Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1468: I want to kill him, he will come back

"what is that?"

Visage's head fell to the ground, eyes like a bright moon in the dark night.

Its body, which is more than 50 kilometers long, like a mountain, is lying on the ground at this moment.

It's just that it has been separated from its head.

Chu Feng retracted his sword and walked towards Visage's body.

Visage's head is not destroyed, and he still has the ability to resist, so let's refine his body first!

However, Visage did not pay attention to his cut off body, but continued to ask Chu Feng: "Then, what is it?"

Chu Feng knew what it meant and wanted to ask the Knights of Hell.

However, he was not in the mood to explain.

With the nameless technique operating, Visage's body was instantly shattered, and a large amount of death power was incorporated into the tattoo on Chu Feng's arm and into the body of the Thunder Corpse Dragon.

The dragon clan is not a race, but the end of a branch of the bloodline practice system.

The dragon represents an extreme form of life.

The undead flying dragon is also a dragon.

After consuming part of the original power of the Necro Wyvern, the Thunder Corpse Dragon began to evolve toward a supreme form.

It's just that Chu Feng interrupted this evolution as soon as it started.

Now, it's not enough.

The necromancer Wyvern continued: "Tell me, I am dead."

It didn't pay attention to Chu Feng, who had just taken it to the head, but showed a strong interest in those human legions, and this interest surpassed death.

It can feel the power in those human beings that make it, no, make the entire underworld tremble.

That is the power of rules, rules that are higher than the laws of the underworld.

How is it possible that such a rule exists?

Here, but the underworld.

Chu Feng, who had refined the body of the Necro Flying Dragon, turned around. After a few seconds, he slowly said, "It's a scourge."


The undead flying dragon closed his eyes and died in anger.

Feeling the changes in the life aura of the undead flying dragon, Chu Feng didn't have any waves.

He seemed to have said unnecessary words.

However, this extra sentence made the Necro Wyvern close his eyes, saving a lot of wasted power.

Chu Feng refined the head of the Necro Flying Dragon, and pure power poured into the tattoo on his arm.

If the Thunder Corpse Dragon directly swallowed the Necro Wyvern, it would not be able to eat it.

However, after being simply refined by himself, the Thunder Corpse Dragon can quickly digest it.

The Thunder Corpse Dragon has gained countless benefits in the earth's vitality tides.

Every life on earth has improved aptitude.

The Thunder Corpse Dragon is one of the darlings of the earth.

In terms of qualifications, the Thunder Corpse Dragon has no problems.

In terms of accumulation, the Thunder Corpse Dragon was trained by Chu Feng.

Wanting to take that step is not difficult for the Thunder Corpse Dragon.

However, Chu Feng wanted to strengthen the foundation of Thunder Corpse Dragon.

For the life of the bloodline cultivation system, if you want to break through to a new realm, you must face the bloodline, and the Thunder Corpse Dragon can be said to be the source of a bloodline.

For the Thunder Corpse Dragon, the bloodline does not exist.

However, the cultivation results of the Thunder Corpse Dragon also need to feed back the bloodline.

If the resources are insufficient, this is a fatal flaw, and it is also the reason why the bloodline cultivation system is gradually replaced by the Yuanli cultivation system.

However, with sufficient resources, the Thunder Corpse Dragon can continuously develop vertically.

When the Thunder Corpse Dragon was at Tier 8, Chu Feng made the Thunder Corpse Dragon undergo nine transformations.

After reaching the 9th rank, the Thunder Corpse Dragon has the ability to resist the existence of the holy rank.

In terms of physical body and vitality, the Thunder Corpse Dragon is not inferior to the holy rank, but it is short of the accumulation of realm.

Now, Chu Feng wanted the Thunder Corpse Dragon to follow the path of proving the Dao with strength, so he continued to transform the Thunder Corpse Dragon's aptitude to make the Thunder Corpse Dragon's accumulation more vigorous.

Swallowing the Necro Wyvern, the realm of the Thunder Corpse Dragon can no longer be suppressed.

A wild breath came out from the body of the Thunder Corpse Dragon.

Even if you just saw it, you could feel the ancient aura on the Thunder Corpse Dragon, as if it contained traces of time.

As a time supernatural person, Chu Feng knew that this was not the power of time, but the traces of the fallen beings in the long river of time since the birth of life on the earth.

When the fire of human civilization was ignited, it was passed down from generation to generation, and it was passed down with difficulty.

The earth’s fire of civilization and life will be borne by the descendants of the earth.

Humans have already walked out of their own way, but the Thunder Corpse Dragon has not.

In other words, this is the defect of the bloodline cultivation system.

After half an hour's breakthrough, the Thunder Corpse Dragon stopped.

During this half an hour, the army was not idle, the flying dragon legion of the undead flying dragons had been wiped out, and the entire wilderness was swept into ruins by the human legions.

Finally, they still have time to rest.

After sweeping this wasteland, Chu Feng continued to set out for the next goal.

When he came to the edge of hell, the border between **** and the undead world, the ancestor of the undead lich had led the undead army to greet him, and billions of undead legions were displayed here.

Among the powerhouses waiting here, one of them is still an acquaintance of Chu Feng.

"Daloth, Lord of the Flame Demon, I didn't expect you to be here."

Chu Feng coldly shouted at the flame life in the sky, "You who have finally recovered your life, don't you know how to cherish it?"

Tianqi and Daroth live not far away, they are both old rivals and friends.

However, when Chu Feng hunted the sky, Daroth did not appear.

Unexpectedly, he actually came here.

The Flame Demon King was not irritated by Chu Feng's words: "Human, can you tell me what you are here to do? Do you think that with such a legion, the underworld can be destroyed?"

"I'm going to the underworld and kill the lord of the underworld, and those who block the way will die."

Chu Feng said coldly.

His goal is very pure.

Kill the lord of the underworld.

In order to accomplish this goal, how much he needs to pay, Chu Feng no longer wants to think about it.

If it can't be done, there is no future.

Fortunately, the reminder from Emperor Ziwei Xing gave Chu Feng more opportunities to prepare.

Also less passive.

The King of Flame Demon was angry: "Last time, when you asked us to retreat, you told me that your majesty is not in the underworld. Now you are telling me that you are coming to the underworld to kill your majesty? Are you kidding me?"

The Flame Demon King was already full of anger, although the last time he retired, it was not because he believed Chu Feng's words, but because Chu Feng's strength was too strong and the backstab of the mystery.

But he still had the feeling of being tricked.

"Of course I know this kind of thing, but—"

Chu Feng's indifferent eyes and tone remained unchanged, "I want to kill him, and he will come back!"

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