Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 315: arrangement

"Why did you stop?" Gu Nanfei was puzzled by Chu Feng's movements.

Chu Feng was stunned, then smiled bitterly: "It's okay, go ahead!"

The "interaction" between Zhao Fan and Xu Yan was also felt by his mental power. He suddenly found that he seemed to have overlooked one of the biggest problems, which was that no matter how smart Xu Yan was, she was just a woman.

Of course, this is not discrimination against women, but the nature of women is different from that of men.

Maybe she has the qualifications to become a strong woman like Su Yuan, but this environment does not give her too many opportunities to grow up, and her body is still very fragile.

So for her, the most need is a reliance, followed by someone who can understand her.

And she was lucky enough to pick Zhao Fan. Whether it was to rely on or understand, Zhao Fan was a very qualified object.

Therefore, this love affair that might have carried some selfishness has now really become a rare true love in the last days.

The two soon came to the area where the 30,000 people gathered.

Seeing Chu Feng's arrival, representatives of more than 20 groups were already rushing over.

"Leader Chu, we are here to support."

"We have long been unaccustomed to the evil deeds of Jinling Biology. For this kind of damaging company, even if we fight this life, we have to fight with them."

"Yes, we have to fight with them!"

"As long as the leader of Chu is willing to give us a place and give us a bite of food..."

"Bah, are we the people who retaliate for grace?"

"Ahem, I'm not good."

Seeing everyone chattering, Chu Feng and Gu Nanfei were silent for a while.

Things were as they thought. Although they said they wouldn't want to repay their favor, but since they are willing to give charity in the snow, can you really drive them away?

Even if they have some other kind of careful thinking, but can share the difficulties with you, what else can you do?

Although everyone in name wants to fight side by side with the Dawn Alliance, in fact they want to find an excuse to stay in this survival base.

If it is normal, they will join as well.

Chu Feng never cared about small groups or the like, because he was confident enough to assimilate everyone and establish a core position led by himself.

But at this critical moment, their participation will only get in the way.

Therefore, they are really doing charity in the snow, and Chu Feng can only be sorry for them.

"Everyone listens to me, everyone is willing to fight side by side with me, I am really happy."

Chu Feng pretended to be moved, "It's just that the enemy is carrying guns in his hands. Everyone is flesh and blood. There is no need to take risks!"

A big man patted his chest and said, "What are you afraid of? Even if they are carrying a gun, they are still beasts without birds! Can we still beat them?"


The people behind the big man also burst into laughter.

This is not a mockery, but a kind smile.

They are indeed fearless now, otherwise they would not come over at this time, but wait until the war is over.

In fact, the reputation of the Dawn Alliance is already very big now. According to Su Yuan's incomplete news, there are at least three to four hundred thousand people who want to join the Dawn Alliance.

This number is not exaggerated at all, because more than 20 fortresses protected by the Nandu Military Region have been built, and in each fortress, there are more than 600,000 survivors.

That is to say, the current information is not well developed. The current situation of the Dawn Alliance can only be transmitted to the nearby 3~4 forts. It is impossible to determine whether the information I received is true or not, otherwise, the number of people who want to join here is absolutely It's over a million.

But being able to come at this time, even if there are some speculative elements, can prove their excellence.

The military has already issued a lot of body armor and anti-riot suits, as long as those who have participated in the battle against monsters and the defense of the fortress city can distribute some.

So they really have no worries about ordinary guns.

As long as the bullets don’t hit the head, there is basically no effect.

Seeing that they have been insisting, Chu Feng couldn’t refuse: “Since everyone has come from afar and wants to fight with us, then we can’t refuse. It’s just that our troops have been trained and have had stable cooperation with each other. It’s really hard to arrange you."

The strong man's face changed: "Are you trying to drive us away?"

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of the people behind were a little ugly.

They rushed over all the way, is that just to be driven away like this?

One of the young men with a feminine appearance is even more peculiar: "Could it be that the Dawn Alliance is so small that it can't accommodate us?"

A group of people immediately followed suit.

"The Dawn Alliance is not rare for us, we are not rare to join yet!"

"Yes, let's go and play by ourselves."

"Not with them."

Just when everyone was dissatisfied, Chu Feng hurriedly said, "I haven't finished my words yet! What are you in a hurry? I just said that our own people have already cooperated closely, but I didn't say not to arrange for you. !"

There is already a lot of dissatisfaction on the brawny man's face: "Then how do you plan to arrange us?"

Chu Feng pointed to the houses not far away and the trenches on the ground: "Here are the military measures we have built. You can use them as long as you are proficient. There are also some thermal weapons in the machine gun bunker in the distance. You can use them at will. , We have a total of 6 entrances here, and you only need to guard this entrance."

The feminine-looking man said with a strange yin and yang air: "Do you look down on us? We want more than 30,000 of us to guard one entrance, and more than 20,000 of you guard the remaining entrance. What does this mean? Do you look down on us?"

Gu Nanfei took a step forward and said coldly: "We still need some troops to fight the enemy head-on. They must be the main force to resist the opponent's firepower. If you want to sign up, you can also sign up. If you are not satisfied with this arrangement, You can join us on the frontal battlefield."

His words made many people think of shrinking, because the front battlefield is definitely the battlefield with the most casualties. They are willing to come and speculate, but it does not mean that they are willing to be a death squad!

Gu Nanfei scanned the crowd for a week: "Of course, there is also a third option, that is, when we are fighting head-on with others, you can go deep behind the enemy and harass the enemy's rear. All these tactics are up to you to decide. , Or defense, you can choose whatever you want."

The feminine man's face was uncertain, and he shouted: "We are indeed here to help you fight, but you can't look down on us so much, at least you have to give us more defenses!"

And Chu Feng glanced at him with murderous eyes: "How do you know that our defense has many entrances? Who told you this news?"

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