Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1700: confidant

"But after the seven temples have mastered the teleportation array, let's not say that they will crack the teleportation array technology sooner or later, even before that, they can strengthen their control over the vassal races."

Ji Xuanye said with some worry.

"Isn't that a good thing?"

Lu Qiu said calmly, "Only after the seven temples have mastered the vassal races, can the power of the galaxy's wisdom and civilization be further condensed to better fight against extraterritorial creatures, and the pressure we face will also be reduced."


Ji Xuanye was speechless.

Could it be that at this time, utter the words of fear of the seven temples?

Wouldn't it be that his idle mind is narrow-minded.

"I know your concerns."

Luo Xingyao said, "But the strength of the human race should not rely on the suppression and blockade of other races, but on its own strength."

"It is the nature of intelligent creatures to suppress dissidents."

Hua Tiandu also advised, "However, the reason civilization is civilization is because our intellect is antagonizing this nature. We conform to the laws of nature, understand the laws of nature, and then confront the nature of the heavens and the earth, and make use of the nature of the heavens and the earth."

"I understand."

Ji Xuanye didn't say anything anymore.

Everyone's attitude is obvious.

Human race certainly does not want the Protoss to be stronger than itself.

However, instead of suppressing the Protoss and trying to limit the development of the Protoss, it is better to strengthen the Humans themselves.

When necessary, it will strengthen the pressure of the Protoss on itself.

Such an approach, of course, is not without risks.

However, this is also a necessary risk.

The enemies of the human race are extraterritorial creatures, and there are even more powerful to outrageous, powerful to desperate ancient gods.

Such an enemy cannot be dealt with without taking any risks.

How powerful was the supreme plane at the time, and it was not only a corner that could only be forced to shrink, and could only survive.

The Lord of the Underworld is invincible in the world, but he can't leave for half a step.

If the supreme plane is strong enough, does it still need to be so wronged?

After the supreme plane was broken, the potential of the seven great temples was unlocked, but it did not mean that they were stronger than the supreme plane of the old age.

Facing the ancient gods that are countless times stronger than the highest planes, if the human race and the **** race are still holding back each other, then there is really no hope.

"By the way, there is good news for everyone."

Lu Qiu suddenly said, "The seven temples have been cracked by the bloodline code, and the rest is only a matter of time. They are willing to give us the progress of the bloodline code research free of charge."

"Free? Free things are the most expensive."

Ji Xuanye said coldly.

For free gifts, can Terran really follow directly?

Of course not.

Even if the path of the bloodline code was pointed out by Chu Feng to the seven great temples, the effort in the research process is immeasurable.

That was the research progress that the seven temples had sacrificed countless research projects.

Now, just give it to Terran.

It goes without saying what they want.

Terrans build the teleportation array for the seven temples. Of course, there can be no discounts on materials, but can Terrans still charge tolls?

It is also possible to collect road fees, at least to share the technology of the transmission array.

If you are unwilling to do either, it means that your human race has no sincerity, and don't want to cooperate in the future.

"But this is at least a good sign."

Luo Xingyao said with a smile, "The Seven Great Temples have shown us an attitude, that is, they are willing to work with us, share the results of each other, make progress together, in order to meet the common enemy."

Everyone also relaxed a lot.

At least, the attitude of the Protoss is displayed.

No matter what people think in their hearts, no matter how vigilant they are against Humans, it doesn't matter.

Only one thing is important, how they do it.

Protoss and Terran share technology, this is a signal, an attitude.

It means they have put down the shelf.

"I will inform the Academy of Ten Thousand Races to let go of the barriers to technical exchanges. If the Protoss is willing to exchange more knowledge with our human race, our human race is also willing to exchange the saint altar and the way of the holy king with the gods." Hua Tiandu said.

He is responsible for the most of the Ten Thousand Race Academy.

Although in name, Chu Feng is the dean of the Ten Thousand Races College.

But everyone knows Chu Feng's character.

He doesn't care at all.

After creating the saint altar and the saint king's way, Chu Feng left the college directly and left the affairs here to Su Yuan to take care of it.

However, Su Yuan also knows how to behave, and left most of the things to the military, so that the military has sufficient control over the academy.

Anyway, people who have come out of the dark age don't have much desire for things like power.

Power is only a tool to realize beliefs.

Su Yuan is also happy to be free. Except during the war, she only needs to coordinate the overall situation, and she can also be distracted to manage the Dawn Academy.

Therefore, in today's Wanzu College, most of the decision-making is actually the responsibility of Huatian.

"Chu Feng should agree to this!"

Ji Xuanye asked.

"Don't worry, Chu Feng is more worried than we are that we are unwilling to communicate and open up. That's why the way of the holy king is temporarily blocked. While giving us time to accept, the role of the way of the holy king is not wasted." Hua Tiandu said.

"Yeah! We have had enough of the lessons of seclusion."

Ji Xuanfeng also agreed and said, "Although opening to the outside world will bring certain dangers, this danger is insignificant compared to the fate of shutting down the country."

Ji Xuanye glanced at his elder brother, but did not speak.

Although their brothers looked to the outside world for a long time, they were equally divided, and they were in the same heart.

The cooperation of the two is also very tacit.

But only he himself knew that he had always been weaker than his brother, and it was even more vivid after his brother took the lead to become a saint emperor.

Now think about it, maybe the talents of the two brothers are the same, but there is still a subtle difference in mood.

The mood for the sake of the human race is good, but it is a pity that the way is more important.

"Compared to us, the Protoss let go of communication with our human races, and the resistance they received was much greater than that of us."

Lu Qiuyao looked at the starry sky of the universe, the starry sky where the Seven Great Temples were located, "Even so, they are still willing to communicate with us and overcome all resistance. This kind of race has not decayed and has unlimited possibilities."

At this moment, he actually felt like a confidant.

Although I don't know, which **** emperor is, or all the **** emperors are open to the human race together.

However, as one of the seven great temples that have existed for hundreds of thousands of years, the arrogance and self-confidence brought to them by the ancient history are difficult for the human race to appreciate.

The superiority brought by China's 5000-year history is incomparable.

In such a general environment, the other party can withstand the pressure and implement the decision to open to the outside world. It has to be said that the **** emperors of the seven temples are really excellent.

"I hope I won't become an enemy in the future!"

Lu Qiu sighed inwardly. The latest chapter address of Doomsday Evolution Paradise: https://www.readwn.com/book/148457.htmlRead the full text of Doomsday Evolution Paradise: https://www.readwn.com/read/148457/The Doomsday Evolution Paradise txt download address: https://www.readwn.com/down/148457.htmlDoomsday Evolution Paradise mobile phone reading: https://m.readwn.com/read/148457/ For the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1700 confidant), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Doomsday Evolution Paradise", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you stand by! (www.readwn.com)

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