Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 167: Gu Family Council

"How can they show weakness? Why do they show weakness!"

A group of Gu's core members gathered together, and their anger was on the surface.

They originally thought that under the guidance of their public opinion, the only way the military could deal with it was to show their strong strength.

But what I didn't expect was that the military actually showed weakness!

Is this good for them? What a shit!

The military has clearly told everyone that the fortress is short of manpower, and it is necessary to urgently summon people to protect the fortress and issue weapons to everyone.

Many people were moved by the temptation of weapons.

The most important thing is that when the military propagated this matter, it happened that someone pretended to be Gu's family and told people that Gu's family could protect the fort on behalf of the military.

So things suddenly became fatal.

Don’t your Gu family claim to be able to protect the safety of the entire fortress with your fists? Very good, our army now admits that its strength is insufficient, so hurry up and protect everyone with us! Since you want to be heroes, then we give you this opportunity to make you real heroes.

And we are not letting you go alone, but to help defend with you.

If you refuse even this, what about your determination to protect the people?

"Can't go, it's nothing short of praise!"

A spirited old man shouted sharply, "They said on the front foot that we have the power to protect people, and on the back foot they called on people to defend the fortress together. This is basically a conspiracy against us. If we do go, they will definitely be regarded as Cannon fodder is used up."

He is Gu Liyu, the third elder of the Gu Family Elderly Group. His strength is unfathomable and he has a high reputation in the family. His words quickly won the approval of many people.

"Yes, I can't go."

"This is a conspiracy!"

"We went to die."

It's not that they are afraid of becoming those monsters, but they often speculate on others with the most malicious eyes, and of course regard the military as a demon who framed them.

With such thoughts, they certainly do not want to be cannon fodder.

"If you don't go, do you want the world to treat us like a tortoise?"

The middle-aged man sternly said, "This is not a conspiracy, this is a conspiracy! But our Gu family really wants to develop here. There is absolutely no way to avoid this kind of thing, so even if there are some sacrifices, we cannot Retreat, otherwise, people who are not the army will clean up us, and no one will complain for us."

After listening to his words, everyone was angry.

"The army's hand is too vicious."

"Yes, it's really mean."

"We must not be able to let them succeed."

The middle-aged man rubbed his eyebrows painfully, he was completely disappointed with this group of people.

When faced with a crisis, they actually didn't want to solve the crisis, instead they kept blaming their enemies here. Do they think that by **** all their faults on the enemy, their crisis would be dissolved?

Finally waited until they were a little quieter, the middle-aged man said: "But, are we really going to back down and let them discredit our family?"

"Absolutely not."

Gu Liyu said immediately, "Our Gu family is a famous family of ancient martial artists. How can we shrink back when we encounter a little difficulty? We have to face the difficulties."

Middle-aged: "······"

Just now, it was your old man who said that he couldn't let the other party's tricks succeed. Now it is your old man who said he can't hold back. So what should we do?

Gu Liyu seemed to realize that there was something wrong with his words, so he coughed dryly, and said: "You can't shrink back, but you can't let the other party's tricks succeed. We must find a way to protect ourselves."

The middle-aged people feel that their breathing is a little restless. Your old man only knows to make a request, can't he propose a reasonable solution?

What we want now is a solution! solution!

The middle-aged man roared in his heart, but on the surface it was still peaceful.

He just watched the crowd's performance in silence, as if waiting for them to quarrel with a result.

At this moment, a young man said: "In fact, it is not without a solution."

As soon as his words were spoken, everyone's eyes fell on him, and then looked forward to his follow-up solution.

"Your name is Gu Nanzhan, right! Gu Nanfei's cousin."

Gu Liyu approvingly said, "As expected to be our Gu family's unicorn, then tell grandpa how to solve this matter."

Everyone is also looking forward to it.

They just quarreled just to conceal their ignorance. Now that some people think they can solve it, they certainly don't have to fight.

Gu Nanzhan said: "The reason why we are facing a dilemma is not because we are caught in a dilemma, but because we are now on the cusp of a storm, so our every move will become the focus, and any trivial things will be infinite by people. Zoom in."

The middle-aged man snorted coldly: "Do you mean, let us retreat from the rapids?"

If it is in normal times, they shrink back.

People are forgetful creatures. After a period of time, they will forget what happened before, unless they are reminded again.

But now is the golden age of their development, how can they shrink at this time?

Gu Nanzhan shook his head, still looking confident: "I don't want us to shrink, but to find a new focus for the people. Just push another person with enough weight to the mouth of the space. People's eyes will naturally shift.

Even if some people's eyes are focused on us, at least we still have room to turn around. No matter what, some people will share with us. "

Hearing his analysis, everyone was bright.

If time is used to make people forget, they cannot afford this loss.

But if another wave is used to cover up this wave, then their impact will be much reduced.

Even if they are really pushed onto the battlefield, they can still have room to deal with and protect themselves more effectively from the next danger.

Gu Liyu applauded: "It's really scary! Then who do you think is more appropriate to be pushed to the pier of the storm?"

Ruthlessness appeared in Gu Nanzhan's eyes: "Now there are two forces that want to frame us, one is the military, and the other is the so-called Dawn Alliance. Behind this incident must be Chu Feng's help, even He should have done these things under the direction of the military."

The middle-aged man in the white exercise suit narrowed his eyes slightly: "Good idea, let us cut off the arm of the military, Chu Feng!"

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