Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1769: Walk on earth

After realizing this, Chu Feng realized that it was more difficult to fight the supreme existence than he thought.

It is not only necessary to overcome the gap in strength, but also the gap in cognition, and even psychological obstacles.

Even if you have the power to fight the enemy, and your hostility to the enemy has disappeared, how can your power be used?

It won't help to let you have peerless magical powers.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng decided to leave the Valley of Time and go to the Saint Yuan universe to check the reality there.

Chu Feng has a lot of information about Shengyuan Universe Nation.

Whether it is collected by my subordinates or viewed by my own eyes, there are many, many.

Including Jiang Xinyue and Zhang Ziqing when they were playing in the ancient gods, they also went to the Saint Yuan universe to see them.

But Chu Feng has never experienced it personally.

When you can use the highest posture to have a panoramic view of all the intelligence of the entire Saint Yuan universe, is it necessary to experience it in person?

I don't know the true face of Mount Lu, only because I am in this mountain.

Experience it in person, instead of seeing it from the sidelines.

Now, Chu Feng closed his spiritual sense and looked at the world from the perspective of the existence of the peak of the holy rank.

Asking him to see the world from the perspective of an ordinary person, from the perspective of an ordinary life, seems too hypocritical.

Looking at the world from the angle of existence of the pinnacle of a holy rank, this angle is just right.

After all, as a Domination Realm who had already walked out of his own path, Chu Feng himself belonged to the level of the peak of the holy rank, but he was just a leader in this level, and even a top existence.

But Chu Feng has never had such awareness.

It cannot be said that Chu Feng has a high self-esteem, it is true that Chu Feng carries the hope of the entire civilization on his back.

The height of a civilization raised Chu Feng's vision very high.

Now that Chu Feng looked at the world from the perspective of a strong man at the pinnacle of the holy rank, he had already suppressed himself very low.

If it continues to go down, it will be the opposite.

The environment of the cosmic kingdom of the holy abyss is not essentially different from the secret realm of the dark spirit.

It is also a terrible piece of abundant resources, all kinds of cultivation resources are all over the ground, just **** the vitality of a mountain, and you will be able to cultivate more than a dozen holy rank powerhouses on the earth.

But in the ancient gods, these resources are everywhere.

Even if it is Huaxia City that has cultivated more than a dozen holy ranks, such an environment can only be regarded as a barren land according to the standards of the ancient gods. The powerful existence will be there for a long time, and it will deplete its own cultivation.

After all, the vitality there is too barren.

Walking on the land of Shengyuan Universe Nation, Chu Feng sighed with emotion.

He saw a race that gave birth to the ninth-order existence, and I was competing with other races for a place full of vitality.

The place where their race was originally located is no longer enough to support such a noble existence as a Tier 9 powerhouse.

But when Chu Feng came to their original habitat, he saw the elixir all over the mountains. These can cultivate hundreds of ninth ranks on the earth, but they can only be regarded as ordinary food in the ancient gods.

After all, these medicinal properties and vitality are too thin.

Why are they unwilling to use and develop the potential of these animals and plants and their homes?

Of course it is because they have a simpler way to directly obtain the power of things with abundant vitality through battle and plunder.

That being the case, why do they still study science?

The refining methods of the ancient gods are not bad, but the pharmacy is more than a little bit bad.

The major races would rather fight for their precious cultivation resources, rather than develop their existing resources to a higher utilization efficiency.

This is an environmental decision.

Even when he was in the Dark Spirit Secret Realm, he was accustomed to such a phenomenon, and Chu Feng was still very embarrassed.

At the same time, I feel a little heavy.

Will humans make the same mistakes?

In other words, the same mistake has actually been made many times.

Huaxia invented gunpowder for hundreds of years. It was only used to set off fireworks and invented the compass, which was actually used for divination.

Really, only if you suffer a loss and have a bloodshed, will you think hard about change.

Silently keeping this lesson in his heart, Chu Feng decided to wait until the end of the war and must work out a strategy to avoid such things as much as possible.

All the creatures of these ancient gods are sitting on Baoshan without knowing it.

But thinking about it carefully, Chu Feng didn't think he was qualified to laugh at them.

Is the development and utilization of the earth's resources perfect for mankind? I'm afraid not necessarily.

Hongmeng Star is also a treasured land full of vitality, but mankind has begun to develop territories outside Hongmeng Star.

Is it because humans don’t know how to develop and use known rules?

Compared with the ancient gods, mankind has done well enough.

It's just a price/performance ratio.

"Speaking of the earth in the old age, it was able to maintain a relatively peaceful environment for decades. The deterrence of nuclear weapons may be an element, but the improvement of resource utilization efficiency may also be one aspect!"

Chu Feng continued to walk on the land of Shengyuan Universe Kingdom.

He saw not only the present, but also the past.

There are countless ethnic groups in Shengyuan Universe. If one ethnic group develops to a certain size, it may split into two.

Two groups that run in opposite directions may take different paths.

Just as humans on Earth have evolved into several different skin colors, over time, it is possible for both parties to produce reproductive isolation.

However, with the improvement of the communication and transportation abilities of human beings on the earth, human beings in different places have gradually merged into one.

"Huh? Is there a magical path spreading here?"

Chu Feng came to a large race with hundreds of holy ranks, and saw the existence of a holy rank in six realms, explaining the magic way for everyone.

"Holy Yuan Universe Nation, launching foreign wars time and time again, each time a large number of powerful people are drawn from our clan. Just a hundred years ago, we still had more than 10,000 holy ranks, but in the past hundred years, countless The strong were forcibly called up."

This holy rank powerhouse said in a loud and impassioned way, without concealing his anger towards the Holy Abyss Universe Kingdom.

"Recruiting soldiers again and again, sending them to the battlefield where there is no doubt that they will die, in exchange for only trivial rewards and compassion. We lost the strong and began to be besieged by the original enemy. We can no longer continue to protect a large number of people. Resources, and now we are in decline.

Are you willing to accept this fact? Is it necessary for all of our holy ranks to be killed on the battlefield before we realize that we are the ruined races that we once ridiculed?

We don't want to, but Shengyuan Universe Nation is too powerful, and we don't have the power to directly resist them.

But fortunately, we have gained access to power. "

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