Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1736: It's terrible to say the law

"It's a terrible ability."

The Taoist Qingpao sighed, and Chu Feng's innate sword aura chopped off his head.

The cooperation between Chu Feng and the Lord of the Underworld was not a sophisticated tactic, but there was no interference between them.

The Lord of Good Fortune stared at this scene blankly, couldn't believe that Zhou Guang Supreme was killed by Chu Feng like this?

This is Zhouguang Supreme!

However, the next moment, the figure of Zhouguang Supreme appeared again.

Looking at the intact Qingpao Taoist, Lord of Good Fortune breathed a sigh of relief. If Zhou Guang Supreme had fallen in this way, it would be too ridiculous.

The eight supreme beings of the ancient gods' realm could not be so weak.

"I actually sent myself to the time and space that has not been affected by my rules. It is worthy of being the supreme Zhouguang, who can play with the existence of time."

Chu Feng exclaimed, such a method is indeed terrifying.

Even if he had revised the law, he equated the conditions of Zhouguang Supreme's beheading with the conditions of death of mortals.

However, what he modified was also the current law.

In the eyes of Zhou Guangzhi, what exactly is time and space like?

"Just now, just when you thought you were going to kill me."

Zhou Guangzhi pointed to his chest and asked, "At that time, I felt an emotion that I had never had before. It was an emotion named by you as fear. Why would I be afraid of the passing of life?"

"Your Majesty Pluto, you should have a common topic with him."

Chu Feng turned his head and said to the lord of the underworld with joking, but the lord of the underworld was affectionately unchanged, and there was no change in the slightest.

Chu Feng shook his head involuntarily.

At the beginning, the lord of the underworld absorbed too many negative emotions of intelligent life, and his image became a little broken.

The current lord of the underworld will not be restrained and disturbed by feelings.

However, Chu Feng felt that such a master of the underworld seemed a little more gratifying, and that was the true appearance of the master of the underworld.

He knew it was impossible, but he hoped so.

However, he is not stupid enough to use the utterance method to modify reality. Once the utterance method involves the level of the soul, the power of backlash will directly disintegrate Chu Feng's soul, and even cause cracks in his Dao Heart. .

If you want to modify or distort something, you have to pay the corresponding price.

For Chu Feng, the price for Zhou Guang Zhizun to possess human weakness is... negligible.

The calculation method of the cost is very complicated, and it is related to the degree of understanding.

Chu Feng has a human weakness, and the price of sharing this weakness with the enemy will be very small, but if this weakness is directly gifted to the enemy, then the price he needs to pay will be more than a thousand times.

Even normal combat can't be done.

"You can continue to experience the human feeling, and I hope you don't indulge in it, otherwise it will be too easy to kill you."

In Chu Feng's thought, Zhou Guang Zhizun once again gained human weakness and human body, and the image of the Qingpao Taoist gradually materialized.

He can't let this fight go on.

The Lord of Good Fortune saw this weird scene and knew that he could not continue to let Chu Feng dominate the battlefield, and he had to do something.

He could see that although Time Changhe was the home court of Zhou Guang Zhizun, he had no desire for victory at all.

He does not yearn for victory, nor refuses to fail.

He doesn't care about perishable, or complete demise.

I just felt the feeling of fear, which was just a relatively novel feeling for Zhou Guang Zhizun.

Even the feeling of novelty he had just acquired.

If he doesn't do anything anymore, then Zhou Guang Supreme may allow himself to be killed by the Lord of the Underworld and Chu Feng together.

Because he doesn't care about life and death, nor does he care about existence and death.

A long spear appeared in the hands of the Lord of Good Fortune. This was a golden spear circling the purple air current, and it pierced Chu Feng's back with lightning speed.

He was going to kill Chu Feng.

The root of all the changes, from the moment Chu Feng appeared, there has been nothing good.

By killing Chu Feng, many accidents can be avoided.

Chu Feng seemed ignorant of this shot.

He was just condensing sword aura continuously, hoping that the next sword aura that continuously condensed and superimposed could take the life of the Taoist Qingpao.

The golden spear was getting closer.

The eyes of the Lord of Good Fortune were full of crazy looks.

"Take it to death! Chu Feng!"

The Lord of Good Fortune couldn't help shouting, but the golden spear stopped an inch from Chu Feng.

He slowly lowered his head in disbelief, and a black two-pronged gun had pierced his chest at some point.

The Death Spear of the Lord of the Underworld!


As the Lord of the Underworld drew out the two spears, red blood spurted out.

The heart of the Lord of Creation was full of anger. He actually bleeds. He, who is at the forefront of the evolution of intelligent life, the highest being in the universe, actually bleeds like a mortal!

how can that be?

No, never accept it!

The aura on the Lord of Good Fortune continued to improve, and the bleeding wounds gradually healed, but the shame in his heart was even greater.

What he used was the healing technique of the holy rank, the sacred rejuvenation technique.

In other words, he admitted the injury.

This kind of injury is even more humiliating to him than the injury itself.

And even if the injury healed, the corrosive power with the law of death eroded his soul all the time.

"Is it still the pride in my heart?"

Chu Feng glanced at the Lord of Creation, and he had no fear of the current state of the Lord of Creation.

Of course, it does not mean that he can be negligent, but he can focus on more important things.

After severely injuring the Lord of Creation, the Lord of the Underworld didn't have any triumphant look in his eyes, nor did he have the pleasure of being successful, just that the attack was completed and he was ready for the next wave of attacks.

His next target of attack was replaced by a Qingpao Taoist.

There are no mysterious magical powers, no complicated moves, and some are just a simple process of shooting, hitting, and beheading.

From Dao to Jane, his every move is the best of heaven and earth.

Even without the help of Chu Feng, his attack can directly harm the essence, causing essential damage to Zhou Guang Supreme.

Chu Feng's utterances were just like a magnifying glass.

He brought Zhou Guang Zhizun, whose life level was already incomprehensible, closer to humans in an understandable way.

Then, when the Lord of the Underworld launches an attack, the difficulty of hurting Zhouguang Supreme is about the same as hurting a human being.

The lord of the underworld and the supreme Zhouguang fought together again.

After restricting Zhou Guangzhi's use of utterance, Chu Feng, with a playful smile, turned his gaze on the Lord of Creation.

This two-on-two showdown should be attrition.

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