Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 103: Connect the game

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Feng Lingzi sent an e-mail to Only Wo Du Kuang.

However, the email sank into the sea and there was no response for a long time.

"Crazy God, don't even you..." Feng Lingzi thought, if even the Crazy God was ambushed, this would undoubtedly be bad news.

At twelve noon, I don't know where a news came from.

The number of foreign server players formed by a multi-national alliance has reached 400,000! How amazing is this number, the number of players who can enter the level 10 main city of Huaxia players is only 1.1 million!

The national service has a professional team, and others have it, and the level of equipment configuration is even higher, and the biggest problem at present is that the national service has not been organized in advance, it is completely scattered! How to compete with the foreign server players who carefully planned this gathering.

As time goes by, the number of foreign server players is still increasing, and national server players are becoming more passive!

There are even rumors on the Internet that the mad **** and Wuming brother have been killed by the corpse!

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, a large number of foreign server players poured into the Huaxia official server live broadcast room.

"10 hours double, I don't know how many levels you can upgrade. If we have this opportunity, at least one level!"

"Does it feel good? It feels like being flattened by 400,000 warriors in Chinese clothes."

"I heard that all of you who can come out of the novice zone are the elites among the elites. The result was 1.1 million times 400,000 slaughter suits. Hahaha, it really is rubbish.

"Your only one is mad, your nameless brother, why hasn't he appeared yet? Has he died in a corner where he can't be resurrected? Ziwu is also rubbish!"

"This is the end of the fight against our Korean players. I remember them all, dirty dogs!"

Feng Lingzi was angry and banned these players. However, they seemed to be an organized behavior. One after another, anonymous players came in to show off!

"Forbidden words, when you were so arrogant on the official website of the Three Saints Jinding, we didn't mute, I can't afford it!"

"Let me put my words here, your Chinese clothes are so weak, whatever is so mad and nameless, is **** in front of us! We will always crush you!"


Lu Chen was not interested in double activities at all, and after swiping all night, he slept until 4:30 in the afternoon.

When Youyou woke up, Lu Chen yawned, and five hours of sleep couldn't offset the exhaustion caused by the whole night.

Lu Chen looked around blankly, and immediately asked his soul three times.

where am I? What am i doing? What should i do...

Fortunately, he remembered soon.

"Oh, let me go. Sleeping in the dungeon is so cool... just a little hungry." Lu Chen patted his face and looked at the seven-headed three-silly cultivator next to him.

"By the way, there seems to be someone waiting for me at the door, I don't know if I left." Lu Chen scratched his head, "Don't care, let me slow down."

In the email, there is a special email, which is a reminder when a friend sends an email.

Lu Chen opened the email.

After a while, Lu Chen frowned and raised his head.

In order to prevent the Chinese players from upgrading, the foreign server players will slaughter the Chinese players in full server?

All districts are in a state of emergency. Ordinary players have been killed to the point that they dare not even resurrect?

Foreign server players organized to ridicule China's official website?

After a nap, why suddenly the world changed...

Lu Chen opened the official website, and the major broadcasters were being attacked by foreign server players, and the words such as garbage, dirty dog, qingchong, etc. kept refreshing their screens...

In particular, the two legendary characters of China Clothes, Mad God and Nameless, are overwhelming.

However, most of the major anchors were killed so that they could only exist in the state of soul, and a few anchors did not even dare to come out.

Lu Chen's face was a little ugly.

In the national server, there is an unwritten rule, if civilian players do not provoke professional players, professional players will basically not kill ordinary players.

However, this time, both civilian players and professional players were killed so terribly!

At this moment, Lu Chen's cell phone rang.

Lu Chen saw that it was his younger sister, Lu Yi, who was connected immediately.

"Brother..." Lu Yi's voice was a little aggrieved.

Lu Yi has always been Lu Chen's Ni Lin. Seeing her sister being wronged, Lu Chen suddenly became angry, "What's wrong, who is bullying you! Tell me!"

Lu Yi hesitated for a long time before speaking when her brother pressed her, "Brother, the rubble that the guild just sent me was exploded... and the poisonous fog leggings before it exploded..."

"Who broke it?"

"The people in the foreign service...Brother, in order to double this time, I have been working hard to level up these days, and finally followed the 3rd regiment to the main city of Xianshan, but the equipment was exploded...I don't know how to explain to the head ."

Lu Yi hadn't been in the main city long before, no wonder she hadn't seen her before.

This girl has been busy upgrading for the past two days, maybe she doesn't know that she is the nameless brother, silly girl, upgrade her head, and don't check the official website.

If Lu Yi didn't know, Lu Chen didn't plan to take the initiative to tell her sister, let her work hard so that she could better adapt to society.

"Silly girl, stop crying, just a few pieces of equipment." Lu Chen comforted.

"Brother, you don't understand, these are guild assets, and I will use them for others after I use them up..."

"It's okay, brother will help you."

Lu Yi still cried, "Brother, that group of people is too hateful. They don't guard the corpse directly like the others, but hide from the side, and continue to kill when we are resurrected... They relied on their level advantage to beat us to the wire. The blood lets us run, and finally kills them with the sword spirit...They are so damned!"

Lu Chen frowned, still playing like this? Not only killing, but also insulting! Torture!

The point is, they messed with his sister!

A little bit of blood rushes into the brain!

"Brother, do you know when you are a novice? Now Xianshan has been occupied by them, and Brother Wuming has been killed."

Lu Chen did not answer. Instead, he asked, "Where are you?"

"Why, I dare not resurrect now, or they will insult us again."

"It's okay, tell brother, where is your body? I'll find a friend to see if I can save it."

"Well, I'm in the southwest of the Hundred Beasts Mountain, 48, 144, brother, forget it, no one can save us now, don't let your friends take risks."

Lu Chen took a deep breath and calmed down, "Well, I know!"

After hanging up the phone, Lu Chen seemed to have changed.

Usually, unless he encounters a provocation like friendship, he is very kind to people, even if the unknown brother becomes famous, he has not changed much.

But this time, he was angry!

Someone killed his sister? Or torture, teasing torture!

If he can't protect even his sister, he wants this equipment, what's the use of the attributes!

"Seven heads, three fools, and ten of you, come back!" Lu Chen's voice was unusually cold, and he recalled his subordinates before going offline.

I washed my face and moved my lower joints.

Lu Chen put on his helmet again.

After the dungeon goes offline and goes online again, he will be directly teleported out of the dungeon. In other words, if the people who are guarding him are still there, then Lu Chen will be directly among them!

Go online, it's fighting!

"OK, be hungry if you are hungry." Lu Chen twisted his neck, "clean up the garbage before eating!"

"Connect the game!"

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