Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 258: Ambush point

When the battle at the gate was in full swing, Chu Feng also started his own actions.

He didn't worry that there would be any major accidents in the battle at the gate, as long as the number of casualties did not exceed 1/3, it was not an accident.

By the way, he is calculated according to the total number of people.

The route he pursued has always been the elite route, because only the elite can survive to the end. Anyway, he has arranged a life-saving method on Chu Xiaorou, and he is really not too concerned about the casualties of other people.

Of course, Su Yuyan, Zhao Fan and others are also concerned, but he doesn't think they will encounter big accidents in this battle.

With Xu Yan here, she couldn't bear to rely on her for something!

Xu Yan is a really smart person. She knows what talents can really be entrusted to her. Of course, she is also reluctant to have any casualties in Zhao Fan's team. These are all her true support!

Chu Feng could take back the things he got from Chu Feng at any time, but she hugged Zhao Fan tightly, it really belonged to her, even Chu Feng, it was difficult to take away.

This is why Chu Feng is assured that Xu Yan is by Zhao Fan's side. Maybe she is not a good person, but a good woman, a good helper for someone like Zhao Fan.

However, Chu Feng would never let her control too much power in the alliance.

The military company followed Chu Feng, turning east and west, constantly turning around.

They found that in the process, they didn't encounter an enemy army, and they couldn't help but feel a little strange. Wouldn't the people of Jinling Biology send some people to investigate and guard the surroundings?

But this is really true.

It doesn't mean that you can be regarded as a regular army by wearing real equipment. Jinling Biology only controls its subordinates by special means, without professional training.

Their commanders are professional, and they have sent many people to investigate around, but there are some problems with those who execute them.

In their opinion, how can there be so many things here! Isn't it troublesome?

They are willing to let them go to the battlefield to fight, but let them do things like patrols, they are just perfunctory.

Maybe such values ​​seem abnormal, but most people are like this.

There were even some patrolling people who went to the rear in the name of patrolling. After all, although many prisoners were brought in the underground parking garage, there are still some left!

That was specifically chosen by them for enjoyment. With such an opportunity, why bother to go to a place where there is no one?

This also caused the whole process of Chu Feng leading people around behind the enemy, and even the incident of encountering patrols on the road did not happen.

The company commander even reminded Chu Feng: "There is something wrong with this road. They have clearly planned to carry out a full-scale attack. Wouldn't they be a little wary of the surroundings? I suspect this is a trap."

Excellent military literacy prevents him from underestimating any enemy easily. When your plan goes smoothly than expected, it is often time to fall into the trap.

Chu Feng said: "There may indeed be a trap."

The company commander said: "How about I lead the two platoons to test it? If there is a trap, we will retreat immediately. You remember to take the remaining brothers back, if not, you will shoot again."

Although he knew that there might be a trap, such an opportunity was indeed very tempting, making it difficult for him to make up his mind to give up such an opportunity.

So he planned to take two platoons to attack together, but Chu Feng couldn't do anything.

Chu Feng shook his head: "I have never doubted your military literacy, nor your professionalism, but the change of the times has changed many things, so if you continue to look at things with the old eyes of the past, Then you can only learn from the blood."

The company commander was puzzled: "What are you trying to say?"

A confident look flashed in Chu Feng's eyes: "Actually, I don't care if the other party has a trap, because the total number of the other party has been detected by me, and there are still 2,900 people left. Since the other party's number is only so small, So what can it be like playing with flowers?"

2900 people, is that small?

The company commander felt that his concept of more and less was severely impacted.

I know you are great, I know you can count on one hundred.

But there are also many superpowers among the enemies! Moreover, there are many more abilities among the enemies than our awakened ones.

He already regretted why he had to go out with Chu Feng to take risks.

This is not to say that he is afraid of death, but that Chu Feng's judgment on the strength of both sides makes his Three Views a little unacceptable. Can such a person really lead them to cause serious damage to others?

Chu Feng ignored his thoughts and immediately began to command: "Have you seen that residential building? You immediately took your brothers to ambush in the windows of that residential building, remember to spread them across the windows. During that time, the next thing is left to me."

Although the company commander did not understand, he still took the soldiers to ambush.

It is the most common street fighting method in the hot weapon era, and it is also very common.

But with this ambush method, the greatest deterrent is not the size of the firepower, but you don't know which window will suddenly have an enemy and a heavy machine gun.

Without precaution, someone could even take a company of enemies behind a heavy machine gun.

Now, Chu Feng actually wants them to be in the same residential building? What tactic is this?

Also, how can he ensure that the enemy can really pass through this place?

It's just that the phrase "you can't look at things with old eyes" still shocked his mind, and he had inexplicable confidence in Chu Feng's words.

Maybe he really has a way to attract the enemy?

With this idea in mind, he led the army company in an ambush.

Then, he saw that a black long sword appeared in Chu Feng's hands at some point, and he walked towards the enemy's army in such a big way.

"Is he crazy?"

The company commander already had some regrets in his heart. He had long known that the method Chu Feng was talking about was to be straightforward and honest with the enemy. He would not let all his brothers lie in ambush here.

However, just when he wanted to take some people out, he hesitated again.

"Chu Feng is the strongest person I have ever met in terms of strength or means. He can unite the hearts of the Dawn Alliance with his own power. Such a person is definitely not a foolish man, and he will never take himself. Joking about his life."

With such thoughts in mind, the company commander suppressed the opinions of some of his subordinates who had spoken to him, and continued to ambush.

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