Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1771: The supreme way

"Why is there always an uneasy feeling in my heart?"

Walking on the ground of the Supreme Temple and observing all the changes within the jurisdiction of the Supreme Temple, Chu Feng felt a little uneasy in his heart.

After carefully examining his own heart, Chu Feng found that his anxiety did not come from a threat to his life, but in a faint feeling that he seemed to have overlooked something important.

"What the **** is it?"

While thinking about it, Chu Feng watched a preacher in a white robe, who was telling the people of the Supreme God about the greatness of the Supreme God.

The eyes of the people of the Supreme God are full of devotion to the Supreme God.

This kind of belief spread is not 100% effective, but when half of the people in an environment accept the spread of belief, then the remaining half, I am afraid that more than half will try to make themselves gregarious.

Then remove the remaining ungrouped part from the collective, and such a highly cohesive country will be established.

Although the Supreme God is the youngest supreme being, the soldiers of the Supreme Temple are definitely the most intrepid soldiers.

If the flaws in the soul can be removed, it will be even more perfect.

However, if the soldiers of the Supreme Temple are truly perfect, I am afraid that other supreme beings will not allow the Supreme God's family to dominate.

"The Supreme Temple dominates the family?"

There was a flash of light in Chu Feng's mind, and he suddenly realized where the uneasiness that had always appeared in his heart came from.

Chu Feng left the jurisdiction of the Supreme Temple, and then spent a year walking around the sphere of influence under every supreme being.

"The supreme divine sect opened up the system of sects, and the holy abyss universe, the holy abyss, initially broke the barriers between races in the form of a country, but it has deepened the contradictions between races, but I don’t know. What is his way."

Chu Feng's biggest goal is to be able to find all the ways of supreme existence.

The supreme way is communication.

The Word of the Most High God is faith.

The immeasurable way is the way of blood.

Although bloodline inheritance has always existed, the bloodline cultivation system has been opened up, and the memory of inheritance and the means of bloodline inheritance supernatural powers have been studied. The Immeasurable Supreme, the Immeasurable Supreme, walks in front of all existence on the path of bloodlines.

The eternal kingdom of God under the command of the immeasurable supreme can be said to have the blood of the immeasurable supreme more or less.

The immeasurable saint race is also the largest race in the ancient gods.

The appearance of the holy race is similar to that of the human race and the **** race, and the two sides are most likely to have the same root and the same relationship.

However, the ancestors of the wisdom civilization have cut off the blood fetters of the wisdom civilization, so this kind of thing does not need to be considered, and it will not form any form of restraint on the gods and human races.

During this process, Chu Feng also found that what the Supreme Supreme said was true, and he really didn't care about the rise of the magic way.

The Immeasurable Supreme is a supreme who rises after the Supreme Supreme. He spreads his blood in a large amount, and uses the power of the blood to accommodate all the Dao, and finally proves the Dao with the blood to achieve the supreme existence.

In the process of the spread of the bloodline, the Supreme Supreme also did not stop it, but integrated the bloodline into the sect system.

In this way, the roads of the two sides do not conflict, and of course there is no reason to become an enemy.

It can be seen that the supreme supreme has an indifferent attitude towards the rise of the new supreme being, and even surpassing himself.

From the perspective of the supreme supreme, the ancestors of the wise and civilized are really dying, I will not take the initiative to deal with you, suppress you, you even want to cut off my road.

So what reason do I have for forgiving you?

Chu Feng didn't comment on the right or wrong of this matter, because the real world itself has no so-called right or wrong.

Otherwise, can he abandon the path of wisdom civilization because of the mistakes of the ancestors of wisdom civilization?

From the standpoint of wisdom and civilization, it made it impossible for Chu Feng to really distinguish right from wrong.

This was the supreme way in the beginning, and Chu Feng couldn't see his way as well.

The forces under the Supreme Beginning Supreme are presented in the form of sects. There is also the title of Supreme Supreme at the Beginning, which is called the Supreme Headmaster of the Supreme Beginning.

However, it is presented in the form of a sect, but in Chu Feng's view, such a sect is very close to the Holy Yuan universe.

Chu Feng couldn't see the Supreme Dao of the Beginning and the Supreme Dao of Shengyuan.

There are two Supremes left, one is Hengyu Supreme. He walked along the way of space. It is said that the Ancient Gods' Domain was originally just a space in the universe, a relatively unique space, because Hengyu Supreme became so powerful.

Legend has it that Hengyu Supreme is also the closest to the Lord of Time.

The Hengyu realm controlled by Hengyu Supreme can be said to be a world of its own. It is part of the ancient gods and at the same time maintains a certain degree of independence, which seems to be somewhat similar to the secret realm.

Legend has it that the secret realms of the ancient gods were all trial and failure products when Hengyu Supreme created the Hengyu Realm.

It was also speculated that the Secret Realm is part of Hengyu Realm.

Because both the Hengyu realm and those secret realms have played a pillar role in the ancient gods, supporting the existence of the entire ancient gods, and preventing the ancient gods from collapsing due to its overwhelming volume.

Chu Feng was not sure that when he entered the Hengyu realm, he would not disturb the deity of Hengyu Supreme. This was the only world he had not personally descended on.

The last one is the Supreme Slaughter. This is a Supreme who proves the way through killing and war. His way is the way of war.

At least, it looks like this on the surface.

When Chu Feng walked around the Slaughter Supreme Asura Holy Land, he discovered that his avenue might not be the Slaughter Road.

Because in the age of the supreme supreme, killings and wars already existed.

In order to compete for better resources between different races, killings and wars are going on almost all the time.

It can be said that Slaughter Road was originally the bottom road in the universe, and it can be said to be a phenomenon.

According to common sense, the Dao of Slaughter cannot be proved to be the Supreme Dao.

In addition, the Slaughter Supreme, although he created the Asura Holy Land through killing and war all the way, he did not make any improvements to the low-level killing and war methods, and did not allow the universe to change because of him.

Then how does he preach?

What's more, no matter whether the Slaughter Supreme exists or not, the slaughter does exist, which is even more puzzling.

But the existence of supreme being itself is against common sense.

Chu Feng guessed that Slaughter Supreme might be the way of Slaughter and the Way of War, hiding his true Supreme Way.

However, if Slaughter Dao cannot prove Dao because it is a low-level avenue, then how can Hengyu Supreme prove Dao with space?

After thinking for a long time, Chu Feng guessed that Hengyu Supreme Dao was not the real space Dao, but the World Dao.

But it's not a self-contained world like the Ancient Gods' Domain, his supreme great way lies between the two.

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