Su Yuan knew that at this time there was absolutely no kind thoughts, because any slightest concession would turn into weakness.

A weak commander can only bring people disaster.

However, she gave a correct order, but there was no group of people who could absolutely obey the order.

"They are all their own!"

"Yes! Why do we want to kill our own people?"

"Damn it should be the gunmen."

"Yes, we shouldn't kill ourselves."

There are some so-called good old people in every group. Such people often don't live long in the last days, but there are also some who survive by luck.

Let them fight the enemy, most people can do it, but let them kill a group of unarmed people, it's a bit difficult.

Therefore, when facing unarmed people, many people feel that the knives in their hands cannot be swung down, and some even say to the people in front of them: "You go to the back first, let's kill this group of scum!"

When they came into contact with them at close range, they found that these people were covered with scars, especially women, which were obviously violated.

These people who were treated as cannon fodder and meat shield immediately hid behind them.

Seeing that these people are not malicious, those who originally wanted to take up weapons to kill these people are now somewhat unable to do so.

They want to protect these cannon fodder behind them, and then kill the enemy, but although the ideal is beautiful, the reality is very cruel.

These people in ragged clothes rushed back, and broke up everyone's formation.

The people holding weapons in the Dawn Alliance were squeezing and yelling. Suddenly a large number of people rushed past them. This made them wonder what to do for a while, even the ones in their hands. The weapons are a little unstable.

"Don't squeeze."

"It can pass."

"Don't push me!"

"Are you stupid?"

"Ah! Who stepped on me?"

If they pass in an orderly manner, perhaps nothing too tragic will happen.

But now they can’t wait to be the first to rush to a safe place. This has led to a large number of Dawn Alliance’s people being pushed directly by them or even stepped on their feet, just to make them faster, even if it’s just 00:00:01. The same goes for going to a safe place.

As a result, a large number of stampede incidents occurred.

Many soldiers of the Dawn Alliance were trampled to death by these "comrades" before they had time to face the enemy.

There was despair in Su Yuan's eyes, why didn't they obey orders?

Are they all idiots? When these people are willing to be the fodder of the enemy, they are no longer our compatriots!

However, it was useless.

As a large number of refugees broke through the gate, a large number of soldiers from Jinling creatures also rushed over.


A large number of machine guns and several heavy machine guns fired at the same time, and a large number of tongues of flame swallowed in front of the machine guns, and bullets poured out.

Those members of the Dawn Alliance who rushed out in the first batch, plus those who were treated as cannon fodder, were swept away by heavy machine guns, falling down in rows like dominoes.

The survivors who were treated as cannon fodder also uttered screams.


"You don't talk about credit."

"You said let us in, you won't kill us."


Although it is not the first time that they have seen that the other party does not speak credit, they still insist on pinning their hope of life on the enemy's credit.

Even before they died, they didn't feel that there was anything wrong with them.

After seeing this scene, Su Yuan's heart was bleeding.

About five to six hundred members of the Dawn Alliance rushed out in the first batch, and these people died under the firepower of the opponent.

This is all the forces of the Dawn Alliance! just this.

Although these numbers are nothing compared to the total number of people in the Dawn Alliance, the war is not a number, but a tragedy composed of living lives.

On the roof of a residential building, Xu Yan looked at Zhao Fan with a sad look: "As I said, we have no way to save them. The price of saving the enemy must be paying the lives of our own compatriots, and, We must also be prepared to lose loved ones and homes."

Zhao Fan's eyes were full of pain and self-blame.

Just when those people rushed into the battle, Xu Yan persuaded him to take action.

However, he felt that this was wrong, how could he act on those refugees?

He felt that as long as those people honestly hid behind the personnel of the Dawn Alliance who had accepted them, such a tragedy could still be avoided.

But the result? Not only did these people not know how to cherish this hard-won chance of survival, but they became the enemy's pawns, causing widespread casualties.

Xu Yan continued: "I don't have to ask you to do detrimental things, but in this war, we are likely to lose, and our home is gone."

Our home is gone again.

This sentence blew in Zhao Fan's ear like a thunder.

Their old home is gone, and now these survivors are gathering in this new place, they want to rebuild their home.

However, they are still too naive.

In this era, it is a luxury to find a place where you can settle down.

Everyone finally got to their heels here, but a group of enemies who wanted to destroy their homes emerged. Is it that difficult to have a home?

Zhao Fan said solemnly: "I understand."

Xu Yan's eyes are a bit complicated. In the past few days, she has gradually fallen in love with Zhao Fan, a fool, but, if possible, she doesn't want him to change too much.

Because of that Zhao Fan will be more reliable.

It's just that she really wants to live with Zhao Fan now. In this dangerous world, there can be a place to shelter them from wind and rain, so that he can have the power to protect them.

What Zhao Fan lacks is not strength, but belief.

"Yanlong, come!"

Glazed flames suddenly appeared on Zhao Fan's body, and these flames quickly disappeared, but instead, a fire dragon appeared on Zhao Fan's body.

"Sanmai True Fire, Elemental Dragon, Tier 5!"

Xu Yan was shocked. She just wanted to make Zhao Fan more decisive, but she didn't expect Zhao Fan to break through to the fifth rank.

Zhao Fan said: "I understand what you mean, maybe those people look innocent in their standpoint, but there is more important thing for us, that is to protect our home."

The fire dragon descended into the enemy formation downstairs, accompanied by Zhao Fan's decisive words:

"Those who violate their homes will be killed without mercy!"

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