Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1497: Lord of Wanhua

"Holy Lord of the Star God Race, you really are here."

Chu Feng was not surprised by the arrival of the people.

At the same time, there are some good luck.

Fortunately, she was not a real enemy when she was in the Sea Emperor's Holy Land. Otherwise, Chu Feng didn't know how much he would consume.

The result of today's battle will also be an unknown.

Unless it is a crushing gap, the role of intelligence in combat is very huge.

When the Holy Lord of the Star God Race disappeared in the Sea Emperor's Holy Land, Chu Feng didn't expect so much.

I just feel that her character is too impulsive.

However, considering her physique, it seems normal for any character to be placed on her.

After Mosling's reminder, Chu Feng realized that maybe she could not see the trap behind her.

She saw more than herself.

The underworld that Chu Feng understood was mostly changes in the last 20,000 years, and the Star God Clan had been understanding the master of the underworld since entering the highest plane.

"It's you, you can come out of that place."

The lord of the underworld seems to know the holy lord of the Star God Race, "and your strength has grown to this point."

In the bright eyes of the Holy Lord of the Star God Race, there was not a trace of joy that was praised by the Lord of the Underworld.

"You are not dead, how can I die?"

There was an undisguised icy cold on the soft face of the Saint Lord of the Star God Race.

Killing the Lord of the Underworld, the Star God Race has a future.

Compared with the feud like genocide, some small frictions with humans on earth are simply insignificant.

The underworld is immortal, and the best fate of the Star God Race is to become a slave to the lord of the underworld for generations to come.

Maybe in the distant future, they still have a chance of liberation.

It's just that she worked hard to make sense, isn't it just to avoid this moment?

"Your belonging to the Star God Race is very strong! It is no wonder that such a physique has not been reduced to a strong furnace. No wonder such a race will be regarded by you as more important than precious lives." Underworld The main way.

Although some do not understand, this is a normal feeling.

The Holy Lord of the Star God Race also had a weak time.

Star God Clan, it is impossible to be completely upright.

Therefore, there must be countless malice waiting for her along the way of her growth.

Being able to grow with such a physique, and even become the Holy Lord, how much the Star God Clan has paid for her is simply incalculable.

It can be said that she is the least likely to betray the Star God Race.

Even though she is known for killing and decisively, but she will not abandon the race.

Her mission is to dedicate everything to the Star God Race.

Including, behead the lord of the underworld.

Even if it pays the price of life.

The newly repaired Sun God Mirror flew away from Chu Feng's hands, and fell into the hands of the Holy Master of the Star God Race. The Moon God's heart, with the power of the crimson moon, hung above the star realm.

The holy artifacts have spirit, and the sun **** mirror knows who to choose.

As for the heart of the Moon God, it has long been sacrificed by the Star God Clan.

Chu Feng didn't stop all of this.

The Holy Lord of the Star God Race is on the same front with him now.

If the suspicion is too much, there is no need to fight this battle.

At this moment, the power of sunlight, moonlight, and starlight was condensed in the hands of the Holy Master of the Star God Race.

At this moment, she is the source of light.

A brilliance fell on the body of the Thunder Corpse Dragon.

The body that was heavily damaged by the Thunder Corpse Dragon returned to its original state again.

She did not pay attention to the place where the Lord of the Underworld was, but cast her gaze on the gap in the sky.

At the gap, a familiar figure rushed over.

He is exactly the same as the Lord of the Underworld, and even his breath is very similar. If he doesn't distinguish carefully, he will think that the two are the same.

"He is the Lord of Ten Thousand Transformations. According to legend, because he worships the Lord of the Underworld too much, he wants to be a great existence like the Lord of the Underworld, so he makes everything he wants to get closer to the Lord of the Underworld."

"It doesn't matter whether it is appearance, temperament, body shape, including the breath of Yuan Li, it is simply a copy of the Lord of the Underworld. When he becomes the master of the Holy Spirit Realm, that is the second of the Lord of the Underworld."

"As the master of the underworld, the lord of the underworld was unable to guard and steal himself. The lord of ten thousand transformations helped a lot. He even pretended to be the incarnation of the lord of the underworld in the underworld on weekdays."

The Holy Master of the Star God Clan explained to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng sneered and said, "I thought he was also the incarnation of the Lord of the Underworld! I didn't expect to be a fan of the brain."

Originally thought that he had a closer relationship with the Lord of the Underworld.

Not to mention the relationship between the deity and the clone, at least it is also a brother.

Of course, the similarity of perfect life is not ruled out.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be for imitation.

"Don't underestimate him, the supreme real demon was created and cultivated by him. The heavenly demon royal family is his creation. The eclipse demon king's true body in the demon world has not been discovered, and he did it."

"When the supreme true demon scourges the highest plane, he took the opportunity to steal part of the origin of the Holy Spirit Realm, turning the originally prosperous Holy Spirit Realm into a demon realm full of natural disasters and barren resources."

It seemed that for fear that Chu Feng would underestimate the Lord of Ten Thousand Transformations, the Holy Lord of the Star God Race reminded.

"Then you originally wanted to find the position of the Lord of Ten Thousand Transformations?" Chu Feng asked, "I thought you were trying to deal with the Lord of the Underworld."

"There are both. The Lord of the Underworld leaves the underworld, turns the highest plane into his own, and conceals the creatures of the highest plane, playing with the top powers of the highest plane in the palm of his hand, that is His masterpiece."

The Holy Master of the Star God Race said, "If you don't find out where he is hiding, the source of the lost world of the Holy Spirit Realm, then the Lord of Ten Thousand Transformations is an immortal existence, and the Lord of the Underworld is also an invincible existence.

The highest planes will be destroyed, but they will not die. "

Chu Feng nodded, as he deserves to be an old strong clan.

The preparations made by the Star God Clan to deal with the Lord of the Underworld were much more than what he had imagined.

The same is true for the Corona Protoss. Their backs were even arranged on the earth tens of thousands of years ago.

In other worlds, it is still unknown whether they have arranged.

Even the magic knife's method comes from a ruined civilization, but why is the crystallization of that civilization on earth?

I am afraid they have some actions behind them.

Maybe not deliberately, just arbitrarily arrange something, such as arranging some real fires of stars in the magma lake of the earth.

These backhands may not be effective at all.

However, when the real decisive battle comes, these back players may become a bargaining chip for the decisive battle.

Killing the Lord of the Underworld cannot be done by courage and explosion.

This requires countless years and countless generations of accumulation.

Even Chu Feng was standing on the shoulders of the mighty, and only then did he have the capital to wrestle with the Lord of the Underworld.

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