Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 105: You are not worthy

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Not far away, the Huaxia players who were charging and engulfing saw this light, but their voices choked.

Thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room, looking at that light, they burst into tears!

Two lines of Li Qiu Ning's tears flowed out, she covered her mouth to prevent herself from crying loudly.

"he came!"

Why hasn't the nameless brother been in the copy, because he already knows that there are many people blocking him at the entrance of the cave!

The Chinese players did not break through the enemy's blockade. At this moment, 350 of them were carefully selected, and the masters who were specially used to deal with him still surrounded the exit with three layers inside and outside three layers.

But this time, he seemed to have heard the shouts of countless people, and he did not hesitate...coming!

God of War, wake up!

However, it is not only Huaxia players who saw this light, but also foreign server players who waited for seven hours for this moment!

"Good come! It's nameless, everyone concentrates their firepower to give Lao Tzu a second to turn him into a scum!"

Even the figure of that person has not had time to be fully displayed, the attack of the pharmacist, the artillery of the blaster, the sword spirit of the sword spirit monk, the wisdom spirit beam of the prophet, converging on the vague figure from all directions!

Melee class, martial artist, monk, spirit master and puppet master's domesticated ghost wolf, wooden puppets attack him!

Seeing this scene, the Huaxia players who had not had time to react, all had a thread hanging on their hearts.

Even if the delay is less than one second, who can withstand this wave of attacks!

Could it be that Wuming Brother will be killed as soon as he arrives?

"Hahaha, Brother Wuming, your legend will end in Lao Tzu's hands! Lao Tzu will let you out! Come out and die!"

The black and blue figure finally became clear.

At the same time, a series of injuries floated above his head.

-1 (white character), -1, -1 (critical strike), -1 (burning artillery), -1 (sword spirit split), -1 (burning artillery), -1 (wisdom spirit beam)...

It's so dense that you can't see clearly.

However, none of them exceed 1!

"This, this is impossible! Impossible!"

"No one can break the defense? This is impossible!"

This scene shocked countless people.

"My God, no one has a tender and nameless defense!" Lao Peng stood up all of a sudden, watching this scene incredibly.

In the attacks of hundreds of people, that person's blood volume did not even show!

Without breaking the defense, you can’t even see the nameless HP limit. The so-called "-1" just tells the player, ah, you did hit him. As for how much blood you hit, it means, show a "-1". ...

"Is this...the...unknown...strength!" ESD Guild, Xiaoyaofeng leaned back in his chair.

Three hundred and fifty people, no one can break the defense!

It is understandable that the spirit attack does not break the defense. At present, many pieces of the outer clothing "Shadow Gale Jacket" have been released, and one piece of clothing has 8 points of spiritual defense.

Wuming also has two other blue clothes on his body, the dark frost cloak and the night trousers. If it is also 8 points of spiritual defense, then his spiritual defense can reach 24 points.

The spiritual attack of the foreign server players will not be too high. After all, the level and the growth of spiritual power are contradictory and unified. Their high level means that there is less time to cultivate spiritual power, and the extraction of pure aura from monsters can not provide many points.

Generally, players can have 10 points of psychic power, and with the additional 10 points of psychic attack provided by low-level skills, they will naturally be unable to move when encountering 24 points of psychic defense.

But what about physical attacks? A level 15 player with a black iron and golden sword and top equipment, with a physical attack ability of 170+, plus some melee output additional attributes added after career transfer, maybe 200!

"His physical defense exceeds 200? Impossible! We have all seen Ziwu's attributes, 56 strength is equivalent to 28 points of defense, and the other two blue equipment we count him as one of 25 physical defenses. The defense is 70 points higher than other top-match players, up to 150!"

Also shocked by him was the foreign service commander Sakata Shinwu!

"He, how could his physical defense exceed 200!"

"Could it be... a beast?!"

At present, if Huaxia has advantages over other foreign servers, the only thing is that Huaxia clothing has a beast!

Until now, foreign server players have not found a way to activate the full server mission.

I have to mention that the reason why the foreign server is so afraid of Chinese server players is that besides the large number of Chinese server players, the animal is also a very important point.

How can it be a mortal thing if it can be called a divine beast!

It’s just that there are 8 sacred beasts on the Internet, and 5 of them were taken by the mad god. The mad **** is a mystery, and he can’t be found at all. The other 2 were first acquired by the royal prince, then cut by a mysterious man, and the last one. The income obtained by Tu Xian Xuanyuan was also intercepted and disappeared.

Before the nameless brother was unknown, but after the full service mission, he was a blockbuster, it is difficult for people not to associate him with the beast.

Lu Chen didn't expect that there were some things he didn't need to explain, others had already found the answers for him by himself...

Finally, the short delay was over, the white light dissipated, and the black shadow stood in front of everyone.

Lu Chen looked calm. He looked at the distant battlefield, where the corpses of Chinese players were everywhere. Even if they were alive, many people had fought in this battle and had already returned to the pre-liberation period, wearing only novice equipment.

Lu Chen saw the people of Kuanglang at a glance. They were being besieged by seven or eight foreign players. Their blood volume had bottomed out, but the other party hadn't killed them for a long time.

Of course, perhaps because of his appearance, the entire battlefield was paused like pressing the freeze button.

This group of guys... how many times have they been exploded... Since they knew they were here to die, why did they come...

Fools can see that they are here to save themselves.

But they can't even contact themselves! Such sacrifices are very likely to be sacrificed in vain!

Lu Chen closed his eyes slightly.


"Brother Wuming!"

"God of War! Help us kill them! Our equipment... They destroyed our equipment in front of us!" Ten Steps shouted hoarsely, angry and heartache.

Most of the small team players came this time. Although these equipments are not very good, but for them, they have worked so hard to get them.

Lu Chen has never been an emotional person, but this time, he was angry.

The mountain wind blew, and the dark frost robe flew with a grin, and the corners of Lu Chen's mouth rose slightly. He couldn't help shaking his head and said softly, "Fool..."

Opening his eyes, Lu Chen's eyes were slightly damp. He looked at the Chinese players and shouted, "...thank you!"

"I see, it's not just equipment, I will make them pay back a hundred times for what you lose!"

In an instant, Lu Chen's eyes became bitterly cold, and he looked at the enemy in front of him.

"You are really courageous, dare to be wild in Huaxia clothing, really treat me as no one in China?!"

Sakata Shinwu's chest undulated violently, and he couldn't help feeling nervous when facing this unbreakable person.

"Anonymous, fight if you want to fight, don't talk nonsense! We have so many, dragging you to death!"

Lu Chen sneered, "Drag? You are not worthy!"

The next moment, Lu Chen raised his arms and covered the hilt with both hands, with a chuckle, Zi Wuhu burst into tears!

"The wind moves! The tiger goes down the mountain!"

Wind movement, 20% attack speed, 10% dodge, 10% movement speed, lasts 10 seconds, cool down for 120 seconds!

The tiger descends, the next three attacks become a combo, 80% damage, 60 seconds cooldown!

Lu Chen's figure was charming, and a black shadow flashed directly in front of Sakata Shenwu.

Four swords in one blow!

His talent comes with leveling, and the tiger goes down the mountain with additional connections, that is, his combo has a combo!

-1010 (critical strike), -1010 (critical strike), -1008 (critical strike), -1008 (critical strike)!

This hit resulted in a critical hit, and with the Tiger Cry blast damage bonus, one hit directly caused 4000+ damage.

Foreign server players have no time to react. Of course, even if they react, they have no time to do anything.

They could only watch as Sakata Shinwu was killed by a single blow!

Everyone in the audience watched this scene in shock.

4000+ damage in one hit!

Is that human being!

Is this the strength of China God of War!

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