Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1072: Super opponent

What people didn't expect was that Lu Chen didn't evade, but instead took the heavy blow of Yan Wang with both hands!

"Shou Xu!" Lu Chen's left arm was directly demonized, and a huge black arm stood in front of him.

With a loud bang, the ground made of black rock collapsed suddenly!

As soon as he blocked this blow, Lu Chen instantly drew a long sword from the void with his right hand, "A sword breaks the sky!"

One piece of Lu Chen's breaking the sky has never missed, but this time, he has not been able to pass through the body of Hades!

The tip of the Promise Sword was directly on a transparent shield the size of a palm, and it was...not pierced!

This guy's shield didn't protect the surrounding body like others did, it just protected the location of Lu Chen's attack.

This is the result of concentrating the energy of the shield to the extreme, and it is also the confidence in your own reaction and resilience!

"My astral shield has been trained to the top level, want to break the shield? You are still a long way away! Wu Ji Broken Void!" It was the Hell that used Broken Void, and after that, it was another punch.

"Hell will actually break the void, it seems that he has also entered the vortex! And he has strengthened the broken void, this punch can't be hard to take!" Yitian said anxiously.

However, Lu Chen only turned sideways slightly, avoiding the front, and blocked the side with his left arm. After removing most of his attacks, he also changed the attack direction of Hades.

"I want to see what shield I can't pierce!" Lu Chen exclaimed, "Gunxu·Broken Void!"

Wuming also used the Broken Void and blasted it with a punch.

The transparent shield lit up slightly and tilted to a certain angle, removing part of Lu Chen's attack and blocking Lu Chen's move again.

It's just that after the two of them used the enhanced version of Shattered Void at the same time, they produced a huge anti-shock force, shaking them back at the same time!

Between the electric light and flint, the two have already fought twice, neither of them chose to dodge, but within a very small area, relying on defense to take the opponent's attack, and then hit back.

And the two actually used the enhanced version of Shattered Void!

"My God, I suddenly understand what Hades said now. The two of them are really the same kind of people."

"They are all first-class reactions, top-level combat power, and even "Wu Shi" are used with the same meticulousness. The two of them remove part of the opponent's attack at the same time to ensure that their own defense can take the opponent's attack. Don't retreat!"

"These two guys are actually super strong from the whirlpool world!"

"Hammer has the soul and body, and the nameless has the double sky. Who is better?"

Just as everyone was puzzled, blood leaked from the corner of Lu Chen's mouth. Looking at Hades, he was calm and relaxed, but was retreated by the counter-shock force just now, without any injuries.

The fierce battle just now seemed to be divided.

Lu Chen wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stared at the Hades in the distance.

But Hell seems to be not very satisfied with this result, and he snorted coldly, "I didn't expect that you, a human being, would have such a high physical strength! Very good, then I decided to slightly increase the difficulty of the game!"

"True God Bloodline·Sura Form!"

With a bang, the black mist around the king of Hell was deeper than before, and the scope became larger. His muscles bulged, matching the original burly figure, and instantly transformed into a **** of war!

Lu Chen stared at Hades.

I have always left behind, but in this game, the king has spare power!

After entering the Shura form, he has another giant sword in his hand.

"Ghost, kill the gods and demons with me!" Yan Wang yelled, his speed skyrocketed again, from a few hundred meters away, he arrived in front of Lu Chen in the blink of an eye, "A thousand ghosts!"

When the ghost was lifted high, the sky was surging, and a thunder and lightning passed across the sky.

Accompanied by this thunder, a wave of epee sword aura had already stormed Lu Chen.

At the very moment, Lu Chen swung the Promise Sword at the same time, "Holy Lotus Sword Heart!"

The two major skills collided in front of the two, instantly forming a large number of continuous blasts.

In order to prevent the aftermath of the explosion from interfering with the direction of the remaining sword energy, the two of them simultaneously unfolded their body skills and released their sword energy crazily.

In the battlefield, the two figures were like two vague black spots, jumping quickly on the battlefield, but they never moved apart. Wherever they went, there were several violent spiritual collisions.

Hearing a breathtaking spiritual collision on the battlefield, everyone in the immortal cultivator army was already stunned.

"What intensity of battle is this? Only a few tens of seconds from the beginning to the present, the two have fought thousands of times!"

"Are their displacement skills inexhaustible? My God, the strength of these two people is too close."

Ye Fan frowned. Although he was not the strongest here, his vision was no lower than others.

"The dean is at a disadvantage! The collision between Ghost Soul Qianliu and Sacred Lotus Jianxin started to get closer and closer to the dean, indicating that the speed of the dean's skills has been reduced. It should be that the speed of spiritual power cannot keep up!"

Chu Tian nodded and said, "Indeed, I have never seen such a fierce continuous battle, and there is no chance to breathe for a moment. Both of these two people decompose a set of skills into multiple attacks, that is to say, in the use of Wushu Come on, the Demon King of Yama is better than the dean!"

"It's terrifying, the dean is already so strong, and he will be suppressed by the King of Hades!" Xiao Zhan said.

As Ye Fan said, Lu Chen was indeed gradually suppressed.

As he attacked, he yelled, "I am the only one who is crazy, do you have this strength! It seems that you are nothing but that!"

"Hurry up and show your true ability, my "Stardust" hasn't been used yet, don't let me down!"

Stardust, it should be Hades's artistic conception skills! Up to now, he is far from showing his true ability!

Lu Chen's eyes were about to split, and he slammed several sword hearts and sword auras, and at the same time a flame suddenly appeared from the palm of a left-armed **** and demon Taixu's arm.

With the help of Gongxu, Heaven and Earth's Extinction turned into a mid-range Buddha Yin attack.

At this moment, the distance between the two parties is not far, and it happens that the other party is within their attack range.

Attack the emptiness with the left hand, the universe and the world are all destroyed, the right hand Sacred Lotus Jianxin! Lu Chen actually used two different skills with both hands!

"My God, Wuming actually played two skills! Immortal King Mobei, this, is this also a Wushou effect?" An Immortal Master of the Zhongxian Pavilion asked excitedly.

Mobei frowned, "I'm not sure about this... But it is said that Wu Shi is to make the skills more flexible. From this point of view, the two-handed skills do meet this characteristic."

"It's just that, if Wuming can still achieve two-handed skills, it means that his Wushou mastery has been perfected, but that's it, it is difficult to compete with the King... That guy seems to have not done his best, so to speak, I am I'm even more worried about whether Wuming will win!"

The two-handed skills really drew a tie with Hades's Ghost Po Qianliu.

A huge burst of spiritual power blasted the aftermath, directly separating the two again.

After landing, Lu Chen panted heavily and stared at Hades.

This guy's speed, reaction, and skills are not weaker than his own, and his spiritual power control is more arbitrary than his own.

How can he defeat such an opponent!

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