Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1755: Talk to the mother emperor

Chu Feng's Eye of All Things was obtained from the mother emperor of the Zerg clan, and possessed the ability to perceive and reconstruct all things.

Of course, the Zerg mother emperor also possesses the same ability.

Therefore, when fighting against those strong men who follow the path of bloodline cultivation, after a battle, the Zerg mother emperor can understand the other party's information seven or eighty eight.

As long as the existence of a holy rank is captured, the opponent's system will not have any secrets in front of the Zerg Mother Queen.

However, this is not the deadliest.

The most deadly place lies in the restraint of supernatural powers.

For example, if the powerhouse of the dark spirit race fights against the Zerg mother emperor, then every dark spirit race will have the magical powers of the dark spirit race.

The natal magic powers of the Dark Spirits are mainly the [Shadow Incarnation] that is used to support the dark night sneak, which is used for defense, including the [Sigh of Eternal Night] in the attack series.

However, as long as any Dark Spirit Race that has mastered all the supernatural powers is captured by the Zerg Mother Emperor and then swallowed completely, then all the supernatural powers of the Dark Spirit Race will be completely resolved.

You know, these magical powers are the accumulation of hundreds of thousands of years of history of the Dark Spirit Race, and they have been perfected generation after generation.

But in front of the Zerg mother emperor, it only takes a few minutes to crack.

Then in the future, when encountering the Legion of the Dark Spirit Race, the Zerg Mother Emperor can directly carry out the massacre, and the Dark Spirit Race will not have any power to fight back in front of the Zerg Mother Emperor.

But the practitioners of the magic path are different.

In the process of devouring the bloodline power, perfecting the bloodline power, and burning the bloodline power, the magical practitioners will make a dynamic change in their own power. Even the ancestral magical powers will change unconsciously.

Of course, in fact, this is not the characteristic of a practitioner of the magic way.

All Yuanli practice systems have the same characteristics of ever-changing. The magic way practice system is also closely related to the Yuanli practice system.

It is not an exaggeration for the two parties to say that they have the same root.

After all, the theoretical basis of the Yuanli cultivation system is that every life has its own unique place.

There are no absolutely fixed magical powers and exercises, but only a way for everyone to practice and find the path that suits them best.

Just like the same literary work, different people have different perceptions.

The magic way practice system also inherited this characteristic.

Therefore, when facing the Zerg mother emperor, his own magical powers, including his cultivation methods, have been completely cracked, so there is no need to worry too much.

Just make some changes in the details.

Regardless of whether it becomes stronger or weaker after the modification, it is a brand new magical power in front of the Zerg's eyes of all things.

Therefore, the probability of the Demon Dao Cultivation System being restrained by the Zerg Mother Emperor is very low. In addition, those who stepped onto the Demon Dao and were able to survive were basically the strong, which resulted in the Demon Dao Cultivation System restraining the Zerg Mother Emperor from cracking.

After finding the uniqueness of the Demon Way cultivation system, Chu Feng was also thoughtful and had some reflections.

"The means of forcibly instilling realm can only start from the holy rank."

Holy-rank powerhouses can comprehend by analogy, through their own perception of the law and their own strong beliefs, to force control of the laws they did not understand, so the ever-changing for the Holy-ranked powerhouses, it is simply an instinctive instinct.

Therefore, regardless of whether it is the holy rank powerhouse of the gods or the human race, except for those few who have embarked on the bloodline cultivation path, they can all defeat the Zerg.

The lesson is that education must not be rigid.

Rigid and dogmatic education may be able to cultivate a large number of basic talents, but it is difficult to cultivate top combat capabilities.

Facing special races such as Zerg and Mechanical Group, that would be a disaster.

Humans and Protoss currently have no hidden dangers in this area, but they can't wait for the hidden dangers to erupt before solving them.

This is also a reminder to Chu Feng himself.

He has broken away from the framework of the mysterious ancient book, but it does not mean that he has truly surpassed the book of heaven and earth.

The reason why he can easily defeat the Lord of Creation is because the Lord of Creation is too rigid in using the magical powers in the mysterious ancient books, and Chu Feng knows too much about those magical abilities.

Even a strong person at the level of the Lord of Creation will commit this kind of low-level mistake. It can be seen that this type of mistake has no absolute relationship with the realm of strength.

After understanding the whole story, Chu Feng communicated with the Zerg mother emperor.

"The Zerg mother emperor, long time no see."

Chu Feng's voice sounded directly in the heart of the Zerg Mother Emperor.

Hearing Chu Feng's voice, the Zerg mother emperor quickly realized who she had encountered.

[Did you catch me from the starry sky of the universe to the ancient gods? 】

"That's right, it's me. I hope you can disrupt the entire Ancient God Realm. It seems that you are doing pretty good now."

Chu Feng admitted it frankly.

For this kind of thing, he has no need to deny it.

[Why are you doing this? Is it just to disrupt the ancient gods? But no matter what you are for, I like this place very much. I should say thank you for giving me such a powerful force. 】

The Zerg mother emperor responded very sincerely.

After arriving in the ancient gods' realm, it discovered that it turned out that it was so suitable for the ancient gods and suitable for development in this world.

There are plenty of vitality, endless resources, and countless strong people. At the beginning, he still had the mind to keep a living being in captivity, but as time passed, even the idea of ​​captivity was extinguished.

Because there are too many strong people here.

Compared to the starry sky of the universe, a barren land that spans hundreds of light years will not necessarily be able to find a planet of life. The Ancient Divine Realm is simply too friendly to the Zerg mother emperor, and it is simply a blessed land.

As for being taken advantage of by Chu Feng?

The concept of the Zerg mother emperor doesn't make him feel annoyed by this.

"It's good if you like this place, but as you continue to devour it, have you realized the situation of the Zerg in the past, the position of the Zerg in the ancient gods, especially the reason for the discrimination?"

The Zerg mother emperor did not immediately answer.

In the past, the Zerg was considered a low-level race because the Zerg did not have an eternal realm, let alone detached.

But now, even the eternal realm has disappeared.

So, what reason does the Zerg have to be considered a lower race?

[They are afraid of the potential and power of our Zerg. 】

After a while, the Zerg mother emperor gave Chu Feng an answer. This answer is not that it took a long time to think of it, but it took a long time to think before making the decision to tell Chu Feng. .

When the mother emperor decided to tell Chu Feng this answer, the two sides had reached a preliminary agreement to some extent.

"Now that you are aware of this problem, you should understand that before you have the power to surpass the supreme being, no matter how many victories you have, as long as the supreme being takes a shot, that is your doomsday."

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