Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 289: Meet on a narrow road, the brave wins

It is necessary to mobilize people's enthusiasm. It is not enough to rely on the pressure of death. It is necessary to have motivation as a cooperation to make people work hard.

In fact, even if everyone knows to face powerful enemies, what most people want is to have fun in time, rather than to improve themselves every minute and every second.

Such an idea itself is not wrong, after all, even if you work hard, you may not be able to survive.

But such a mentality was not what Chu Feng wanted.

So Chu Feng gave them such an opportunity to improve themselves.

Sophisticated equipment is not necessarily a necessary condition for determining the outcome of the battle, but the deciding factor must be very large, and an armor that can withstand most bullets can definitely greatly increase their survival rate.

If you can survive, who wants to die?

So under this reward mechanism, everyone is eager to try.

Then, Chu Feng announced some other rules and precautions: "Weapons are not allowed in battle. Everyone has a number plate, and everyone uses the number plate to record the order of battle and the number of victories, in order to prevent some people from deliberately admitting defeat. , So there are only three such glass bridges in total. The winner can stay and the loser exits. As long as you lose once, you can only turn behind everyone."

Such rules also prevent some people from colluding with each other. You lose one game to me and I lose one game to you.

After listening to this rule, everyone's hearts became more excited, and everyone was gearing up, looking eager to try.

Since it's useless to think carefully, it can only be an upright battle.

Only the first three wins more than 100 times can get the strongest armor, so they absolutely have no reason to let this opportunity go.

After the number plates were distributed, No. 1 and No. 2 first went to the glass bridge to fight.

No. 1 is a well-mannered young man, and No. 2 is a middle-aged man who looks like a migrant worker. He was the one who shouted in public to those who threatened to leave the Dawn Alliance.

Seeing the two fighting, everyone held their breath.

The first battle is of great reference to everyone.

After all, in this kind of high-altitude battle, one may fall by accident, so that power is no longer the absolute dominant factor.

"The battle begins!"

Following Chu Feng's order, the battle began immediately.

The gentle young man preemptively struck the migrant worker-like person with a punch. However, the migrant worker only slightly pushed his body to one side, and then pushed in the left direction. The young man fell off the glass bridge.

If you are fighting on flat ground, this kind of pushing effect is not too great.

But the glass bridge itself is very smooth, even if you just stand on the glass bridge, you have to be cautious, like walking on the ground is just a description.

On such a smooth wall, any extra force can directly push people off the bridge.


"So weak!"

"Fuck! If you fight like this, the end is too easy!"

However, just when they thought that the battle was divided, the young man suddenly grabbed the migrant worker's ankle. The migrant worker was dragged down together without checking.

The crowd onlookers couldn't help covering their eyes.

It is definitely a very miserable thing to fall into the pit from a height of more than ten meters, and there are many broken glass in the pit.

But when the two climbed out of the pit, everyone was surprised.

"It's miserable!"

"Who has won this?"

"Heal, prepare to heal your wounds!"

"Wait, he was not injured?"

"No, this uncle is injured."

"what's the situation?"

Everyone was surprised to find that apart from some damage to his clothes, the young man had basically no injuries.

But the middle-aged man, like a migrant worker, had several blood holes in his body, and even some broken glass was embedded in the wound, looking very miserable.

After groaning and crawling out of the pit, the migrant worker immediately asked Chu Feng to come over and watch the treatment to help him heal his injuries.

Chu Feng explained to the people who were puzzled: "Our physical fitness has indeed been improved, but to reinforce our body and to rely solely on our own body for defense are two completely different concepts. As long as everyone uses it in time The vitality protection body can avoid injury."

Everyone suddenly realized it, and then it was a lot easier.

However, someone asked a question: "However, suddenly falling from the sky, how can we have time to activate the vitality protection body! We can not maintain the vitality protection body for a long time."

The current martial artist, the highest level is only the second-order peak, even more than half of them stay at the first-order level, stagnating at the level of rushing.

The limited vitality in their bodies makes them unable to guarantee vitality defense all the time.

Moreover, one hundred consecutive victories!

Can they really win a hundred times?

If they use vital energy to protect the body several times, their vitality will soon be exhausted!

No, if they keep winning, they don't seem to consume much.

Someone also asked the question everyone wanted to ask: "Who is the winner just now? Is it a tie?"

Chu Feng announced: "Both of them failed."

Someone dissatisfied: "This is at least a tie!"

Chu Feng continued: "The battlefield is originally a place where you live and die. Everyone has only one life. If your life is gone, does it make sense to win or tie?"

The doubters were speechless.

Chu Feng said: "Now it's just a simulated battle. As long as everyone is careful about the angle of the fall and the action of falling to the ground after falling, the damage will not be too great. What if you fight on the battlefield? Is there still such a chance to start all over again?"

The voice of doubt in the audience was even smaller.

Chu Feng said: "If you want to continue to win and live forever, then be serious. Don't be negligent just because of your momentary hand, so as not to be dragged into the water when the enemy is dying, and the brave will win when the enemy meets. Only the strong with both strength and will can defeat the enemy, and only the strong who survived can kill more enemies."

After hearing what Chu Feng said, the hearts of more than two hundred people were filled with excitement.

Only the strong can defeat the enemy, and only those who survive can kill more enemies.

This is not the coercion of death, but the temptation of military service, the temptation of life.

And the reason why the leader wants them to be strong is to keep them alive.

So in their subconscious minds left the impression that the leader is really fighting side by side with them, leading everyone to fight for survival.

A leader who can stand at the forefront of everyone in the face of a powerful enemy, and a leader who will try his best to lead everyone to live together, this is the leader who is truly worthy of their support!

In such an atmosphere, countless people shouted at the same time:

"Meet on a narrow road!"

"The brave wins!"

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