Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 606: Yiyi's strength

Seeing Yiyi in danger, Bai Xueli couldn't help but want to take action.

A blue stream of water entangled Bai Xueli's body, making her immobile.

"Let go of me, what are you going to do?"

Bai Xueli struggled hard, but in any case she couldn't get rid of the current. The anxious expression in her eyes became more and more, and she looked at Yiyi in the distance with worry.

Zhang Ziqing said: "You should watch the show slowly!"

The few people who came with Shirley Bai originally wanted to take a shot, but they stopped seeing Shirley face to face.

Yiyi's ankles were entangled by the weeds on the side of the road and lost his balance. Then he was lifted up in the air by his tender feet, followed by a long green snake with a triangular head, like an arrow from the string leaping through the grass. Out, biting towards Yiyi's slender neck like a swan neck.

Seeing Yiyi in danger, Ye Xiaohui's body moved instinctively, and then stopped alive.

Bai Xueli struggled anxiously, but was directly blocked by a cloud of water.

A white long blade of holy light appeared from Yiyi's body and cut the cyan long snake in half.

Then, a long sword with a white blade but covered with a black pattern on the hilt appeared in Yiyi's hand, and slashed towards the weeds that entangled him.


A few weeds broke at the sound, Yiyi, who fell from the air, turned over and fell on the ground, and then a holy flame appeared and fell in the grass.

The white flame burned everything and quickly burned the front to ashes.

"Although Yiyi's ability to judge danger is somewhat inadequate, but the ability to respond to danger is completely natural, as if he is born suitable for combat."

Zhang Ziqing let go of the water that bound Xueli Bai and explained to Chu Feng.

In fact, the most correct way to deal with the situation just now is not to fight, but to escape.

Because the current mission is off-road, there is no need to fight.

In the end, using the flame of the Holy Light to burn the grass and trees is a serious waste. It is not good for you to do so, and it will waste the energy in your body.

However, Yiyi was still young, and combat training had only been conducted for a few days. Many things were too late to teach, so they had to take their time.


Xueli Bai was choked with water just now, but now she is let go, and she keeps spitting out the water in her mouth, "You, you actually use real water?"

The water of a person with a water system is a kind of elemental energy and cannot be used as daily drinking water. The biggest advantage of this is that you don’t need to wipe off the water stains on your body when you take a bath, but it also loses some of the characteristics of real water, such as Quench thirst, such as metabolism.

"If it wasn't because you were your own person, you should have poisoned it in the water just now. Ordinary poisons are not effective for supernaturalists, but the zombie virus is still possible." Zhang Ziqing explained indifferently.

Bai Xueli was choked, she didn't expect this little girl of her age to be so cruel.

She didn't want to participate in the next thing anyway.

She had already seen that Yiyi's strength did not need her to worry too much.

After more than an hour of trekking, half of the 30 km distance has passed. This is also the powerful ability of Yiyi to have such physical strength.

Changing to an ordinary little girl, there is no way to go such a long distance.

Now the shoes on Yiyi's feet have worn out, and the clothes on her body have also been damaged in many places, but there are no wounds.

In addition to being close by the weeds, she killed every monster that approached her directly and remotely.

Even if there was something that could not be solved remotely, she summoned the sword of light to kill.

But after halfway forward, Yiyi's speed began to slow down.

Her mental energy is running out.

Although she has an extraordinary talent, it will take some time to discover this talent. After a series of battles just now, her vitality has begun to run out.

More than a dozen insects flew towards Yiyi. These insects were not of a high level. They could be easily dealt with with Yiyi's strength, but Yiyi raised his hand, but no bright arrow was sent.

The abilities are exhausted, and you can only wait and die.

A dozen black beetles pounced on Yiyi's body and threw her to the ground. Xueli Bai let out an exclamation, but did not rush forward.

After the lesson just now, she understood that even if she took the shot, she would not have her turn.

A golden light erupted from Yiyi's body, shooting the dozen or so bugs into a sieve, Yiyi crawled out of the corpse, and then heard a ruthless voice.

"The assessment failed!"

Yiyi's small face immediately turned pale. She wanted to open her mouth to argue, but Ye Xiaohui held her back, "It's okay, Yiyi has done a very good job, and she will definitely pass it next time."

Yiyi nodded sensibly, without arguing.

Chu Feng did not stop Ye Xiaohui’s behavior. Yiyi needs hardship to grow, but at the same time it also needs encouragement and support. This can be used as a driving force for growth. Otherwise, there is only hardship but no spiritual nutrition. Even if you become a strong person, you can only Become a demon without emotion.

When a child is facing pressure and is already close to his limit, what he actually needs is not to reduce the pressure, but to be able to resist the pressure.

But Xueli felt relieved.

She understands that Yiyi’s body has some kind of protection, and she doesn’t need others to worry too much.

In the next time, Ye Xiaohui began to teach Yiyi herself.

"Yiyi, not all monsters have to be solved with abilities. For monsters in the grass, we can avoid them in advance. When you attack those mice, you only need to kill one or two, and the rest will be Disperse by yourself, but when you faced the snake, you did very well..."

Yiyi listened very carefully. Under the guidance of her mother, she understood that there is no meaning to regret. The only thing she can do is to avoid the next failure.

Time soon arrived at night, and everyone began to live and cook.

A pitiful little face nestled in his mother's arms, staring at the roasted potatoes in Chu Feng's hands without saying a word.

Looking at Yiyi's pure gaze, even Chu Feng felt a little tingling in his back.

Zhang Ziqing also looked at Chu Feng with a grimace on his face. Chu Feng could only leave here temporarily: "There is movement nearby, I will clean it up."

After Chu Feng left, Zhang Ziqing took the opportunity to quietly waved to Yiyi and handed her two bunches of roasted potatoes: "Yiyi, you're starving! While that monster is not there, do it!"

Seeing Zhang Ziqing's movements, Yiyi's eyes lit up, and he quickly ran over to take the roasted potatoes, then ran to Ye Xiaohui's side in small steps, and secretly glanced at the direction Chu Feng left, and handed the potatoes to Ye Xiaohui like a treasure: " Mom, eat quickly."

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