Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 180: People's hearts will change

Hearing Chu Feng's reminder, everyone noticed that the violent movement just now attracted many zombies and wild animals.

Zombies with coagulated blood hanging from the corners of their mouths walked towards them stiffly. Among these zombies, there were even some mutated zombies.

"Don't be afraid, everyone."

"Fight with these zombies!"

"Be careful, don't overturn the boat in the gutter. If we are bitten by a zombie, even the boss can't save us."

After what happened just now, Chu Feng's supernatural power left a deep impression in their hearts. Such a powerful and outrageous person turned out to be their boss, which made their hearts feel extremely proud.

Now when facing such a monster, there is not much fear in their hearts.

Anyway, their boss is around, what are they afraid of?

Chu Feng didn't stop them from doing their hot blood, but pointed to a few mutant zombies: "These zombies are not something they can deal with, you can solve it!"

Zhang Ziqing and Xiaoxi nodded, and then began to do their work.

Anyway, they are all attacking from a distance, even if there is a mistake in the battle, there is still room to make up. Now facing the mutant zombies, it can be regarded as training.

Xu Yan cast a questioning look at Chu Feng. Chu Feng nodded. After Xu Yan got the answer, she immediately raised her knife and rushed towards the group of zombies.

Seeing the crazy look of these people, the captives on the ground were shocked.

"Are they all crazy?"

"Do you think you can fight zombies with a knife in your hand?"

"Do they think they are the awakened?"

"This is looking for death."

"The strength of your boss is not your strength!"

However, the mockery at the corners of their mouths quickly solidified.

A few mutant zombies may still have some threats, but under the attack of the two third-order abilities of Zhang Ziqing and Xiaoxi, they still appear a little vulnerable.

Except for the mutant zombies, the remaining zombies pose no threat to these people who have become warriors. The only threat that may be caused is that when the head of the zombie is cut off, the blood of the zombie may be splashed. Shoot it into your own mouth!

However, the blood of the zombies is much sadder than normal people. They have passed Chu Feng's special training yesterday. If something happens now, then Chu Feng will just sit back and watch the opponent die.

Things that concern one's own life are not easy to learn, should he teach them hand in hand?

Seeing the scene of these people beheading zombies with great power, the captives on the ground were all dull.

They were sent out to collect materials after simple training, but seeing the strength of these people, they discovered that these people actually exceeded the limits of the human body!

what does this mean? This means that what they have worked so **** is something that everyone needs for others.

Chu Xiaorou did not kill the zombies, but silently thought about something.

Chu Feng said: "Aren't you very confused about my decision before? I'll tell you the matter."

With that said, he told his sister what had happened between him and Zhao Yuan.

After listening to what Chu Feng said, Chu Xiaorou's heart became more complicated.

She couldn't help saying: "I didn't expect that you were roommates in the university, but he did this kind of thing to you. He really knows people and doesn't care."

Even she felt a little scared.

Together with a brother in the dormitory, they can become like this, hiding their true colors for so long, so how much can other people believe?

Chu Feng shook his head: "No, when he was in the dormitory, he did look at me as a brother. Even before he knew I was the Awakener, he looked at me as a brother, and even wanted me to join Jinling Biology. Let me have a place to settle down and stand my destiny, this is also true."

Chu Xiaorou felt a little confused in her mind: "But, why?"

She didn't understand why Zhao Yuan was so vicious and even wanted to kill her whole family, but Chu Feng still said he was sincere?

And Zhao Yuan, who was listening, also silently shed tears at this moment.

Chu Feng glanced at the youngest in the dormitory, and said: "When we are on an equal footing, he really regards me as a brother, a good brother who helps each other, even if I can prove that I have Let ordinary people have the ability to exceed the limit, and he will follow me ecstatically, without any embarrassment, because we are brothers, no matter who is developed, we should be dazzled by each other."

Zhao Yuan felt that he had mixed well, and Chu Feng should follow him.

Similarly, if Chu Feng gets mixed up well, he will naturally not excuse him.

What kind of polite talk between brothers? In this world, mutual help is the most important thing.

After hearing what Chu Feng said, Chu Xiaorou didn't understand even more.

Since they are all true brothers, why would Zhao Yuan still do this?

And Zhao Yuan's tears flowed faster, and his face was filled with regret for the first time.

"However, the human heart will become."

Chu Feng said, "Any feelings and morals in the world have their own bottom line. Some people would rather starve to death than **** others' things, but when they see their family members starving, they might break through. The bottom line of morality. Some people regard the lives of their brothers as more important than themselves, but if the brothers are more advanced than themselves, jealousy will rise in his heart."

Seeing his sister's painful thinking, Chu Feng touched her head: "You can learn these things slowly in the future. Now you only need to learn one thing, that is, absolutely must beware of the sinister heart and don't take yourself lightly. Get in danger, because it will not only kill you, but also your family."

With that, he walked to Zhao Yuan's side.

Zhao Yuan resigned, "Chu Feng, what are you going to do with me?"

Chu Feng just analyzed the changes in his feelings from the bottom of his heart, making him feel that he was more transparent in front of Chu Feng than naked.

Now, his begging for mercy and spiteful curse had lost any meaning, because Chu Feng probably understood his inner thoughts better than him.

"In the hospital, I could actually kill all of you, but because you really wanted to help me at the beginning, I spared you, even if you wanted to kill me at the time."

Chu Feng raised the blood-drinking sword, "But, I don't just live for me, you even sacrifice my family's life for your own future. This has exceeded the bottom line that brotherhood can forgive. "

Blood-drinking sword, fall!

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