Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 410: Su Yuan's mind

After all the dust settled. It was already dark, and Chu Feng led some people back.

On the way back, the women alone pulled Ye Xiaohui and said something, but unfortunately they still didn't agree.

When these women finally left, they said they would come back.

Chu Feng didn't pay much attention to this kind of thing. In his opinion, this organization that protects women, calling on women to be independent and self-reliant, was actually good, but the approach was too extreme.

A strong man can have many women, and a strong woman can also have many men.

If a woman is independent and self-reliant, it means completely abandoning men. What is the essential difference from a man who is independent and self-reliant and never approaches the female sex?

Especially in this stressful world, proper catharsis can also help to discharge negative emotions, as long as you don't indulge in it.

Even Chu Feng, his heart is not as cool as his appearance.

So although they have suffered from many poor women who have provided them with help and protection, this is not a long-term road.

To be truly good for a person, she must have the ability to move forward.

After returning to the City of Dawn, Chu Feng was about to return to his residence to practice, but Su Yuan called him over alone, and met alone.

Chu Feng used to be wary of meeting alone, but now he is more and more confident in his strength.

If he could be killed in the City of Dawn, he still wouldn't go out in the future.

The danger from the outside world is much greater than the city of dawn.

The place the two talked about was not an office or an office building, but a single-family villa where Su Yuan now lives, which is her residence.

There were originally a few female supernaturalists who had a good relationship with Su Yuan, who were also Su Yuan's confidants, and they were all called out by Su Yuan.

"Lonely man and widow, living in the same room, are you trying to test a man's concentration?"

Chu Feng looked at Su Yuan wearing a white shirt with a playful smile. The snow white was half exposed under the white shirt, which was extremely attractive.

But what worries Chu Feng most is that Su Yuan has reached the fifth rank.

Tier 5, there are not many in the entire City of Dawn.

And Su Yuan, who had never liked fighting, turned out to be a fifth-tier.

And Chu Feng could feel that Su Yuan was not a person who was not good at fighting.

An intuition of danger, and has always won the trust of Chu Feng.

Su Yuan seemed to be unconscious, she raised her slender jade legs on the table, and turned half-side to face Chu Feng: "Are you satisfied with the supernatural beings I taught?"

"Satisfied." Chu Feng replied simply.

"Extremely hypocritical!"

Su Yuan groaned, "With your personality, if you really want to be satisfied, at least you have to remind me, let me try to promote it!"

She knew that Chu Feng was a arrogant person, and she didn't worry that others would surpass herself.

He is confident enough to be able to suppress whatever situation he faces.

And what he is best at is not suppressing, but making people lose the courage to resist him.

Since Chu Feng didn't praise such behavior, it was that this kind of cleverness could not last.

Chu Feng glanced over Su Yuan's slender jade legs: "Did you ask me to meet alone just to tell me this?"

He admired Su Yuan's cleverness, but that didn't mean he would tolerate everything about her.

Although the matter of his rebirth is kept secret, every time he anticipates the enemy first, he still attracts some people's attention.

The first person to notice was Mosling, but he gave up his actions.

The second person is Su Yuan.

But this is not surprising. There are many strange people in China’s history who can predict the future. Of course, this prediction of the future is not groundless predictions. It is based on current events and historical trends to determine what may happen in the future. Things.

It's like a fortune teller who sees a child who has a tough character and is humble and studious, so he sees that this child will become a great weapon in the future.

This sentence is misjudged, that is, it is a liar, or the child has given up his achievements, no wonder others.

But if the judgment is successful, this is the master.

From Mosling's point of view, Chu Feng estimated that he was such a person.

Of course it is not that he is a liar or a fortune teller, but some people are naturally good at this aspect.

"Nowadays, many reservoirs have been contaminated by the blood of zombies. The water purification capacity of rivers and rivers is relatively strong, and the pollution level is slightly lower. But don't have a lot of people who have diarrhea after drinking, and some people may even lose their lives because of diarrhea and weakness."

Su Yuan seems to be reporting to work and chatting, "But all the water produced by the green water drops can be directly drunk, so there are some demon hunter teams, or some other local forces, will come regularly. Purchasing clean water here allows us to have a sustained income."

"Oh!" Chu Feng just said indifferently that he knew.

The water pollution is getting more and more serious, something he has known for a long time.

In this world, it is not only humans and animals that have undergone mutation and evolution, but viruses and microorganisms are also constantly evolving.

Through heating and light purification, most viruses can be eliminated.

And heating for more than 15 minutes can also remove a lot of viruses.

However, the safest way is to improve one's own immunity. Generally, after reaching the third level, you can be immune to most viruses and diseases.

Even if there is an outbreak of plague, there are very few Tier 4 abilities that will be recruited.

What Su Yuan said was Chu Feng's expectation of this situation.

"Does this world have a chance to become what it used to be?"

Su Yuan suddenly showed a bleak smile, with helplessness and loss in her tone and eyes.

She has been acting like a strong woman outside. If people see the strong woman Su Yuan showing such a weak and helpless appearance, I don't know how many men will come over to comfort them.

It is a pity that Su Yuan would only show this appearance in front of two people, Su Yuyan and Chu Feng.

If Su Yuyan was present, she would hug her back and give her sister some comfort, but it was a pity that she faced Chu Feng and a straight man of steel.

"Human society has always been progressing amidst disasters. The history of China is also a spiraling history. It may not be able to go back to the past, but if we can survive this disaster, it may be a brighter one The future." Chu Feng gave a standard textbook answer.

Su Yuan suddenly threw Chu Feng down, and then said seriously: "You know the answer I want is not this."

"You are not a compassionate person, you just want a bright and beautiful life, and a clean life." Chu Feng replied with a smile.

"So, can I keep it going?" Su Yuan asked seriously.

Chu Feng suddenly turned over and threw Su Yuan under him: "Of course, you have the ability, I have the strength."

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