Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 171: Meet glasses again

It has been more than ten days since the outbreak of the end times. Except for those who are well protected by the military, most people feel that they have a certain ability to survive.

Even people who survived on Gou know how to make less noise.

As time goes by, the shortage of food and drinkable water will become more and more serious. People will be forced to fight with external monsters, and then take away humans from the territories occupied by those monsters. s things.

The more dangerous the place, the more supplies will remain.

After all, if it is too safe, even a few ordinary people with a little stronger body can steal something from the monster's eyelids with a little cleverness.

However, considering that even Chu Xiaorou was here this time, Chu Feng did not choose a place that was too dangerous, but chose a place that was moderately dangerous, Qixia District.

As a place close to the Nandu Military Region, the people in Qixia District were evacuated early. Those eye-catching monsters have been eliminated by the army. Although many monsters came later, the danger is probably still under control. Within the scope of.

To say that complete control is impossible, it is not bad to have a suitable option.

After arriving at the destination, Chu Feng cast a color on Tao Jinghua and Xu Wei. The two immediately understood, and said to Ye Xiaohui waiting for the people who were fighting with them: "You follow us and go nearby to check if there is any danger. By the way, find out if there is anything worth collecting."

These people glanced at Chu Feng and found that Chu Feng didn't seem to hear anything, and could only follow the order.

And Chu Xiaorou worriedly said: "Should this kind of dangerous thing be the first for the supernatural person?"

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. This is her simple concept.

After listening to her, everyone's eyes were full of expectations.

Chu Feng had a headache when he heard the words, and said, "If the supernatural person takes the lead, who should be responsible for responding to danger?"

The reason why he is unwilling to take the lead is certainly not so, but because he is the boss.

He is the boss, the boss helps the younger brother to detect danger, what is this? This can buy some people's hearts at first, but after a long time, a bully image will be left in the hearts of the little brothers. Losing the awesome image in the last days is a very dangerous thing.

Then, he coldly shouted at the crowd: "Why are you still in a daze? Go ahead."

Everyone didn't dare to hesitate anymore, so they had to follow Tian Jing and others to explore the surrounding dangers.

But fortunately, when they were in the car, Chu Feng had already issued weapons. This was created by Chu Feng collecting metal from the tool factory and then forging it through his own forging. Although there is no additional attribute bonus, Compared to industrial products, it is still much better.

After pushing everyone away, Chu Feng instructed Zhang Ziqing: "You stay in the car with Tian Jing and Xiao Rou. I will go secretly to see if they are in danger."

Zhang Ziqing nodded, while Chu Xiaorou looked happy.

In her opinion, this is basically the performance of her brother Daozizui Tofu. Although on the surface, he is cold to those people, but in fact he still cares about their lives and deaths.

And Tian Jing also timely and authentically said: "When human beings face monsters, although strength and equipment are very important, the more important thing is the courage to face monsters and the quality of calm and calm response. Now what your brother has to do is to Let them be alone"

Chu Xiaorou nodded, it turned out to be so.

However, she herself did not believe what she said just now.

She knew that Chu Feng had a storage space, so it was obvious why Chu Feng left alone. He basically filled the storage space.

In fact, her judgment of Chu Feng was very accurate.

Since there was a communicator, they weren't too weak to even send out a distress signal, so Chu Feng would not be a nanny for them.

After leaving alone, Chu Feng quietly came to the street next to him.

He had been here in his previous life, and he had found some things here. Of course, the things here had been collected by people at that time, so there was no reference value.

For example, the store he was about to enter had been collected in his previous life. He only found a bag of biscuits in an unmanned corner, but now, the warehouse door is still blocked.

After opening the warehouse door, Chu Feng took a deep breath, seeing the full inventory, his eyes full of surprises.

In the ten years of the last days, how could he have the opportunity to see so many things, such scenes only exist in the memories.

After a brief surprise, Chu Feng immediately began to act.

His strength has reached Tier 3 and Tier 4. In addition to expanding with his strength, Yuanfu will also expand with time. Compared with the previous life, it seems that there has been some change, but he does not have it now. Too much time to research, for him this is just a storage space.

After emptied the entire warehouse, Chu Feng went to the next store non-stop.

The scarcity of materials will prompt more and more teams of demon hunters to appear, and the teams of those with supernatural powers will rely on their strong strength to empty out all the useful items they can see.

If the number of super-powers is still too small, then the emergence of super evolutionary fighters will set off a wave of searching for supplies.

At that time, it would be almost impossible to find such a full warehouse.

"Desks and chairs, no! Cabinets, no! Air conditioning, um, although it has been eliminated, but the parts inside will be useful, and it should be useful to the rich."

After killing a few zombies casually, Chu Feng found a hospital.

"Although I found a lot of medicines last time, there are still not too many medicines, and some of the medical equipment inside will become very precious in the future."

As time goes by, most medicines will be eliminated in the future.

However, in the early stage, the poor living environment can cause many people to get sick, and even a box of anti-inflammatory drugs can be exchanged with enough food for a few days.

Because you can still **** without food, but without medicine, you can only become the target of looting after you get sick.

"There is movement!"

Just when Chu Feng wanted to find something in the operating room, he suddenly heard a movement, and then instinctively found a shelter and hid.

However, when Chu Feng saw the appearance of a person in the opposing team, he walked out in surprise: "Glasses, I didn't expect you to be here!"

One person in the opposing team was his roommate glasses.

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