Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1734: Lord of the Underworld at the Peak

"How can it be?"

The Lord of Good Fortune looked at this figure that came from far and near in disbelief.

The man was wearing a black robe, a black two-pronged gun on his mobile phone, and his face was beautiful, as if he interpreted the beauty between heaven and earth, from appearance to temperament, he was the perfect incarnation.

That figure is very familiar to the Lord of Good Fortune.

Chu Feng is also very familiar with it.

"Lord of the Underworld."

Seeing this familiar figure that once fell on his hand, Chu Feng's heart was full of thoughts.

He had dared to kill the lord of the underworld, but never defeated him.

At the moment when the Lord of the Underworld fell, the Lord of the Underworld sent one of his eyes to an unknown time and space.

Under the rule of time that these two do not meet, Chu Feng can be sure that the Lord of the Underworld has indeed fallen, but the final move of the Lord of the Underworld proves that he did not exhaust all his strength in the last moment.

At that time, Chu Feng didn't understand the purpose of the Lord of the Underworld.

But now, he has some understanding.

Because the Lord of the Underworld carried too many emotions of intelligent life, he was a little bit mad at the last moment.

However, he never gave up his duties.

Even if this responsibility is imposed by force.

Even in the last moments of his life, he is still guarding the highest plane.

The destruction is for rebirth, and the destruction is for the future. The confrontation between him and Chu Feng is just a different approach, but the concept is the same.

The Lord of the Underworld can die, but he cannot give up his duties.

He knew that after his death, there would be a peerless existence to replace him and continue to guard the highest plane.

Now, he is still guarding.

"Haha, Chu Feng, you are dead."

The Lord of Good Fortune suddenly laughed, and then knelt down towards the Lord of the Underworld, "Your Majesty, Chu Feng is the peerless murderer who destroyed the highest plane and destroyed the underworld. He is the sinner who destroyed the highest plane, a wise civilization. The catastrophe."

He was not sure that the Lord of the Underworld who appeared in front of him was not the Lord of the Underworld that he knew.

What if it was more distant before?

However, one thing is certain.

Over time, the Lord of the Underworld has no weaknesses.

In the starry sky of the universe, no matter how powerful the master of the underworld is, he has a fatal weakness, and that is the underworld itself.

But at the most critical moment when he was about to leave, he was interrupted by Chu Feng.

Therefore, he has weaknesses.

Most of the power of the Lord of the Underworld comes from the underworld, or conversely, most of his power is used to maintain the underworld.

Such a master of the underworld, even if he fell into Chu Feng's hands, it could not be said that Chu Feng defeated him.

However, here is a long time.

In the long river of time, even the boundary between life and death has disappeared.

The current Lord of the Underworld, his power depends on his control over the power of time, and he has lost all limitations.

Even the barriers between the past and the present cannot stop the footsteps of the Lord of the Underworld.

Chu Feng turned his head and said to the Lord of Good Fortune with a playful smile: "Do you think you are sure to win?"


This word pierced the heart of the Lord of Creation.

He repeatedly thought that he was determined to win, that he would definitely defeat Chu Feng, and that the situation was always under his control.

However, Chu Feng slapped his face again and again.

Until entering a dangerous place like a long river.

"Chu Feng, what else can you do? You used tricks to destroy the underworld with the help of the power of judgment from the heavens. Only despicable means can lead to the fall of your majesty."

The Lord of Good Fortune was unwilling to speak loudly to Chu Feng, "The current Majesty is the Majesty in his heyday. What can you do to resist the power of your Majesty? Your ant-like power is like fireflies and Haoyue contends for glory."

As he said, he continued to bow his head to the Lord of the Underworld: "Your Majesty, the highest plane has guarded the wisdom and civilization for countless years. The earth man Chu Feng destroyed the highest plane for his own personal benefit. The Holy Spirit world has been destroyed, and the underworld has only broken walls. The **** realm was broken and plunged into the starry sky of the universe, and please give Chu Feng a trial."

The Lord of Good Fortune who knelt down, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

He is suing.

Even if you bow your head and kneel down, there is no psychological burden to the Lord of Good Fortune.

He has long regarded dignity as nothing.

As long as he can invite the Lord of the Underworld to kill Chu Feng, that's enough.

He doesn't worry that his villain will be disliked by the Lord of the Underworld, because the Lord of the Underworld has no such emotions at all.

He doesn't care if anyone is telling the truth, nor will he be affected by the telling. He only cares if the incident itself is true.

As long as things are true, that's enough.

Over time, the authenticity of things is easy to identify.

In the long river of time, everything that happened in the world has all been recorded in the long river of time.

Usually, these pictures are chaotic and unclear.

But for those in control of time, those chaotic images can be straightened out.

When the time controller wants to find a certain picture in the long river of time, it can easily find it.

The words of the Lord of Good Fortune just now are just an introduction.

As long as the Lord of the Underworld cares, he will see the broken history of the highest plane in the long river of time, and will see Chu Feng's heinous crimes.

At that time, the Lord of the Underworld, who had an extremely strong sense of responsibility, would never let Chu Feng go.

Sure enough, the underworld took the initiative.

The breath of death seemed to permeate the whole time, and the terrible power seemed to have made time and space become chaotic.

The eyes of the Lord of the Underworld were filled with deathly killing intent.

It's not an angry killing intent, nor is it a determination to kill the enemy's belief, it's just the killing intent itself.

I want to kill you, then kill you, and you will die.

It's that simple and pure.

This is the Lord of the Underworld.

The Lord of Good Fortune's body is still kneeling down, feeling the terrifying power that even time and space have become disordered, his body has already involuntarily trembled, but his mood is extremely happy.

The Lord of the Underworld is about to make a move.

He will not pretend, since he wants to make a move, he must make a move, and he will never commit fraud.

Because it is not necessary at all.

He is the lord of the underworld, the lord of death, he is the lord of the underworld who rules life and death!

Raising the two-pronged spear, the Lord of Good Fortune couldn't help but raise his head, glanced in the direction where Chu Feng was, but saw a pair of complicated and calm eyes.

Chu Feng didn't panic, he didn't even have the consciousness of being near the enemy, instead he cast his sights on other places.

Chu Feng did not make any defensive actions at all for the two-pronged spear that the Lord of the Underworld defined life and death.

He doesn't care.

"Is this silly?"

Such an absurd idea appeared in the heart of the Lord of Creation.

Even if he knew it was impossible, what Chu Feng gave him was indeed like this.

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