Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 236: Vigilant with life

Su Yuan tentatively asked: "If the leader's energy shield has enough time to prepare, how much defense can it be?"

This is also the issue that everyone is most concerned about. If it weren't because Chu Feng had the means to build an energy shield, there would not be too many people migrating here all the way.

The most ideal situation for them is that Chu Feng can solve all these problems with the energy shield, so that everyone can sit back and relax.

But let alone Chu Feng couldn't do it, even if he did, he wouldn't do it.

He established a power and ultimately served him. Although his mentality has changed a bit, one thing will remain unchanged.

That is, Dawn Alliance does not raise idlers.

If he can't create value for the whole, he will never take it in.

Chu Feng said: "The energy shield can be regarded as a relatively strong and easy-to-repair wall, but the defensive effect can penetrate the sky and the earth, and it can prevent birds in the sky and alien species that can burrow, but no matter how powerful it is Protection can only defend against foreign enemies."

Gu Nanfei said: "At this stage, defending against foreign enemies is the most important thing. Everyone should not have the intention of still having some internal disputes at this time."

Chu Feng nodded: "You are right, but we can't just see in front of us. For example, the team you formed, which obviously should have the potential of a death squad, is used by you to patrol and keep goals. It is really a waste. "

Gu Nanfei has the ancestral method of cultivating domestic servants. Although it does not really turn people into servants, it is still possible to let them give up their lives under certain circumstances.

Such a team is simply the best main force for the death squad.

Regardless of Chu Feng’s current high prestige, there are many people in the Dawn Alliance who can go to death for others, but this requires specific conditions, and the hearts of the people will change, and Chu Feng does not have so much time to go one by one. To win people's hearts or brainwash them.

The price/performance ratio is not worth it.

However, Gu Nanfei was able to train a group of people who died for himself, but he took these people to patrol and guard the gate. In Chu Feng's view, this was simply the greatest waste.

Such talents should focus on training, and being used as a defense army is simply a violent thing.

Gu Nanfei smiled bitterly: "I don't want to be like this either, but I really don't worry about others coming to guard the gate. It was okay at the beginning. Most people's attention is not that concentrated. As long as the time is a little longer, it will inevitably become lax. , I can only rest assured that I am alone."

Watching and watching the night are not things that ordinary people can do, and now everyone is straining a string, and it’s easy to have problems with their nerves. So Gu Nanfei is even more worried about ordinary people going to the night watch. For everyone’s stability, I can shoot my own troops.

Chu Feng said: "After I set up the energy shield, everyone only needs to check the protection of the energy shield. This way, the manpower for defense can be greatly reduced, and the workload can be greatly reduced. Let’s retreat! They should be fighters for war."

Gu Nanfei still insisted: "If the number of people who need to be defended decreases, it should be more appropriate to send suitable elites to carry out these tasks, instead of using security standards to recruit defensive and sentry personnel. I can withdraw most of them. , But we must use the most elite manpower to carry out night guard work."

It wasn't that he had to fight against Chu Feng, but it was related to everyone's wealth and life. After all, as long as a zombie accidentally got in, it would make the entire alliance feel uneasy.

And everyone is more supportive of Gu Nanfei. In terms of safety, no one wants to reduce the defensive safety in exchange for stronger offensive power.

Even Su Yuyan spoke for Gu Nanfei: “If it’s daytime, it’s fine. There are really many dangers at night. If it wasn’t for the company sent by the military to help us, we would have been attacked by monsters at night, and we would have a large scale. It’s attrition."

When it comes to the safety of everyone's lives, Su Yuyan will not be partial.

Then everyone looked at Chu Feng nervously.

They know that there is a kind of leader who is a kind of stubborn people, even if they know that they are wrong, but for the sake of their own face, they just refuse to admit their mistakes.

Even if it causes a lot of losses, they will not admit their mistakes, but will blame them on their subordinates.

Chu Feng was silent for two seconds, and then said, "You don't need to send too many people, because I will leave a life monitoring system in the security guard's booth. All you need to check is whether they died accidentally or were in a coma. Once this happens, immediately take full vigilance."

Hearing what Chu Feng said, everyone felt a chill.

Although it has long been known that Chu Feng is not that kind of person, such a cruelty still made everyone feel scared for a while.

They simply did not pin the safety of the survival base on their alert level, but directly on their lives.

Whether an enemy is found is not your eyes, but your life. If you are killed, it means that an enemy has sneaked in.

Where are you using sensory warning? This is simply using life to guard.

However, this turned out to be the least wasteful approach.

Chu Feng recognized everyone’s concerns and explained: “Just like many construction sites ignore the people’s life safety in order to save material costs, if the night guard is too long, no matter what kind of person it is, it will eventually Abolished, so we must connect everyone’s safety with their own safety so that they can take it seriously.”

Everyone couldn't say anything to refute for a while.

Although this trick looks ruthless, it is the cheapest and most effective method.

The reason why Chu Feng insisted on using this method was because later generations used blood lessons in exchange for the fallen survival bases.

The fluke psychology is something most people have. Even if it is related to their own safety, isn't there a large number of people running red lights and violating various traffic rules? Don't those who can't help the temptation to stretch out their hands have not thought about the consequences of going to jail? But their concentration is not enough.

Therefore, putting everyone's safety on the quality of certain people is not a joke of life, it will really cause a large number of people to lose their lives.

But even if such **** lessons happen one after another, new defensive accidents are still emerging.

Therefore, Chu Feng understood that only on this defensive issue, he was absolutely unable to retreat in half a step. As long as he retreated half a step, it would be light to cause hundreds of casualties.

Chu Feng continued: "The discussion of the specific details still needs to wait until I finish setting up the energy shield, and then it's time to talk about the residence."

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