Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 178: Group annihilation

Chu Feng is not a person who likes to talk a lot, or is the one who talks for a while before.

For those who were really sentenced to death in his heart, he would only make a move without saying a word, and at most he would choose the timing or the method of the move.

Explanation? Is there any good explanation for the dead?

But today is a special case, because Chu Xiaorou is listening to him on the communicator.

He didn't want his sister to become a cold-blooded person, but he knew that even if it wasn't cold-blooded, maintaining basic vigilance against strangers was a necessary quality to survive in this world.

Today's events can be regarded as a lesson for him, and for Chu Xiaorou, it is even more capable of subverting people's worldview.

Xu Yan whispered to Chu Xiaorou: "If this is really our gathering place, if your family really hoards a lot of supplies here, if your brother's strength is slightly weaker, think about the consequences. "

Chu Xiaorou only felt that her heart was suffering like a needle stick.

If she was coaxed by her parents before, now she really understands her brother.

Obviously he is a good brother, and Chu Feng also reminded him, but for these ridiculous reasons, even the lives of the brothers and the whole family were ignored, and they had to cut the roots.

How can human nature become so bad?

How can there be such a person in the world?

If Chu Feng is not sure about dealing with those people, if Chu Feng is not prepared for the arrival of the opponent, then the whole family is likely to die for them!

Thinking of this terrible end, her body couldn't help shaking.

However, what she didn't expect was that Chu Feng experienced these things personally once.

"Since you don't know how to promote, don't blame us for being impolite."

The leader gave an order, "Fire!"

Suddenly, all the members with guns in their hands began to cover the place where Chu Feng was hiding. The flames from the muzzle continued to puff and the scrapped cars quickly became riddled with holes.

Seeing these hot weapons exert their powerful power, Zhao Yuan's heart couldn't help being filled with pride.

Soon Chu Feng, the hypocrite, was about to be killed, and soon, he didn't have to suffer the torment of conscience in his heart.

Yes, he still thinks he has a conscience, but his kindness is regarded as a donkey liver and lungs by the dog.

What they didn't notice, however, was that a black long snake happened to walk around behind them silently.

"Hell Industry Fire!"

The faint blue flame emanated from the place where Chu Feng was hiding and fell into the crowd, causing a commotion, and some people were even more angry.

"Isn't he just an awakened from the physical arts department?"

"Zhao Yuan, you hurt me!"

"I, I don't know!"

Zhao Yuan also felt that he was a little wronged. Before, Chu Feng obviously fought with a sword! Immediately afterwards, he remembered what Chu Feng had just said, and only spared them by looking at his brother's face.

He originally thought that this sentence was just a scene, but now he couldn't help but doubt whether Chu Feng was really capable of killing them?

"Don't panic!"

A water system supernatural player summoned a large amount of vitality condensate, blocking the **** industry fire outside, "This may be an attack from his companion!"

Hearing his judgment, everyone calmed down a bit.

They were suddenly attacked by an ability just now, so they were a little flustered, but after thinking about it, this is indeed very possible.

At this moment, a crack suddenly opened in the earth.

"heads up!"

"Pay attention to the ground!"

"Everyone, get away!"

The cracks in the ground made their hearts filled with panic again, even the earth-type supernatural powers could not attack this level!

At this moment, a cloud of gray mist drifted towards them.

"what is this!"

One person couldn't dodge and was shrouded in gray mist, and soon his body began to dry up. Seeing his withered and old hands, he couldn't help letting out a scream.

"Ice Blade Technique!"

When everyone was in a mess, Zhang Ziqing also took aim at this moment. Her ice blade was released from the direction of the bottom of the car, hitting a dozen people's calves one after another, causing them to scream and fall to the ground.

Then, Chu Feng's Frost Arrow and Xiaoxi's Holy Light Purification also began to take action, killing or injuring these enemies one by one. As for the defense? They don’t need to worry at all! A wind gust wall is resolved.


Tian Jing and others also started to walk out of the bunker and began to cover with firepower. Although the hit rate was very touching, it was indeed enough to bluff.

When these people saw that the other party had a powerful heat weapon, they were all panicked and lost all their fighting courage.

"How could they have so many guns?"


"Run, we are not their opponents!"

"Run, they are all monsters!"

In their entire team, there were only three ability players, and two of them were still close body arts. Under such a combat environment, they weren't their opponents at all.

They originally thought that thermal weapons could pose a great threat to the superpowers, but they did not expect that when the opponent was prepared, their thermal weapons would not work at all, and there were thermal weapons on the opposite side. In comparison, they have no advantage at all.

So they fled in panic one after another, rushing to flee in the direction of the vehicle.

"help me."

"Bring me!"

People who had been beaten by Zhang Ziqing in their calves fell to the ground in pain. Not only did they suffer serious injuries, but also their legs were frozen by the freezing effect of the ice blade. They didn't even have the opportunity to endure the pain and take steps. Can cry to their companions for help.

"Ah! Big brother, help me!"

Zhao Yuan didn't check it, and was shot by Bingbian. He lost the ability to move, and stretched out his hand for help to the elder brother of the Awakener he had just recognized.

"Go away!"

However, the team leader didn't even look at Zhao Yuan, and kicked his hand away with one kick. He is now at the critical moment of escape. How could he stop for a subordinate?

Seeing the back of the team leader leaving mercilessly, Zhao Yuan's heart was full of resentment: "You can't die, you will definitely die!"

As if his curse was immediately fulfilled, a black snake's figure suddenly enlarged, and then swallowed the leader in one bite.

"what is this?"

"There are monsters, run!"

Now they have become scary birds,


Immediately afterwards, a black bolt of lightning spread across the audience, hitting everyone who was still standing on the scene at the same time, making them lose the ability to act at the same time.


Chu Feng gave an order, and Tian Jing and the others immediately ceased the fire.

They looked at the battlefield again, there was no longer anyone on the battlefield who still had the ability to act.

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