Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 620: What qualifications do you have to blame me?

Seeing Ning Yulong and the people around Ning Yulong, the members of the Skywatcher Alliance were all angry.

"Ning Yulong, why are you with these zombies?"

"Why did Wang Ke and the others become zombies? Can you make it clear?"

Some people even couldn't help but rushed up, asking face to face what happened.

Chu Feng just said indifferently: "He is no longer the companion you know."


A member who went forward to grab Ning Yulong's collar was suddenly pierced into his heart by a hand, his eyes were round, as if he could not believe what was happening now.

Ning Yulong disgusted and threw the corpse to the zombies behind. Those zombies immediately began to chew with excitement, not even the bones.

Although everyone has seen these disgusting scenes more or less, they are filled with righteous indignation when they see that their companions have become food for zombies.

"Die me!"

One after another young people from the Skywalker Alliance rushed forward, and Bai Xueli also had the urge to step forward, but was restrained by a stream of water.

"Let go of me!" Bai Xueli struggled hard.

"Let go of you, let you get free?"

Chu Feng said coldly, "It doesn't matter if you don't want to live, but can you really bear the consequences of losing your life?"

Bai Xueli gradually calmed down, and then watched as the members jumped up and fought with the zombies.

Everyone's level is generally at level 4, and there are also several level 5 ability players. After the baptism of the vitality tide just now, the number of level 5 ability players has reached a dozen.

But these zombies are actually at least Tier 4 peak.


"not good!"

"Save me!"

The young men who were still enthusiastic just now made a desperate cry for help when their bodies were eaten by zombies, but no one responded to their cry for help.

Do you think your life is too long to save people at this time? Although this person's strength is good, he doesn't have any discipline, and he can only get in the way when fighting.

"Really, can't everyone just calm down and speak well?"

With a look of disgust, Ning Yulong threw a companion who had been killed by him to the zombie behind him, and then pointed to Yiyi behind Ye Xiaohui, "I won't say much more. Hand over the little girl and we will immediately Retreat, otherwise, all of you will die here."

While speaking, another group of zombies came around in the wilderness in the distance, and then another group of mutant beasts surrounded everyone from another direction.

Seeing more and more enemies around, the people in the City of Dawn felt a little drumming in their hearts.

Tao Jinghua suddenly shouted: "Since you have taken refuge in the zombies, it means that you are now in the same camp with the zombies. Do you think we still believe what you said?"

Tian Jing also smiled and said: "Want us to hand over the children? It's very simple. You control all the methods first, dig out the crystal nucleus in your head and send it to us, and then we can think about it."

The words of the two immediately caused a burst of laughter, which was a mockery of the enemy.

Ning Yulong's expression was sullen with anger: "It's really toasting and not eating fine wine. It seems that you haven't figured out the situation now. If you don't teach you a little lesson, you won't know the sky and the earth."

While speaking, the body of the group of zombies behind him suddenly became huge, and a powerful aura burst out of his body, which was daunting.

"Level six? How come there are so many?"

Everyone was shocked, are there so many Tier 6 zombies? There are at least 100 zombies that have reached Tier 6, which is more than their entire team.

The surprise brought by their previous breakthrough was quickly washed away in front of this powerful enemy.

It turns out that their enemies have grown faster than them.

Immediately afterwards, a group of weird mutant beasts in the other direction, led by a mutant tiger king, also uttered sky-shaking roars, and then the aura in the body began to soar continuously, and the vitality of the world continued to move toward these mutations The body of the beast surged.

Seeing such a scene, everyone was even more bloodless.

"Paying a little girl as a price can reduce many unnecessary casualties. This kind of business should be very cost-effective."

Ning Yulong looked at Yiyi with burning eyes, his eyes full of eagerness.

People who can see that Yiyi's body is special can hardly bear this temptation.

Chu Feng's eyes were just cold.

"Are you willing to follow a boss who wants to disregard everyone's lives for his own benefit? He can sacrifice you for a little girl. Your importance is not as important as a child? Hahaha, you Do you want to work for this kind of boss?"

Ning Yulong's voice was full of madness, unscrupulously instigating everyone's relationship.

But to his disappointment, there are a few people who have some changes in their eyes, but most people are indifferent to this degree of provocation and separation.

Is this a little girl's problem? Are you kidding me?

Why should Chu Feng work hard for them? Sacrifice for them?

"Ning Yulong, why on earth do you want to take refuge in zombies?" Bai Xueli still shouted sadly.

Although she hates Ning Yulong, she is also a member of their alliance, not to mention that behind Ning Yulong are their former companions!

"Why? Haha, you ask me why?"

Ning Yulong stared at Bai Xueli’s chest, without concealing his greed, but his eyes were filled with hatred and hysteria, “I joined this **** alliance just to pursue you, and the result was our boss, who took me Become such a person, not a ghost or a ghost, now you ask me the other way around?"


Xueli Bai felt that she was about to falter, "No, the leader didn't mean it."

She wanted to explain, explaining that the leader was deceived, but she couldn't explain it.

Ning Yulong suddenly tore off the clothes in front of him, revealing his rotten skin. He roared angrily: "It wasn't intentional, it wasn't intentional. Then he can change me back to my original appearance? You hit me. After all, I made the mistake myself, but I was quite a person! If it weren't for you, could I be like this? What right do you have to blame me now?"

Bai Xueli's face became paler.

What happened today has simply destroyed her three views.

It would be great if all this was a dream.

"Are you finished?"

Chu Feng said in a cold voice, "Since I have finished speaking, let's do it!"

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