Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 107: Million battle

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The bodies of the players in the foreign service are there, but no one dares to resurrect.

There was a hill of equipment piled in the middle of the corpses, especially the two purple tigers weeping very conspicuously.

Before the equipment, he sat anonymously.

The popularity of Xiaoming's live broadcast continued to soar, and he was instantly ranked first on the official website.

In fact, there is no need for Xiao Ming to send words, the fans in the room are already swiping the screen.

"Trash of the foreign service, just put the stuff here, is there a kind to get it!"

"Aren't you known as 400,000 elites? You 400,000 elites shouldn't be afraid of Brother Wuming alone."

"It turns out that you will only fight those whose equipment level is not as good as yours. When encountering powerful ones, 400,000 people are even worse than dogs!"

"Didn't you come to the live broadcast room? Why is no one talking now? I was scared to pee."

On the 8th floor of a business hotel in Haishi, there are more than 30 players gathered here. From the appearance, they should be sure that they are all Asians, but their skin color and temperament are different.

At this moment they are all looking at Xiaoming's live broadcast room.

Through the built-in translation software of the quantum helmet, they can communicate in real time without entering the game.

"That guy is so strong! We are still careless."

"What should I do now? Save or not?"

"You must save it!" A Korean-speaking person stood up angrily, "Are you going to let him trap the elites we have drawn out in Chinese clothes forever?!"

"Of course I didn't mean it! Then if we want to save, we need to plan well."

At this moment, someone heard a message, "Dear leader, just received the news that a large number of scattered players have started to log in to Area 122!"

"What! Are they crazy?"

"They can't be blamed. The nameless guy is too insidious. It doesn't count as killing someone, and he put his equipment there."

"Two tigers cry, this kind of temptation is really too big, if there are too many people, if luck is enough to grab them... Besides, many people can't stand being so stimulated by him, so they just leave!"

"Damn! This guy is trying to lead us all over...no more dead people, immediately organize people from other districts!"


Strange phenomena have appeared in various districts of China Service. The foreign service players who were raging here have been offline!

Seeing this phenomenon, the players who were guarded corpses hurry to resurrect.

Everyone was discussing in the Fenglingzi live broadcast room.

"They must go to District 122! They are going for Wuming Brother!"

"A lot of people have gone to the 122 area. The manpower in the 122 area is limited. We can't let the Wuming brother fight alone."

"Everyone quickly organize, let's go and support!"

The battle started to fought in each district separately and gradually concentrated on the 122 districts. Area 122 has become the focus of this battle at this time.

Starting at 6:20 pm, a small group of foreign service players began to log in to Area 122.

At 6:45, some Huaxia players landed in Area 122 after reorganizing their lineup.

The number of online users in this area is constantly increasing, 100,000, 120,000, 150,000, 200,000......

In front of the Tiger King Cave, it became the focus of attention.

Among the Chinese players who can reach the main city of Xianshan, they are all gathered here at this moment, and players from foreign servers continue to charge here.

However, no matter how they attack, they cannot break through the last line of defense.

Wuming is guarding the core of the battlefield.

As the death toll of players continues to rise, the surrounding bodies have piled up like a mountain, and the equipment piled up behind Wuming is even more breathtaking.

At 6:55, the battle finally entered the decisive stage.

The main force of the foreign service, consisting of a total of 1224 guilds from seven countries, has a terrifying army of 200,000 people, and collectively landed in area 122!

Only 5 minutes later, the 1831 Huaxia Guild organized by the Huaxia Game League, with a total of 340,000 people, landed in the 122 districts!

Coupled with the small teams that both sides spontaneously went to Area 122, the number is equally astonishing.

At 7pm, the number of online users in District 122 exceeded 900,000! This number is still increasing rapidly!

The two armies finally launched an offensive and defensive battle in Area 122.

Now Lu Chen's fishing plan has been completely successful. Not only did he catch the fish, but he also caught it all.

Then there is no need to put the bait there anymore.

At this time, the Jagged Legion also rushed to Area 122.


Lu Chen nodded to Li Muhua, "It's just right that you are here, you and Sister Nuo will divide these explosive equipment, the decisive battle has already started, and the foreign servicemen will not leave again!"

"Okay! By the way, nameless, put away Tiger Weeping. No one can guarantee it except you. One loss is a huge loss." Li Muhua threw two Tiger Weeping to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen thought for a while, and Li Muhua was right. You can't lose the tiger's cry.

"Head, be careful yourself!" Leng Nuo looked at Lu Chen worriedly.

Lu Chen probably didn't hear it, and went straight to the center of the battlefield.

"Don't worry, that guy is a pervert." Li Muhua comforted.

He knows another nameless identity.

Crazy God, that was a long time ago, when people could not pass the poisonous fog forest, they could already wipe out the existence of snake tide!

At the front line of the battle between the Huaxia player and the foreign server player, a dozen Korean players suddenly stared in horror and looked behind the Huaxia player.

Even if it is a battle of a million people, that person can still easily become the focus of everyone.

His equipment is so obvious.

The Tiger King's three-piece blue suit, a black suit, is more ruthless, and the only purple suit in the whole suit, the pile of purple tiger weeping, his appearance is like death descending!

Lu Chen took a look at his state, and at this time he had a buff on him.

Night Demon! Permanently increase movement speed by 10% and dodge by 10% at night!

Coupled with Lu Chen's original 29% movement speed and a 400-meter field of view, he is really like a demon in the middle of the night, shuttled through the enemy formation!

"The tiger is down!"

"Frozen roar!"

"Blue Flame is really fire!"

Wherever the black figure passes, no one in the foreign server can survive the second second!

After killing the enemy, he appeared in another place like a ghost.

madly slaughter!

"It's terrible! That guy!"

"Is the sacred beast really that strong? 400,000 people have nothing to do with him!"

"How can such a terrible monster appear in China Clothes!"

Even Huaxia players trembled when they saw that person.

"I'll give it a blow, Wuming is really a kid with a knife..."

"It's too strong, how did he get so much damage in one blow."

"I finally believe it now. The Xianshan Twin Towers and Tiger King Cave are too simple for him. I even suspect that he didn't try his best."

"Can't say that. The reason why he is invincible is that no one can break the defense. The dungeon has more than 200 strange attacks. As long as it can break the defense, Wuming is not invincible. But anyway, this guy is really outrageous. "

"I can only say that, fortunately, he is from our side..."

"Don't talk nonsense, when will you wait if you don't get revenge, **** them! Kill!"

Driven by the nameless, the morale of the Huaxia army was huge, and countless Huaxia players were disadvantaged by huge equipment levels, but they were defeated by the foreign service army!

"Hua Xia people are crazy, we can't hold it anymore! Where's the legion commander?"

The foreign server player looked back.

A **** road has been left behind oneself!

Someone has already slain to the hinterland of the Ten Thousand Army, the sword is pointing at the enemy commander!

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