Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 284: Eccentric Chu Feng

Chu Xiaorou took the small purple bow and arrow, and as soon as she touched it, she felt like she couldn't put it down.

She is not the kind of person who likes to fight, if she can, she would rather never fight.

In unavoidable situations, being able to fight with long-range capabilities is also a good choice.

Moreover, she knows that the most important thing for herself is not to worry about her brother. Otherwise, if a leader of an alliance has been worrying about his sister on the battlefield, how can he lead soldiers to fight? Even if she is sensible if her brother can fight without distraction.

Those who were not awakened looked at Chu Xiaorou with envy in their eyes.

Of course Chu Feng was eccentric, but who called her Chu Feng's younger sister!

Chu Feng reminded: "I will give you the use of this bow and arrow later. Don't try it by yourself. Every arrow is very precious. I will teach you how to make ordinary arrows. You can make your own arrows in the future."

Chu Xiaorou nodded, she knew the severity, and of course she wouldn't object.

What she didn't know was that among the weapons made by Chu Feng, her bows and arrows consumed half of Chu Feng's mind. This was the blue magic gold that Chu Feng had collected from Jinling Biological Base, plus the Chiyan Jing Financial Cooperation Forged, the power bonus to the ability is very scary.

Even if there is no arrow, only with the attached vitality amplitude, it can penetrate the awakened of the Tier 3 physical technique system.

The arrow is also specially made by Chu Feng. The cluster of arrows has a whirlwind blast attached to it by Chu Feng, which can be manipulated by the power of the wind system, which can have the effect of spinning acceleration and penetrating damage.

Chu Feng also had the ability to penetrate the arrow tip.

As for the arrow shaft, that is the essence of the arrow.

A total of 7 Explosive Talismans were sealed by Chu Feng on the above. Each Explosive Talisman has the power to kill Tier 4 personally, and can severely injure Tier 4 Somajutsu Awakeners from three meters away.

Under the superposition of the seven blasting flames, even if it is a Tier 5 powerhouse, if it is really hit by an arrow and blasted close to the body, it will almost certainly die.

Of course, these 12 specially-made arrows can only be used as hole cards. Usually, Chu Feng will prepare special "normal" arrows for Chu Xiaorou.

The reason why Chu Feng worked so **** the bow and arrows with all his heart was not just to make Chu Xiaorou feel at ease as a long-range.

More importantly, let her specialize.

Even for the same type of abilities, the battle direction has many branches.

Miscellaneous learning means not perfect, and specialization means flawed.

However, if Chu Xiaorou's combat power is all in the bow and arrow, then she doesn't need to practice too much abilities fighting skills, just need to escape.

In this case, her survivability will also be greatly increased.

In addition, Chu Feng will teach her some special dodge skills so that she can deal with it calmly whether she is flying a kite or being close to her body.

In this world, there is only one sister, and it is worth the trouble of Chu Feng.

After handing the purple bow and arrows to Chu Xiaorou, Chu Feng continued to distribute weapons.

He handed the two red gauntlets to Zhao Fan: "You have just reached Tier 5, although you can use Samadhi Real Fire, but you are not very mature when using it. If you use it for battle, it is not as good as Hell Karma Fire. This handguard The flames that can store the real fire of Samadhi are about half the energy of a fifth-level first-level."

After a brief eccentricity, Chu Feng began to think about maximizing combat effectiveness.

In addition to himself, Zhao Fan and Zhang Ziqing were the highest-ranked in the scene, and Zhao Fan's attack power was the strongest among the people on the scene, and it was an elemental attack, which was much harder to resist than the physical skill.

With this handguard, Zhao Fan's strength can almost be doubled.

Zhao Fan said excitedly: "Thank you, Brother Feng."

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Don't be so eager to thank me. These two handguards have the function of storing flames, but if you release flames, you don't have to wear them on your body. As long as you are within 15 meters of yourself, you can even It can also work on others."

After hearing this feature, Zhao Fan instinctively looked at Xu Yan.

When it comes to protecting a person, Xu Yan's first reaction is of course.

After Xu Yan felt this move, she lowered her head shyly.

Chu Feng's design can be said to be specially prepared for her.

The defensive power of the fire element is weak, but it depends on who's the fire. Zhao Fan's samida fire can almost burn most of the attacks, so her security can also be greatly increased.

And everyone looked at them with teasing eyes.

"Brother Feng is too much, you don't need to spread dog food every day, and help others to spread dog food."

Lu Ming almost quit.

Su Yuyan gave him a white look: "There are a lot of female students pursuing you, and I didn't see you. Miao Miao almost didn't put herself on your bed, and you didn't accept it."

Lu Ming said angrily: "Do they like me? That's greedy for my ability."

He was also a Tier 4 Awakener anyway, and of course there were many women chasing him.

For example, many of the girls rescued by him chase him backwards.

However, he always felt that this was taking advantage of others, or that they didn't really like themselves.

Chu Feng persuaded: "Men originally relied on their own strength, sense of responsibility, money, looks and other advantages to attract women. Do you still expect girls to like a boy who is worthless?"

After Lu Ming listened, he was thoughtful.

He is indeed in a misunderstanding of thinking.

Chu Feng continued: “It’s not wrong for women to like strong men. Just like men like beautiful women, you don’t need to care whether women like you are your ability or your character. What matters is what matters. The woman who is right is right for you."

Lu Ming was silent for two seconds, with complexity in his eyes: "Perhaps, I really think too much."

Chu Feng knew that talking too much would have the opposite effect, so he just added: "Now we don't have much time to talk about love."

Lu Ming's body trembled, and his heart trembled.

He really wanted a purer relationship, but unfortunately he was born in the last days.

The end of the world is always a precarious world. Many people begin to enjoy themselves in time and make up for their regrets as much as possible while pursuing survival.

Some people think that people who live must be frowning, but in fact such people will always be eliminated. Most people can be more relaxed in this kind of stressful environment.

Only after experiencing pain can we truly experience happiness.

Live vigorously, play happily.

This is the true portrayal of the end times.

In other words, it is a true portrayal of being able to live in the last days and being a person.

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