Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 208: Everything is under control

As a family of ancient warriors with a long heritage, the Gu family has ambitious generations, and naturally there are also people like Gu Nanfei who are loyal to the sky.

It's a pity that people like Gu Nanfei have a disadvantage.

Otherwise, why would he betray Gu's family?

Now in troubled times, most people are trying to make things better, struggling desperately to survive, but there are also many powerful people who take the opportunity to build a hegemony.

Gu Changwen said: "Next, after we integrate here, we can proceed to the Lingtan layout. That is the foundation for us to truly settle down, and it will also be the foundation for our expansion."

Gu Liyu said, "Patriarch, not everyone can be qualified to practice in Lingtan. Those untouchables, just give them a bite and let them work for us."

Gu Changwen said: "God has the virtue of living, and if they give them a bite, they should be grateful to us. How can they be qualified to complain?"


The core members of the Gu family are discussing their future plans. Good news from the front line comes one after another, and the number of forces they expand is also increasing.

As for the question of loyalty? Their family has its own solution.

The easiest way is to fool them to Lingtan, then use the arrangement there to make these people unable to escape, and then slowly instill their thoughts.

Just as they were immersed in the beautiful fantasy of the future, suddenly a domestic servant ran in in a panic and shouted: "Patriarch, it's not good."

"In a panic, what a decent way!"

Gu Liyu scolded with a displeased look, "Did you encounter a difficult opponent when you were expanding your recruits, and you can't outsmart it?"

Gu Changwen waved his hand and said, "Don't be too harsh on people."

With that, he gently said to the messenger servant: "Is it the Dawn Alliance thing?"

The servant gasped crudely: "Yes, it is the Dawn Alliance."

Gu Nanzhan gave a flattery at the right time: "It's worthy of being the owner of the house, it's a brilliant plan."

In fact, he was already a little uncomfortable with the Patriarch's act of pretending to be coercive. You just hit a few supernaturalists on the front foot, can they still come to the door?

It is estimated that the frontline has already started fighting!

However, he could not have any apparent dissatisfaction with the Patriarch.

Gu Liyu said: "The Patriarch has known about this a long time ago, don't panic and speak slowly."

"As expected of the Patriarch."

The servant who was loyally trained by the Gu family looked at the owner with a look of admiration. It turned out that this was what the owner had expected! You don’t need to worry too much!

So, the courier slowly said: "Patriarch, the fight has already started..."

The owner of the house is calm and composed. All he wants is to fight on the front line, but he knows that this mob will not cause fatal damage to the opponent. At this time, it should be time for him to go out.

When he arrives on the battlefield with the Gu family's elite, and then sets the universe, his reputation will reach the highest point. At that time, he will be the uncrowned king of this fortress.

As for the military! Although the military’s reputation is unmatched, as long as he shirks the blame for the fall of the fortress on the military, the military will immediately lose popular support.

They can fool the people at will, and they have people who are good at it.

Those pedantic people are not their opponents at all.

Seeing the calmness of the Patriarch, the servant became more confident: "Many untouchables on the frontline ran away when they encountered the enemy. Now it has caused a large-scale collapse, but Master Gu Changwu has gone to stabilize the situation. Master Gu Changwu took the guards of the Gu family. Killed a lot of untouchables and established their prestige. It must be stable now."

In his thoughts, since the Patriarch is holding a winning ticket, everything on the front line should be arranged by the Patriarch.

Although I don't know why the family chief sits on the front line to collapse, but since everything is under the master's control, there is no need to worry too much.

Before he wanted to come, this should be a game set up by the family to establish prestige!

The poor Dawn Alliance is just a group of mobs. I am afraid I am still immersed in the dream of winning!

What they didn't know was that the Patriarch had already arranged everything.

"You, what did you just say?"

Gu Nanzhan asked tremblingly, "Don't talk nonsense, what happened to the frontline?"

The messenger was a little strange: "Only some minor problems have occurred on the front line. Those untouchables who see others will run away. Even the number of enemies is not clear, so that people behind will also run together, but Master Gu Changwu has gone to stabilize The situation is over, I am afraid it has been controlled now!"

Gu Nanzhan only felt black for a while.

This Nima is called a small problem?

Do you know how to write this sentence?

In the history of China, do you think there are still a few cases of people being chased by less than one-tenth of their own due to morale collapse?

The messenger felt that Gu Nanzhan was a little inexplicable, and the Patriarch was not in a hurry. What are you worried about?

However, he still said something fair and pertinent: "The Dawn Alliance now probably feels that he is in control of the overall situation! Master Gu Changwu asked me to inform the Patriarch. I am afraid it is also to stabilize the army and give the enemy a headache!

Gu Changwen came to the courier with a dangerous scent: "You, are you true?"

The messenger suddenly felt that the matter might be a bit beyond his control, and only felt that a chill was constantly rising from his back, making him creepy.

He wanted to speak, but found that he didn't know when his teeth were shaking: "Patriarch, this, this, thing, thing, Qian, Qianzhen..."


He hasn't finished speaking, and the rest of the words can't be said.

Patriarch Gu Changwen had already slapped him on the chest without knowing when, ruining his vitality.

The Patriarch stood up and said proudly: "The real members of the Dawn Alliance are no more than a thousand people. How could it be our opponent to tens of thousands? Even if it is 10,000 pigs, it is impossible to collapse in such a short time! It is ridiculous to want to disturb my mood with false information."

Then, he scanned a circle of trembling core members and said: "Send another person to investigate. I want real information."

These core members are already speechless.

They didn't want to believe this fact, but they knew in their hearts that this incident should be true in all likelihood, and it is impossible for the domestic servants to use such false information to deceive them.

The Patriarch continued to look like "everything is under control", sitting high on the main seat, waiting for information from the front line.

Gu Liyu suddenly knelt down and said, "Gu Nanzhan and I will investigate immediately. Please rest assured that the owner of the family will definitely investigate the people who want to use false information to disturb our military's mind, and then execute them."

With that, he took Gu Nanzhan and walked out hurriedly.

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