Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 419: Defeated like a mountain

"Human, thank you for your help."

Hell Two-headed Dog said with admiration.

Worthy of being a descendant of the master, he had just reached the strength of Tier 5 and hit a Tier 6 Hell corpse dog severely, but did not suffer any harm.

Tier 5 hurt Tier 6 without getting hurt, which gave it more confidence in Chu Feng.

"If you want to thank me, there will be opportunities when the battle is over."

Chu Feng's movements did not stop in the slightest, and he slaughtered the second Hell corpse dog that had reached Tier 6.

The Hell corpse dog who was fighting with a Hell two-headed dog, saw the figure of Chu Feng coming over, suddenly pounced forward, and withstands the **** two-headed dog's scratch with his body, leaving behind on his body A big hole.

However, taking advantage of this opportunity, it opened its mouth to spit out a faint blue pillar of fire.

Around the faint blue fire pillar, there is a layer of black flame attached.

This is the real fire of hell.

Although it cannot fully control the real fire of hell, it can still be done with the power of **** fire based on the fire of hell.

"Humans, be careful, get away!"

The **** two-headed dog shouted anxiously.

It also didn't expect that a Tier 6 Hell corpse dog could use this trick. Although this trick did not do much harm to the Hell Three-headed Dog clan, the damage to the creatures outside the region was exponential.

A mere level 5, contaminated with the real fire of hell, there is almost no possibility of surviving.

This human being has just used his strength to gain its approval, if it suddenly falls because of this trick, it will be a fatal blow to their clan.

Chu Feng didn't dodge or avoid, raising his hand was a ball of water.

"It's over!"

Seeing that Chu Feng's advancing figure did not slow down in the slightest, nor did he have the intention to dodge, but instead tried to use water to deal with the real fire of hell, the four big eyes of the **** two-headed dog were full of despair.

The true fire of **** is a flame that claims to be able to burn everything, how can it be extinguished with water?

However, it was stunned immediately.

When the blue water was in contact with the huge pillar of flame, the two collided and a huge cloud of water erupted, but shortly afterwards, the fire of **** was also extinguished.

"How can it be?"

The **** two-headed dog's huge lantern-like eyes were all rounded.

They thought of a possibility.

It is of course impossible for ordinary water to fight the real fire of hell, but there is one kind of water that can be done, that is, the real water of heaven.

The temperature of this water is extremely low, and the cold contained in it is even more terrifying than the temperature.

Tianyizhen water only needs one drop to freeze water in a pond, but Tianyizhen water itself does not freeze.

However, isn't this the power that can be controlled by the seventh-order water system supernatural person?


Hell's corpse dog was shocked. It didn't expect that its inevitable blow would be violently cracked.

This flaw was also caught by the three-headed **** dog, leaving a huge scar on its body.

Under the cover of the huge water vapor, Chu Feng's figure rushed out of the dense fog, and came behind the Hell Corpse Dog. The Nether Cold Iron Sword in his hand cut out a cold sword energy, which matched the innate sword energy. The power directly cut off the two retreats of the Hell Corpse Dog.

Hell's corpse dog was hit back and forth, and fell heavily to the ground.

Chu Feng stepped on the **** corpse dog and quickly came to its abdomen. The long sword in his hand pierced into its soft abdomen, while running forward, it opened a big hole in the abdomen.

A large number of hellhounds took advantage of this opportunity and got directly into the wound.

Such a tragic scene stunned Lu Ming and others in the rear.

"Too cruel, too bloody."

Li Xiao muttered to himself.

Such a picture cannot be broadcast on any channel on the earth.

Su Yuyan, who had killed several Hell corpse dogs around him, turned his gaze to the battlefield on Chu Feng's side while taking time.

"Has he become so strong?"

Su Yuyan's eyes were full of unwillingness. She thought she was a powerful helper from her mentorship, but what she didn't expect was that she was still not an irreplaceable existence for Chu Feng.

Chu Feng was able to change the situation of the six levels of battle within a few moves, but she couldn't even intervene in that level of battle.

If faced with more powerful dangers, can she really help Chu Feng?

If she will face enemies at this level in the future, can she really play a role in this level of battle?

Or do you have to rely on Chu Feng to fight everything?

Su Yuyan felt unwilling to think of such a possible scene.

"Anyway, just become stronger."

Su Yuyan's blood-drinking sword sucked a Tier 5 **** corpse dog into a dry corpse, and the white jade fitness became a bit crystal clear, but under that beautiful appearance, it contained endless murderous intent.

The blood-drinking sword is a sword that can grow.

If a mediocrity holds this sword, he may be able to make a certain amount of prestige in a short time, but it will eventually be buried by time.

However, if a strong man holds this sword, he and the sword will become stronger.

"I want to become stronger!"

Su Yuyan's eyes became firmer, drew out the blood-drinking sword, and continued to search for the next enemy.

"Control your own power."

Ye Xiaohui looked at the corpse of the corpse dog next to her, frowning her eyebrows, feeling a little dazed.

Chu Feng taught her to learn to control her own power instead of being controlled by power and becoming a slave to power.

But how do you control your own power?

She noticed that the corpse dogs had begun to flee, and with the fall of the two Tier 6 corpse dogs, the high-end battle situation had already tilted seriously.

A two-headed **** dog rushed into a group of corpse dogs, and a massacre was carried out, which greatly eased the pressure of the bottom battle. Then, together with another two-headed **** dog, they began to besiege a new target.

The battle was defeated like a mountain, and the whole battle had begun to collapse in all respects.

"When I was fighting, one sword could kill a few targets at most, but as the owner severely injured the Tier 6 Hell corpse dog, the reaction caused was a chain reaction, causing a crash in all aspects, not just because of the owner. The strength is very strong, and it is because the master has used his power in the right place."

Ye Xiaohui's heart was faintly enlightened, "Although I don't know what is the real power to control myself, but I use my wisdom to exert the same power to a greater effect instead of satisfying my desire to kill, or Use killing to paralyze yourself, this should also be a way to control power!"

Thinking about this, Ye Xiaohui suddenly found that she could control the sword qi in her body more smoothly and freely. She had a feeling that even without Chu Feng's seal, she could still control the power of the sword qi.

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