes widened: "It's those sword auras just now, why didn't these sword auras dissipate!"

From these sword auras, he felt a familiar aura. Just now Chu Feng tore through the sky of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races, tens of millions of sword auras fell from the sky and dared to kill all the insects once.

Even the demons who hadn't had time to be swallowed by the bugs were killed easily.

Only those holy ranks can barely bring their own guards to escape in this ocean of sword qi.

But in such a terrifying ocean of sword aura, all the sword auras are actually condensed but not dispersed?

how can that be?

Such a method is beyond his common sense.

Then more and more sword auras rose from below the ground, hundreds of thousands of sword auras directly tore all the zergs to pieces, watching those tiny insects swallow their companions and grow, a row of black silk threads pierced through. The body of the insect that the Eclipse Demon King just parasitized.


The Eclipse Demon King exclaimed, "Aren't you breaking through? How can you still manipulate so much sword energy?"

Chu Feng is now breaking through and embarking on the road to the holy step. At such a critical moment, he doesn't spend most of his energy on adjusting and transferring his vitality.

There is even more power to control so much sword energy, which makes the Eclipse Demon Emperor unacceptable.

He realized one thing, he was very likely to be deceived.

"You said a breakthrough! It is indeed a breakthrough, but who said that the breakthrough is me?"

The power between heaven and earth still converged towards Chu Feng's body, but Chu Feng's breath did not change much, because these principles eventually converged on his arm.

That is a black dragon tattoo.

"Thunder Corpse Dragon, you fool me!"

The eclipse demon emperor roared in anger.

"It's really cunning!"

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth curled up. Just when the Eclipse Demon Emperor questioned himself, he had already initiated a consciousness transfer, and his ontological consciousness had already been transferred to another insect.

As for the bug in front of me, it has become a puppet.

When I questioned Chu Feng, I couldn't believe that all of this was acting.

The purpose is to distract Chu Feng's attention.

Chu Feng's eyes can indeed see through his consciousness shift, but the Eclipse Demon Emperor believes that when anyone is negligent, as long as he can catch this flaw, that is his hope of escape.

However, the Eclipse Demon Emperor had just switched his body and escaped less than a kilometer away. Chu Feng appeared in his ear with a playful voice, accompanied by the familiar feeling of losing control of his body.

"Continue to escape!"

The black silk thread once again penetrated the body of the Eclipse Demon King, still using the same trick, but the Eclipse Demon King just couldn't crack it.

He was just a clone now, and the strongest body that this clone could parasitize had already blew himself up for plotting against Chu Feng, but it didn't play its due role.

"Chu Feng, are you kidding me?"

The eclipse demon emperor roared angrily.

At the same time, a large number of insects flooded in the direction of the Chinese Army Corps like a tide.

Thousands of **** two-headed dogs, spitting flames at the same time, all these bugs were burned into fly ash. These flames have no dead ends and will not leave the bugs with a chance to survive.

"No, I mean it."

Chu Feng pointed to the distance, "Hua Xia has my protection, you can't move, but you still have a way to hopefully keep your clone, or even increase the strength of this clone."

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