Seeing Chu Feng's cold eyes, Tao Jinghua hurriedly said, "Don't dare."

Chu Feng has always adhered to the transaction principle of equivalent exchange, but in fact, the closer the person is, the more benefits he will get from him.

Especially for them and the Hell Knights, almost all of their own power comes from Chu Feng, so according to the principle of equivalent exchange, they must pay their lives to repay them.

"Be alert!"

With an order from Chu Feng, 28 scouts immediately began to dispatch, and several deputy city masters also dispatched their own reconnaissance troops, that is, supernaturalists and warriors who are good at speed.

It is worth mentioning that although only Chu Feng's direct line can have the Hell Dream Horse and Double Wildebeest, these peripheral members can also exchange for Fire Cloud Horse through their contributions.

The Fire Cloud Horse is a bit stronger than the Double Wildebeest, and it is not as good as the Hell Dream Horse at the same level, but it is also a good mount.

Such conditions have also suppressed the dissatisfaction of many abilities.

And they knew one thing, and that was that the contract object of the race contract was in Chu Feng's hands. If Chu Feng wanted to take back their mount, he only needed a thought.

In other words, their treatment can only be enjoyed when they belong to the City of Dawn.

About 40 minutes later, a scout sent back information through a transmission token: "No, there is a large group of zombies 35 kilometers 30 degrees east of our north. The specific number is unknown, at least more than 5,000. Under the leadership of the king, it seems to be resting, but all the zombies are looking in our direction."

After receiving this news, everyone's faces were a little ugly.

He Chongyin asked strangely: "What do those zombies rest in place? Even if there are no humans as prey nearby, are there no other mutant beasts as prey?"

At this time, another intelligence came back: "About 36 kilometers in the direction of 40 degrees west of north, there are a large number of mutant beasts resting in place. I don't know what are waiting. According to our investigation, the number of mutant beasts is about 1 More than 10,000, there should be something behind it, and they are commanding these mutant beasts."

Soon intelligence came back: "At about 40 kilometers in the direction of 75 degrees west of north, there are a large number of corpses entrenched, the number exceeds at least 10,000!"

One after another, the defensive personnel in the camp felt a sinking heart.

In the next few hours, they received one piece of information one after another, but these pieces of information made their hearts even more heavy.

Zombies, mutant beasts and insects, the three major enemies of mankind, appeared around them in groups, forming a circle.

The insects that had passed by before were also on their back road, preventing them from returning.

No matter which direction they break through, they will encounter a large number of enemies.

Moreover, such an approach is likely to hand over his back to the enemy.

"Why does this happen!"

Even Xu Wei, who has been following Chu Feng for a long time, has a bit of shame, "Although the three major camps are all enemies of mankind, they should not cooperate with each other. Even the same camps will have internal fighting. May unite and surround us?"

Yu Dawen also wondered: "This encirclement seems to be a trap that has been planned for a long time. If humans set up such a trap, it's fine, but the traps are arranged by the three major camps."

Although the three major enemies of mankind are not clustered together, they have formed a joint cooperation.

This is simply incredible, and everyone's hearts are sinking.

After Chu Feng was silent for a few seconds, he ordered: "Everyone takes turns to rest, ready to use the most energy to meet the enemy at any time. Xu Wei, inform the military in Central China that their goods have arrived, but someone intercepted them halfway. They come to pick up the goods by themselves, don't hide the risks here."


Everyone took their orders.

After everyone left, Ye Xiaohui suddenly asked, "Is it the reason for Yiyi?"

When Chu Feng hurried here from Chaohu, she had already noticed that Chu Feng's eyes had been exposed, and the source of all this was Yiyi.

Chu Feng did not conceal: "Yes, the three enemies of mankind are inferior to humans in wisdom. Only a few are able to have wisdom. It is a fantasy for them to unite, but if there is a master behind the scenes, they can If the leader of the party, it is possible to do it."

"Who can do this kind of thing?" Zhang Ziqing was shocked.

If someone exposes such ability, I am afraid they will immediately become a target.

This question is difficult for Chu Feng to answer, not because he doesn't know, but because he knows too much.

But that was all intelligence from the future, how could he tell others?

Ye Xiaohui showed a struggling look on her face: "If, I mean, if I leave alone with Yiyi, wouldn't it be so troublesome?"

"You better not think so."

Chu Feng said, "The reason why I am willing to protect Yiyi is not because she is a child, but because she is very important to the entire human race. If she falls into the enemy's hands, the consequences may be It is unthinkable that even if it is death, the impact on Human Race will be more severe than the consequences of her being alive."

Ye Xiaohui was silent. She didn't know why such a fate would befall her daughter, but she knew one thing, that was that she had to rely on Chu Feng's power to protect Yiyi.

Now, all she can do is to use her best.

Because she could not bear the pain of losing her daughter, even at the expense of countless people.

Chu Feng took out a map and marked out the intelligence that the investigators found.

The three major enemies of mankind are divided into more than a dozen different camps. With this as the center, they have surrounded this place 30 kilometers away.

Coupled with the previous movement of the worms, he was able to determine one thing: the opponent had been prepared long ago, and had sufficient knowledge of the team in the City of Dawn.

It's very simple. Before Yiyi's location was on the shore of Chaohu Lake.

If the opponent were to form an encirclement at the beginning, then the center of the opponent's encirclement should be Chaohu, but the opponent has surrounded the team of the City of Dawn, which is somewhat intriguing.

Even when the worms passed by them, except for some necessary attacks, those worms showed no intention to attack themselves at all.

This means that the tactics used by the opponent are to save what they have to attack.

Moreover, this is what we must save from a human perspective.

The opponent is very clear about what must be saved for them, so at the beginning their plan was the caravan in the city of dawn.

There are too many tails behind the caravan, and he can't eliminate the suspects one by one.

However, he also has his own way to find the man behind the scenes.

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