Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 428: The power of annihilation sword

"Are you sure?" Chu Feng asked.

Su Yuyan's sacrifice just now had a certain impact on many people. He was a little worried that Ye Xiaohui would be stimulated by Su Yuyan and then do irrational things.

"I can feel that the seed of annihilation sword body that the master left in my body contains very powerful power, but I don't completely control it."

Ye Xiaohui said seriously, "I have a feeling that as long as I fully control the power of the Nirvana Sword, I will be able to easily defeat the Dream Horse. Perhaps it is because I have been immersed in the killing for too long, so I have It's been a long time since I realized the crisis between life and death."

The battle doesn't always linger between life and death. For Ye Xiaohui today, most of the dangers can be ignored.

Therefore, she is no longer satisfied with her slow progress.

Chu Feng looked at Ye Xiaohui and said, "Well then!"

Since this was Ye Xiaohui's own decision, Chu Feng didn't stop it either.

There is no absolutely safe place in this world, and there is no absolutely safe road and absolutely safe choice for everyone.

If you are unwilling to survive, you can only choose to go forward.

Ye Xiaohui was destined to have no way to choose the path of life. To her, weak and death are almost synonymous, and they are very close.

Therefore, Chu Feng respected Ye Xiaohui's choice.

After Ye Xiaohui made a request for a duel, everyone who was practicing riding stopped, their eyes focused on Ye Xiaohui.

Tian Jing smiled bitterly: "In the beginning I was a little jealous of her. Why was it that we came first, but she got more things from the boss than us, but now I am not jealous, because if I had the same as her I will not provoke the **** dream horse."

She knew Ye Xiaohui's strength very well.

With such strength, it would be very dangerous to challenge the Hell Dream Horse rashly. If it were her, she would definitely choose a more confident time.

The same is true for Xu Wei and Tao Jinghua.

It is still a bit difficult to say that the jealousy in their hearts is completely eliminated, but now this faint jealousy can no longer shake their hearts.

Chu Feng is a very fair person. If those who follow him want to get benefits, they must give enough. On the other hand, as long as you pay enough, then what kind of benefits do you want? Feng will satisfy you as much as possible.

Ye Xiaohui has today's power because in the past battles, too many zombies were killed and too many battles went through.

Even the three of Tian Jing barely surpassed Ye Xiaohui.

As the first person to follow Chu Feng, he would be overtaken by others, and it would be too much to talk about fairness at this time.

Ye Xiaohui and the Hell Dream Horse, who is about to face off, are 10 meters away, facing each other.

She did not support her as much as Su Yuyan, but chose a stable and fair environment in which she wanted to defeat her opponent.

Everyone talked about it.

"Can she do it?"

"I don't know, the speed of the monk horse is too fast, this is not an opponent that can be defeated by strength."

"Why are all women eligible to challenge!"

"Boss Chu is a man, who are you talking about?"

"Uh, I didn't say anything just now, did you hear me just now?"

Among the people's discussion, the duel began.

Hell Dream Horse sprinted towards Ye Xiaohui.

Ye Xiaohui also turned over and escaped this sprint.

However, the Hell Dream Horse only turned slightly, rushing towards the distance without any reduction in speed, and then stopped at a distance of 50 meters.

The fastest way to open the distance is not to turn around and run, but to sprint towards the enemy at the fastest speed. When the enemy avoids your attack, you have enough time to open the distance.

As the race that is best at speed and sprint, the Hell Dream Horse has rich combat experience in this area.

Seeing this scene, everyone felt cold.

"It's not good, Ye Xiaohui is about to finish."

"Being driven by Hell's Dream, it'll be cold as long as you sprint! Could it be that Ye Xiaohui has the same strength as Su Yuyan?"

Just now, Su Yuyan had used her own power to conquer them, leaving an indelible impression in their hearts.

Although there is a big gap compared with Chu Feng, their eyesight is not that bad. They know that with their strength, the consequences of facing Su Yuyan and facing Chu Feng are actually the same.

Could it be said that Ye Xiaohui also has such a powerful force?

After pulling the distance, the Hell Dream Horse stopped for a while, then launched the most violent charge, turned into a black lightning, and rushed towards Ye Xiaohui with the single horn above his head.

Under the speed of the **** dream horse, as long as this is implemented, Ye Xiaohui can say that even if she is smashed in half on the spot, it is not surprising.

The black lightning whizzed past, then stopped somewhere.

After the two sides crossed, Ye Xiaohui knelt on the ground and spit out a mouthful of blood. The white coat had been torn apart, revealing the soft blue armor hidden inside.

This is the blue magic gold soft armor specially customized by Chu Feng for Ye Xiaohui to protect her life.

"Good risk," everyone exclaimed.

If it weren't for the soft armor of the blue magic gold, Ye Xiaohui might have died just now.

"The soft armor of the blue magic gold should not have such a strong defense power!"

Tian Jing suddenly said.

She and Xu Wei Tao Jinghua both have the blue magic golden soft armor. The biggest role of the soft armor is to defend against the damage of sharp weapons and spread the targeted attacks evenly, but under the sprint of the **** dream horse, even if it is The scattered power was also enough to pass through the soft armor and smash Ye Xiaohui into a mass of flesh.

"It's the body of the nirvana sword."

Chu Feng simply explained, "You don’t need to be envious. Your way is different from her. If you can integrate the murderous intent in your weapons with your own power in the future, your power will not be under Ye Xiaohui, but you need to control it yourself. ."

In the collision just now, Ye Xiaohui, in desperate situation, forcibly merged the power of the Nirvana sword body with itself, bringing her physical strength to a terrifying point.

Only in this way can he save his life under the impact of the **** nightmare horse.

Ye Xiaohui turned around and rushed to the Hell Dream Horse.

The Hell Dream Horse also wanted to turn around, but it had just turned the same body, and its right leg suddenly broke, causing it to lose its balance and kneel on the ground.

Although it severely injured Ye Xiaohui in the previous encounter, his right front leg was also severed.

At this critical moment, Ye Xiaohui rushed forward with a stride, and the Chiyan Sword in his hand was placed on the neck of Hell Dream Horse.

"I won." She announced lightly.

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