Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1722: Mess up

"Are you bored?"

Chu Feng looked at the two women with a smile.

"No, no, how can I be bored?"

Zhang Ziqing was a little panicked, Jiang Xinyue unceremoniously knocked on Zhang Ziqing's head, and said with a hatred of iron and steel:

"He is asking us how we feel about the environment here, not how we feel about staying next to him."

For Zhang Ziqing, she was also very helpless.

She was Chu Feng's first woman anyway, but she didn't have the consciousness of being a Zheng Gong empress at all.

Moreover, Chu Feng and Chu Feng are both old and old, and they are still little girls, and they seem to be spoiled.

Then, she said to Chu Feng: "Indeed, we are all bored with the environment here in God's Domain."

"Because it's too monotonous?"

Chu Feng also knew the reason here.

"Yes, I actually don't hate fighting, and I like to see different scenery, but it doesn't mean that I like to see different forms of fighting. The scenery here in the ancient gods is too boring."

Jiang Xinyue bluntly said, "Apart from different races, killing is killing, and contention is contention. In human society, there are various occupational divisions of labor, but the division of labor is not even obvious here.

After a creature has the ability to generate value, what it should do in this life has been finalized. Combatants will only fight for the rest of their lives. They will teach their younger generations when they are old and disabled, and they will only do one thing in their life. It is not a bad thing, but , Such a family is too boring, isn't it? "

Jiang Xinyue was very excited when he first came to the Ancient God Realm.

Participating in killing Zhou Guang Zhizun made her even more satisfied.

But then...

Every day is fighting and killing.

When she came to an unfamiliar place, she was warned by the local indigenous people before she could enjoy the fantastic scenery.

The only solution is strength.

It was okay at the beginning, but it's boring when the frequency increases.

The meaning of her fighting is not to fight.

"Indeed, this place is really boring compared to the earth."

Chu Feng nodded and agreed with her, "Although the protoss has a lot less entertainment facilities, it still pays much attention to the cultivation of spiritual culture, and will not let those in charge of fighting only fight in their lives.

There may be some distractions. However, according to intelligence statistics, the more complicated the experience, the easier it is to restrain the evil spirit race. The human race and the war of extraterritorial creatures have their own casualties. However, none of the human races who have come from the dark age have been The evil spirit clan is injured, even if the opponent is a peerless evil spirit close to the level of the evil spirit king. "

Racial restraint is really fatal.

The Zerg actually restrains most of the intelligent life.

However, except for the Protoss and Humans.

The larger the civilization of the Protoss and Humans, the more they can restrain Zergs of equal strength.

The evil spirit race was terribly restrained.

Originally, the special beings of the half-energy body of the evil spirit race were also the nemesis of most intelligent lives with souls.

Any evil spirit clan will be taken seriously when entering God's Domain.

In the invading legion of the Holy Yuan Universe Nation this time, there were more than a dozen members of the evil spirit race, mixed in the legion and killed hundreds of masters of the Demon Dao Alliance, including one above the seventh stage of the Holy Order.

You know, none of these evil spirit races have a holy rank or higher.

However, they were restrained by the human race.

Luo Xingyao and Lu Qiu even arrested a lot of powerful evil spirit races, and they prepared to be domesticated as a sparring exercise for honing and cultivating the will of the powerful human race.

"But, does this have anything to do with us?"

Jiang Xinyue pouted, "We made the environment here too monotonous, but you are telling us about evil spirits."

"Of course it does matter. The evil spirit race has a very wonderful talent, which poses a great threat to our human race and the **** race. However, such a race can only be reduced to the point of being a tool person in God's Domain. Don't you Is it weird?"

Chu Feng said, "There are also Zerg races. We humans have fought against Zerg races countless times, and we also know the horror of Zerg races. Such a terrifying race can only be regarded as a low-level creature in God's Domain."

"This is really unreasonable."

Jiang Xinyue also realized the problem.

Only then did she realize that after she came to God's Domain, she saw what she could see, but ignored those she couldn't see.

That is what God's Domain does not have.

It would be fine if she really came to play, but as the highest intelligence director of the City of Dawn, she was a little unqualified.

"With Zhang Ziqing for too long, my IQ has decreased."

Jiang Xinyue's face was reddened, and she shook the pot unceremoniously.

Zhang Ziqing: "???"

"Because they are afraid."

Chu Feng explained, “They are afraid of the fire of civilization, special lives like the Zerg race, special races like the evil spirit race that do not follow common sense, and they are also afraid of terrible lives like the machine race with almost unlimited military potential.”

"Then why these races are still regarded as low-level creatures? Just because they don't have eternal realm?"

Jiang Xinyue doubted.

This reason in the past can be explained.

However, with the fall of Zhouguang Supreme, all the eternal realms of the ancient gods have fallen.

However, the status of several races remains unchanged.

As if the labels of inferior races are affixed, they will always be inferior races, and there is never the possibility of turning over.

"If in the past, they were suppressed because there was no strong person in the eternal realm, that would be understandable, but now, the ancient gods have become a mess, and the eight supreme beings have fallen to one, and the troubled times are coming. This race is still regarded as an inferior race, that is unreasonable."

Jiang Xinyue said, "Unless the other seven supreme beings have joined forces, at least they have formed an unspeakable tacit understanding to maintain the status of these special races and block their potential."

"Well said."

The corner of Chu Feng's mouth opened with a grin, "Then, if I send the aliens of these races to the ancient gods realm, what will happen? Especially this ancient gods realm that has become a troubled world."

Jiang Xinyue's eyes burst into light: "That must be very interesting."

Chu Feng casually swiped, a mirror image of a water curtain appeared in front of several people. A Zerg mother emperor who had just experienced a siege and suppression was hiding in a deserted planet to rest, planning to find some prey after regaining its strength. .

It is too dangerous to treat humans as prey.

Killing one will bring a large group of support over, which is more difficult than bugs.

It is better to hunt down the soldiers of the Supreme Temple. There are only so many soldiers. Most of the soldiers stay in place to protect the Son of Light. They cannot leave easily. It is too easy to hunt.

But at this moment, the mother emperor only felt a special feeling that filled her whole body, giving it an indescribable sense of crisis.

A big hand straddled the ancient gods and the stars of the universe, and pinched the Zerg mother emperor in his hand.

"Let this unexpected Zerg mother emperor bring more accidents to the ancient gods!"

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