"Savage, what are you doing?"

Hei Tian Wang looked at the savage in front of him displeased.

Although he no longer takes the identity of the leader in his eyes, this does not mean that he can tolerate the rudeness of others.

This savage had no reputation at the beginning, and he didn't even have the qualifications to be seen by him.

However, after stepping into the magic path, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

The first time I put him in my eyes, it was when he achieved Saint-Rank 4 and was qualified to be the leader of a small team.

He rejected all positions in the league, but chose to be a forward and a cannon fodder in the front row.

The King of Darkness, who lacks cannon fodder, certainly satisfied him.

However, in the baptism of wars, the savages made faster and faster progress, and the King of Darkness almost watched him achieve the eighth realm of the holy rank.


Other parts of the league can't do it, rewards and punishments must be fair.

Otherwise, this newly formed alliance can be disintegrated directly.

Deliberately arrange a mortal task for him?

Without the request of the Hei Tianwang, people themselves take the initiative to go to the most dangerous position and assume the most dangerous responsibilities.

When he was in the sixth stage of the holy rank, he fought against the deputy commander of the eighth holy rank, and he was seriously injured and dying or survived.

When Hei Tian Wang reacted, he had already reached the eighth realm.

Fortunately, Hei Tianwang saw that this savage didn't care about power at all, he only cared about strength and tribe.

Strength is the foundation of everything.

Because of this, Hei Tian Wang also let go of his fear of savages, and instead regarded him as a useful tool.

"Leader, in the next battle, are you sure there is no problem with this deployment?" The Savage asked straightforwardly.

"Are you questioning my decision?"

Hei Tianwang narrowed his eyes.

When did this savage intervene in high-level affairs?

"I am not questioning the decision of the leader, but the direction of the battlefield of the Five Armies. The number of enemies is a little too much, and they will all be destroyed." The wild man said sincerely.

"You don't have to worry about this."

Hei Tian Wang turned around and sighed softly, "It is always dead in a war. I am only responsible for the overall situation. It is worthwhile to sacrifice some legions in exchange for the overall victory."

"Do you really think so?"

The savage questioned. Although he didn't know what Hei Tianwang thought, his instinct told him that Hei Tianwang must have concealed it.

"I know that it is unfair to let them sacrifice, but the voice of the alliance is so loud that even I can't disobey the will of the whole alliance. What can I do? I don't want to be the one sacrificed."

Hei Tianwang said frankly.

"Well, lord, I will go to the Fifth Army too!"

The savage believed the words of the black king.

He has always known that Hei Tian Wang is not a good person, an alliance composed of strong magicians, if the leader is a good person, who can rest assured!

What he cares about is whether Hei Tian Wang violated the bottom line.

He doesn't ask for fairness.

The rewards and punishments are clear, and it's basically enough.

What he cares about is whether the Dark Sky King will sacrifice the entire alliance just to make him one or the Dark Spirit Race.

This is the greatest disaster.

However, when Heitianwang said that he would rather sacrifice others than himself, he believed instead.

Since war cannot be stopped, who is willing to sacrifice himself?

Even sacrificing one's own people is unreasonable.

The savage thought briefly and believed the words of the Hei Tianwang.


Hei Tian Wang looked at the savage's back and shook his head secretly.

But he was not scolding the savage for being stupid.

Savage is not stupid, otherwise he would not come here to question him, he just likes the most direct way of thinking.

What he scolded was the way of thinking attached to the magic way's system itself.

This world is a world where the weak eat the strong, and the strong respects the strong. It is also a cold-blooded world and a world where interests are paramount.

But, should this be regarded as truth?

Taking selfishness as the truth and taking it for granted will neglect more possibilities and will never be able to transcend the framework.

It is not a savage who is stupid, but this way of thinking.

It is not selfishness that is wrong, but only selfishness.

"Master Valley, what exactly are you doing to spread the magic way?"

Hei Tian Wang raised his head and thought.

The war started, and countless strong men fell.

At a critical time, Gu Nanfei joined the battlefield.

Gu Nanfei almost used his own power to stop all the existence of the nine holy ranks and the eighth holy ranks and above.

Without the leadership of the strong, the team of Hei Tianwang is like a broken bamboo.

Fifteen days later, the Qing and Suppression Army of the Holy Yuan Universe Nation was completely wiped out, and the Demon Dao Alliance was also killed and injured by most.

In the later stage, everyone was red-eyed.

However, on the battlefield after the war, the talents of the Demon Dao Alliance surprisingly discovered that the Dark Spirit Race actually retained most of the elite.

Those seeds of genius have been preserved.

In the distribution of benefits, Hei Tian Wang also deliberately assigned most of the benefits to the Dark Spirit Race.

"Leader, what the **** is going on?"

A strong man in the eighth stage of the holy rank rushed into the residence of the Heitian King angrily, and asked loudly.

"Why do we Donghe tribe have so little distribution of spoils? Our Donghe tribe killed so many enemies on the battlefield and sacrificed more than half. However, the corpses of the strong people allocated only have one holy rank above the 5th level. Yes, even I have killed 11 holy ranks and six realms. This way of distribution is unfair."

"And us, why do we have so little loot?"

"Ah! Almost all of our warriors have died, but we have almost no trophies? Doesn't it mean that soldiers who die in important positions will be subsidized? Why don't our races?"

"Leader! What is going on?"

"Hei Tian Wang! Give us an explanation."

More and more powerful men came to Hei Tianwang's residence to ask for an explanation. They were furious. Once Hei Tianwang couldn't give them a reasonable explanation, they would do it without hesitation.

What about the leader?

Just kill it.

A strong man is fearless.

Hei Tianwang's gaze swept over the thirty or so high-level members of the Demon Dao Alliance, and they were all powerhouses above the seventh realm of the Holy Rank.

Hei Tian Wang also knew that he did a little too much this time.

He has deducted more than 80% of the spoils of various races, and that 20% is still issued during the war, so that the powerful of various races can restore their strength.

Otherwise, the other 20% can be deducted by him.

Faced with the inquiries of these powerful men, the corner of Hei Tianwang's mouth was drawn with a smile: "Yes! I just deducted all these benefits, so what?"

The complexions of the strong changed drastically.

A strong man suddenly thought of something and turned around and fled.

Splash of blood!

A strong man of the dark spirit race walked into the discussion hall with the head of such a strong man who had escaped, and knelt in front of the Heitian King on one knee.

Hei Tian Wang waved his hand.

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