Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1457: Enter the God Realm

Chu Feng looked at the two saints who were kneeling on one knee, as well as the Allied Forces of the Seven Races, and there was no fluctuation in his heart.

Shouldn't they surrender?

When they were weak, they called themselves Young Master.

When you become stronger and continue to insist on not changing your mind, you will be ruined.

The sage Ziyun did not kneel down, not because he was unwilling to kneel down, but because he wanted to show his own difference.

She was Chu Feng's person from the beginning.

Although the motivation is not pure, where in this world is there loyalty for no reason?

Whether it is for feelings, interests, status, glory, or survival, there is actually not much difference. Only when loyalty is tested, are these reasons enough? Want to draw different things.

There is only one important thing, she has already stood in line in advance.

If now, like the saints of the Ice Demon Race and the Nightwing Demon Race, she needs to kneel down to show her loyalty, that would be an expression of guilty conscience and lack of confidence!

Cerberus looked at this scene, and his heart was full of emotion.

Although he trusts the old master's vision and knows that the young master who has obtained the inheritance of the old master will one day become an existence standing at the peak of the underworld, he did not expect that this day will come so soon.

In just a few years, the little master has stood at the pinnacle of hell.

"Get up! The war is not over yet."

Chu Feng left a word and left **** directly.

In the face of the late surrender of the Allied Forces of the Seven Races, in fact, he didn't have any disgust in his heart.

Although I am very reluctant to admit it, the truth of respect for the strong actually exists in any world, even if China has been fighting against such a law, it has not completely defeated it.

In fact, if this rule is really defeated, it would be the beginning of a genocide.

It is already very good to be able to open up more paths for the weak to become strong.

There is really no difference between the strong and the weak. Who wants to be the strong?

What promotes the progress of civilization is not fairness, but openness.

The best is the truth, and the weak is the truth.

Therefore, it is understandable that there are only two clans of the Seven-Team Alliance to express their loyalty to themselves.

Just because they are dependent on themselves.

This is not a bad thing. Loyalty for profit is more reliable than allegiance for fist. At least it will be firm until others offer more profitable prices and allow them to resist the fist price.

Chu Feng will reward them for their early loyalty.

Those places on the planet are just one aspect.

As for the other five races, if they want to get something from themselves, they must pay twice the price of the two races. They need to obtain more than twice the credit on the battlefield in exchange for the same benefits.

For Chu Feng, this is also his purpose for preferential treatment of the other two races.

Whether this is an alternative fairness, then the benevolent sees the benevolence, and the wise sees the wisdom.

The four top powerhouses of **** were defeated, and news of this kind quickly spread throughout the hell.

Every strong man with a name and a surname has received such news.

At the beginning, they were incredible.

However, with the withdrawal of those elite legions, they also had to accept this fact.

"How can it be?"

"Does Cerberus possess this level of power?"

"However, the Flame Demon clan has retired, and the lava giants have also retired."

"The Shadow Kingdom has also withdrawn."

"Is this true?"

The strongest have already retreated, and the withdrawal of the army is reasonable.

Those who had not had time to receive the news, or had not had time to react, were immediately counter-killed by the Seven Clans.

Under the leadership of Cerberus, the seven clans were invincible.

Where the battlefield is a little bit difficult, Cerberus directly sprayed flames over, and the battle would immediately become one-sided.

The home game still occupies an absolute advantage. How can such a war be lost?

Chu Feng just left some energy to pay attention to the situation here, and then returned to the small world.

But he did not take time off.

The situation on the earth has stabilized, and the legions on the earth need to go through iron and blood experience.

The foundation of human civilization is not enough. It is necessary to accelerate the growth of human civilization through wars. Otherwise, relying on a peerless powerhouse alone cannot support a truly top ethnic group.

Fortunately, the intensity of warfare in human civilization is even more tragic than the highest plane.

Every survivor on the planet, when falling asleep, can't help but worry about whether he can wake up on the second day.

Don't worry about seeing the sun.

The last time I saw the sun was three years ago,

Under such environmental pressure, the growth rate of human civilization is also very rapid.

In addition, the vitality tide contains a lot of original power, transforming the physical fitness and potential of every human being, and making the foundation of human civilization become more and more abundant.

The war against the Zerg on the earth is used for exercise.

The situation on both sides has stabilized, and the demons who have landed on the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races ahead of time are fighting the most elite Northern Legion in China.

Luo Xingyao, who has become a holy order, and Lu Qiu, who is good at formation, are casting a steel division belonging to China, which will be the trump card of mankind in the future.

Those who joined the army were originally the elites among mankind.

In the war, a famous genius and a strong man broke through the realm.

As a result of obtaining the most original power, even the existence of holy ranks has appeared more than twenty.

This situation is much better than I don't know in the future.

The current human beings are already stronger than the comprehensive strength of the seven clans of hell.

Chu Feng trained regardless of the cost, and constantly gave the army opportunities to grow, and now he has finally reaped the results.

But this does not mean that Chu Feng can really sit back and relax.

The war has just begun, and now it is just a prelude.

Even the official war horn has not sounded yet.

The black hand hidden behind the scenes, no, hidden above the clouds, hidden above the sky, has not revealed its fangs until now.

Relax now, it's too early.

The void in front of Chu Feng began to change layer by layer.

The imprint of life appeared in Chu Feng's hands, an invisible passage leading to the direction of the highest plane.

Chu Feng stepped into the void, crossing the space with every step.

When his footsteps stopped, he had already appeared on another plane.

Feeling the abundance of vitality between the heaven and the earth, even the plants and trees are full of vigorous vitality, so that Chu Feng can't help being amazed by this world.

"It's no wonder that the two worlds of gods and demons often break out wars. If the environment of the gods is what I see, no, if there are more places in such an environment, it will be enough to drive the demons crazy with jealousy."

Although it was not the first time, Chu Feng just glanced at it the last time.

Now he has enough confidence to step into the realm of the gods.

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