Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1450: Nemesis of the Balrog King

The seven families of **** at this time are actually full of grievances in their hearts.

When Chu Feng was still called the "Young Master", they got the news and prepared for war.

But the war they imagined was a war of plunder.

Whether it is plundered or plundered, it is a battle of bullying or evenly matched.

If the purpose of war is not to survive and to plunder, there is no point.

The horn of war had just sounded, and they found that they had stood on the opposite side of the underworld, and they actually wanted to be the enemy of the entire underworld.

Such a discovery made them unacceptable.

But whether or not to accept this fact is beyond their control.

Most of the hopes in the seven races are in Chu Feng's place. Although they still retain a lot of fire seeds, after losing those seeds, the race's vitality will be greatly injured.

Originally, this war was already very difficult to fight.

Without the restrictions of the book of contract, I am afraid that the seven clans would generally surrender.

But now, their master not only prevents them from worrying, but on the contrary makes them messy.

We know that your talent is very high. We know that the inheritance you have obtained is very strong. You can grow to a very high level in the future, but you have just broken the holy order now.

Our hope of delaying time here lies with you.

Hope to give you time to grow, and then lead us to rise again.

But what do you mean by jumping out now?

Even Cerberus, our last trump card, was forced out by you like this.

The sage of the Ice Demon Race had an angry face in his eyes, and wanted to go forward to persuade him, but was stopped by the sage of the Night Wing Demon, and shook his head gently, making an insignificant wink.

The Saint of the Ice Demon Race endured and retreated.

If the owner dies, maybe they will be free again.

Although the effect of the book of contract is still there, part of their race can be returned to freedom.

Since you don't want to grow, then we don't have to stop it.

"Ziyun saint, Cerberus, you two look at this place, I will go back."

Chu Feng dropped a word lightly, a wooden sword appeared in his hand, and then, before Ziyun Sage and Cerberus could react, he took a step forward.

This step crossed the void and came to the front of Daroth, Lord of the Flames.

At the moment Chu Feng shot, the Flame Demon King also shot lightning.

The strong with spatial ability can be said to have the strongest life-saving ability, and it is easy to develop powerful tricks, which can be said to be the strongest ability.

Although the strength of the ability person depends on the development of the ability person itself, there is no absolute relationship between attributes.

But the strong with spatial ability, the average level is much stronger than other attributes.

Even in the highest planes, spatial ability is still a rare ability.

This does not mean that space transfer capabilities can be used for frontal combat.

When you move the space, the surrounding scene will change, so that both your body and consciousness will be out of touch for a moment.

If you encounter a master, it is easy to catch this flaw.

However, this flaw exists objectively and disappears with proficient use.

This is equivalent to the nature of space.

When Chu Feng used teleportation to come to the front of the Flame Demon King, his body was also dull for a moment, even if his consciousness could react, his body was still at this moment.

If you want to move your body, you have to start with a speed of zero.

However, when Chu Feng shot, the King of Flame Demon was faster than Chu Feng.

Not to mention that he is a strong man in the realm of Saint Emperor, even the realm of ordinary Saint King can react.

Such a flaw is too big.

The Balrog King is a humanoid creature with a height of more than five meters, burning with a red flame that will never go out.

He has no weapons, because no weapons can hold his power.

His right hand turned into a claw, which instantly penetrated Chu Feng's chest.

Seeing this scene, the sage of the Ice Demon Race had dead ashes in his eyes.

Sure enough, arrogance is the root of destruction.

The young master has the strongest inheritance, and now he has just become a holy rank. I am afraid that his strength has also been greatly improved, otherwise he would not die to this degree.

However, the young master still despised the veteran powerhouses in **** after all.

The look of the saint of the night wing devil remained unchanged, as if he hadn't seen anything.

They couldn't stop the young master's actions.

When such a tragedy happened, he was helpless.

It's just a pity, the Seven Races, after all, still have no future.

The Ziyun Sage's eyes were full of worries. She wanted to shoot immediately, but was locked in by a powerful aura that made her dare not act rashly.

Cerberus opened his mouth, and purple flames condensed in its mouth.

A voice came into its ears: "Don't panic, I'm fine."

Cerberus stopped.

"Only this level, it's—"

The Flame Demon King, who had penetrated Chu Feng's chest, was about to say two sarcasm words to shake the hearts of the Seven Races. His expression suddenly changed, and then he drew back, as if he had seen something terrifying.

At this time, the wooden sword in Chu Feng's hand fell silently.

A flame arm fell from the air to the ground.

The Flame Demon King retreated hundreds of meters away, the flames on his body were indeterminate, which seemed to symbolize his ups and downs.

His eyes fell on the wooden sword in Chu Feng's hand.

"What kind of sword is this?"

He is the body of the element, the immortal body of the element, is immune to most physical attacks, and has the power to absorb flames. He is the master of the flames.

The only way to hurt him is to annihilate him with power other than flames.

Of course, the physical attack reached the extreme, and it was not impossible to kill him, but this requirement, no one in the highest plane can do it.

But just now, the wooden sword cut off his arm like cutting tofu.

Where the sword passed, the flame on his arm was completely absorbed.

Because the speed of absorbing the flame was too fast, it made him feel like he was cut off by the sword.

"Daros, step back!"

A distant sound came, the earth turned into magma, and the sky was sprinkled with fire and rain. A rock giant with a height of more than 100 meters, strode towards Daroth.

"Although this human being is very weak and small, this sword is made from the branches of the Eternal Tree. It can absorb all energy. It is the nemesis of your elemental body. If you don't want to fall under this sword, then take this opponent give it to me!"

"Then leave it to you, Sky Sky."

The flames burning on Daroth's body gradually extinguished, and then his body also became nothingness.

Tianqiong's words are good, he doesn't have to fight against a human who relies on weapons.

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