Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 500: Join hands

"Now that the matter is obvious, the enemy clearly planned for a long time, and even almost used nuclear weapons to directly destroy the Fourth Theater. Even if it did not succeed in the end, it still caused a lot of commotion, casualties, and casualties in the war areas. The number directly exceeded 50,000."

The Chief of Staff said, "According to the information you provided, it is clear that the person who did it was a member of the Long family, who was also a very famous general in Beijing. The Southern Capital should not have been involved in the military affairs of Beijing, but now it is an extraordinary period. I believe you should be able to Make the right decision."

The face of the reinforcement officer was a little pale.

They were right. Nan came here to support them because they lacked the offensive strength when they had sufficient defensive strength.

However, they got them involved in such things.

Although they are not the people who do it, they are also responsible.

Seeing that he did not speak, the Chief of Staff did not force him, but continued:

"Now the situation is very obvious. In this encircled circle, it is the urban area of ​​Tianwei City, and it is also the place where nuclear weapons have exploded the most. In fact, the main task of these war zones that Chu Feng just drew is to stop the zombies inside. The legion came out.

Now these five war zones have all lost contact with each other, either they have been captured before they reacted, or they have fallen under the control of the enemy. The worst case is..."

He gave a meaningful look at several reinforcement officers: "They were under the control of the enemy from the beginning."

The faces of several reinforcement officers were a bit ugly. Although they were unwilling to admit it, all the Chief of Staff said were probably true.

Only more than 1,000 of the 9,000 defenders in the tenth war zone survived, but they still insisted on passing the news back, but all these areas lost contact. If they were not destroyed in an instant, then the other party would have been prepared. All these places have been controlled.

Luo Xingyao said to several military officers: "Although I don't want to persecute you, you should understand that now is not the time to cherish the rules."

Although it is not in accordance with the rules to directly intervene in the military situation here, but now that someone has committed a rebellion, it cannot be handled according to conventional methods.

Several military officers discussed briefly, and then revealed the information and information on Beijing:

"General Wang Shengyan has fallen, and his army has suffered heavy losses. Now the generals who oppose Long Ao are mainly led by General Ye Zhishi, as well as General Wang Chongshan, General Gou Tianyou and General Yu Shun. These generals control the opposition. Long Ao’s legions are also connected to each other."

"Last night, General Ye Zhishi already hinted to us. Let us make sure that you have a relationship with the people of the Long Family. But after one night of fighting side by side, we chose to trust you, so now we need your strength to help. We solve the crisis."

An officer gave a military salute to Luo Xingyao and others.

Not to mention other things, it is a great help for them to tell them information about the knights of the underworld and let them be prepared in advance.

If this is not the case, then the fourth theater has been destroyed.

Other theaters will suffer heavy losses if they are not prepared.

After deciding to join forces, several officers contacted their superiors.

Chu Feng didn't listen to the discussion, he just prepared silently.

Long Ao is his biggest opponent in his previous life, and after she is reborn, she will still be his biggest opponent. Facing such an opponent accidentally will be forever.

He has no plans to participate in the decisions of the high-level military.

But if their decision can't fit his own mind, then even if he is alone, he will not let this opportunity pass.

After an hour of telegram discussion, everyone reached an unanimous agreement.

"We have decided to unite, but the defense facilities of the various war zones have suffered varying degrees of damage. Several generals are repairing their own corps, and they have to do a good job in defense of each zone. When everyone is ready, they will join forces. Conquer Long Ao."

The chief of staff reported the results to Chu Feng.

"Take a break? When will they take a break?" Chu Feng asked back.

The chief of staff said: "Defense facilities in each district..."

"I don't know how important those defensive facilities are, but I know a word, soldiers are very fast!"

Chu Feng interrupted him, "Long Ao attacked all major war zones at the same time, but according to the results reported last night, his main purpose was not to cause as many casualties as possible, but to deliberately destroy those military forces. Facilities, as for their purpose for doing this, I think I know it now."

The chief of staff's expression became a little ugly: "Did they delay time on purpose?"

"Yes, since they deliberately want to delay our time and pace, it means that they must use time to do very important things."

Chu Feng said solemnly, "So we have to compete with them for time now. The battle zone they control has surrounded the city of Sky Guard. If you want to know their purpose, you must enter the city to see. Look, at least they have to take a battle zone they control and then interrogate their conspiracy."

"Your decision is the same as our general's decision." An officer said to Chu Feng, "General Ye also agrees to use the fastest speed to break down a battle zone, and then interrogate the enemy's conspiracy, otherwise, we can only fall into passive There is hope only if we take the initiative to attack, but because the damage encountered in the theater is too severe, we can’t draw too many troops, we can only draw some elite.”

"The area with the best preservation of combat power is actually ours, so we are willing to take on the main offensive task, as for the object we choose."

Chu Feng marked the 24th theater on the map, "This place is what we need to attack. After we take this place, we will use it as a springboard to directly attack the city. If you are willing to cooperate with us, I You will be given two time to sort out your troops and meet in this place."

With that said, he drew a circle in one place.

Directly breaking the game with violence is his favorite tactic, and it is also his best tactic.

The officer glanced at Chu Feng, then said: "I will report this to General Ye, and then I will reply to you as soon as possible."

After 10 minutes, the officer received a reply from his superior: "The general has decided to abandon the defenses of the two theaters, and then shrink the front with all his strength, and then draw out a brigade to cooperate with you."

In the face of their efficient actions, Chu Feng also praised them very much.

The military now has the qualities of a jagged soldier.

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