Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 603: Reasons for the establishment of the Skyscanner Alliance

"I'm not a mutant beast, how do I know?"

The girl was a little dissatisfied, but she felt a little weak.

"This is not an excuse. People have needs, and animals have needs. Food, water, spouses, and territories can all be reasons for beasts to fight. Even if those beasts mutate and become mutant beasts, some of their needs remain unchanged. After all, there are a few mutant beasts, or only zombies have such a demand."

Chu Feng began to explain the knowledge of mutant beasts, "Why do wild beasts proliferate in large numbers to cause a tide of beasts? Why do wild beasts attack humans? Do they die together? No, they want to live, but resources are scarce and food is scarce. Let them have to overcome the fear of humans left by their ancestors, so now you have to tell me, don't you know where the target of mutant beasts is?"

The faces of several young men and women were green and white.

They felt a little ashamed, as if they could think of something as long as they moved their heads, but none of them had mentioned it before.

"That's why you have been unable to win the trust of others." Chu Feng sighed and shook his head.

People who can become the leader of a force in the last days, regardless of their character, are generally extraordinary. Why do they refuse to listen to your persuasion?

One or two may be stupid and don't listen to you, that's your problem.

Maybe you are right, but there is no way to express it.

If everyone has the ability to distinguish right from wrong, where are there so many contradictions in this world?

"I, we knew it was wrong."

The girl's eye circles were red, and she almost burst into tears.

She finally understood where she was wrong.

It's not that people don't want to listen to persuasion, it's that my rhetoric is really ridiculous.

A young man in a blue shirt refused to accept: "So, how do you think we should defend? Even if we know that the mutant beasts are for food, how can we defend? Knowing their targets, what can we do? is the most important."

Chu Feng sneered and said, "You ask me how to guard against it. My foundation is in East China? No matter how strong those mutant beasts are, can they threaten me?"

Everyone turned pale, and they understood one thing.

Chu Feng actually had no reason to help them.

However, the youth was still a little dissatisfied: "Speaking of which, you are not yet..."


With a crisp slap, the youth held his left face and looked at the delicate girl in front of him in disbelief, "Shirley Bai, what are you doing!"

Xueli Bai, is she really?

Hearing Bai Xueli's name, Chu Feng also probably confirmed the identity of the person in front of him.

This is his cousin's name. He hadn't heard Aunt Liu mention it in his previous life. It seems that he was killed in the next animal tide.

Aunt Liu lost her husband and daughter, and later died to save himself. He had the opportunity to change the other's destiny, and of course he would not miss it.

Being able to help Aunt Liu save his daughter can also make up for what he owes.

Bai Xueli looked at the young man coldly: "Ning Yulong, if you speak in this tone again, be careful that I tear your mouth, shut up if you don't speak human words, or get out if you don't know how to be a human, and don't be an eyesore here. "

"Well, Shirley Bai, I have been so hard in pursuing you, are you joining this shabby Skywatcher alliance because of my love? I am not because of you!"

Ning Yulong shouted loudly, "Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous, this Skywatcher Alliance, can I withdraw from it?"

After speaking, he left the hall angrily.

Chu Feng looked at the young man's departure from the back, and said sarcastically, "You didn't succeed before, is it because of him?"

The young woman in her twenties beside Bai Xueli looked at Chu Feng vigilantly: "How do you know that we have all failed in the past?"

Chu Feng gave her a white look: "You have been to East China, can't I think of it?"

The woman turned pale, then lowered her head in shame.

Yup! If it weren't for their inability to form a strong organization in central China, how could they move their rescuers to eastern China?

Haven't been forced to a dead end!

Bai Xueli leaned to Chu Feng and said: "I'm sorry, today's matter is our fault. I hope that the city lord will not blame him, Ning Yulong that guy, we will deal with him in the future, but I still hope that the city lord can ignore the predecessors and focus on the overall situation ."

In her heart, she had scolded Ning Yulong that idiot hundreds of times.

That idiot, do you know what you are talking about?

Finally, there is an influential figure who is willing to believe our words, but you bastard, you even extrapolated this opportunity!

Is it just because of your **** face? Such a person dare to pursue me? Don't be ashamed.

"Before I agree, can you tell me how you have the courage to establish the Skywatcher organization?"

Chu Feng said, "With your brain, you still want to predict the danger? I think it's not bad if you don't bring others into the ditch."

Although the roots of her angry teeth itch, Shirley Bai decided to put the overall situation first.

"When there were the prophecies of the end times, didn't there be many people who didn't believe them? Our boss also regretted not believing the prophecies of the end times, and he has not been able to make more preparations to save more people. Isn't this trying to make up for it!"

She was also inspired by the boss before she was willing to join.

Anyway, many abilities have joined various organizations, and many people who yearn for freedom also have their own demon hunter squads. Instead of joining a wild squad, it is better to join a big backer.

The Skywatcher League also met her desire for justice in her heart.

"I regret not believing the prophecy of the end times, because of this?"

Chu Feng was a little unconcerned. There were more people who regretted not believing the prophecies of the end times, but there were also more people who couldn't turn their minds.

The world is so big, there are all kinds of wonderful works.

Some people feel that they can save the world after gaining power, and some people feel that they are invincible after gaining power.

In contrast, people with such thoughts do not seem so strange.

"Um, City Lord Chu, are you still willing to send troops to help us?"

Bai Xueli asked cautiously.

She didn't know if this big man was willing to send troops, after all, this was a very important thing, and it did not benefit the City of Dawn.

If it is good, then it is probably satisfying the sense of justice!

However, things like sense of justice can really be thrown away at any time in the last days.

It's worthless anyway, what's the pity of losing it?

"City Lord? This is what a stranger calls me."

Chu Feng looked at Bai Xueli with a playful look, "If it were you, you should call my cousin."

"Watch, cousin?"

Xueli Bai's head banged, and she suddenly remembered what happened last month.

Difficult, is this true?

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