Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 197: The distance between man and beast

When someone yelled this sentence, countless hungry people began to shine.

Of course, Chu Feng and the people around him are "satisfactory" people, but most of them do not live well in the fortress. More than one-third of them rely on compressed biscuits provided by the bank.

It's fine to eat compressed biscuits occasionally. Everyone can't stand it.

When everyone's eyes fell on the armored vehicle, some thoughts in their hearts began to move around.

"There is food in the car."

After these words were shouted openly, countless people began to act.

"There is food there."

"Go over and get it!"

"Don't stop us."

"That's our thing!"

Those who wanted to **** things from the armored vehicles immediately clashed with the people of the Dawn Alliance. After all, the people of the Dawn Alliance did not want their food to be robbed.

A 50-year-old man with a wretched look arrogantly said: "You have so much food, why don't you give it to us? Everyone is starving here! Do you have humanity? "

Everyone followed suit: "Yeah! Do you have humanity?"

"Since you have so many things, you should give it to us!"

"Hand over things quickly."

"The military gave us food, why don't you give us something?"

In the face of the group of people who were asking for things arbitrarily, some people began to dodge and flinch.

Even if they know that the other party is an unreasonable party, most people are still instinctively afraid of the crowd, and few can bear the anger of the crowd.

This is why these people can be beggars with confidence.

They don't need to be reasonable at all, they just need more people.

However, there are also people who want to guard their supplies, guard their food and water, and guard these things that will allow them to survive.

"This is our stuff, why should we give these things to you?"

"That is, if you want these things, then trade yours for them."

"How do we survive when you take these things?"

These are their lifeblood, how can they be easily given to others?

On the roof of the armored vehicle, Chu Feng said to Gu Nanfei: "Will you give them these things? Do you still think everyone is grateful?"

Gu Nanfei groaned for two seconds, and then pointed to those who were hiding in the corner and those who were killing the swarm:

"There is always someone worth saving."

Chu Feng said, "So, what do you plan to do for these unaware people?"

He is not opposed to Gu Nanfei's expectations of human nature, but no matter what kind of social environment, there will be some scum.

In a dangerous environment like the end of the world, the harm of scum will be infinitely amplified.

The people of the Dawn Alliance firmly guarded the supplies behind them, and those who wanted to intimidate them were hustling with them, wanting to cross their blockade.

Of course, most people are still watching theaters, not watching theaters, but they are not willing to participate in disputes of this degree.

The people are safe, most people are not bad guys, just try to be safe.

However, Zhang Ziqing and others did not dare to move without Chu Feng's order.

At this moment, a person suddenly took an axe and slashed an axe on the head of a member of the Dawn Alliance, causing his head to bloom on the spot.

The person holding the axe grabbed the backpack from that person and was about to run away.

He didn't even think about whether he could run away. There was only one thing he was thinking about now, and that was that he was hungry and wanted to eat.

"Ah! Dead!"

Although a lot of casualties were caused when the insects attacked, being killed by insects and being killed by others are basically two different things. Seeing someone kill directly in order to **** something, caused a panic.

Then, the second and third people started to shoot.

"They don't distribute things to us, we get them ourselves."

"Yes, let's get it ourselves!"

"Brothers, go!"

When people face disasters, it is easy to lose their minds. Now they are desperate and there is no room for weighing the pros and cons in their minds.

Suddenly, Gu Nanfei sprinted out to the exit, pointed like a sword, and sealed the throat of the first murderer who snatched the backpack with a sword and killed it on the spot.

However, now the crowd has fallen into chaos, and killing a person is inconspicuous at all.

At this time, the abilities of the Dawn Alliance made their moves one after another, with wind blades, sword glow, sword energy, and fireballs swaying out, killing one after another who tried to **** supplies.

"Protect our supplies!"

"Kill these bandits!"

"Fuck this group of bitches!"

In order to protect the supplies they depend on for survival, the members of the Dawn Alliance are now red eyes. They have killed a lot of monsters these days, and they have just killed a lot of insects. Now someone wants to get them out of their hands. Grab something? How can this make them endure!

Thus, a melee broke out.

Although there were supernatural powers among those who snatched supplies, the number was still relatively small after all, and they soon fell under the joint attack of the Alliance.

Gu Nanfei guarded the exit created by the energy shield, and killed those who wanted to take advantage of the chaos to escape.

Chu Xiaorou was by Chu Feng's side, staring at all this in a daze. She couldn't believe this scene: "Why, why are they doing this? Is it for that life?"

Refugees who had just been victims are now transformed into demons who **** food in an instant. In order to protect their food, members of the Dawn Alliance have also become demons.

Chu Feng shook his head: "They are not trying to survive, because everyone in this fortress has food distributed by the military. They just want to live better.

Of course they didn't think so much, they just wanted to find a way to vent, a way to vent their fears. "

Those outside the fortress will starve to death, but with the presence of the military, they can still guarantee that people in the fortress will not starve to death.

Therefore, these people just lost their minds.

It may be because of external pressure, or it may be because of their inner fragility, but all this is no longer important.

For the members of the Dawn Alliance, these people are just robbers who want to **** their resources, even at the expense of money and life.

Chu Xiaorou became even more silent.

The scene before her had a greater impact on her worldview. She originally thought she had a deeper understanding of this dangerous world, but she did not expect that she was still too naive.

Sometimes, the distance between man and beast is not the object of their reincarnation, but their environment.

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