Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1075: Unable to decompose

"Break it for me!" Yan Wang yelled and punched hard, blasting into the founding space!

With a loud bang, the creation space... was broken!

"No, **** is out!" Xiao Zhan exclaimed, "He really broke the Dean's creation space!"

"No, you must save the dean!"

"That's too late……"

At this moment, the King of Hades didn't stop at all, and he was in front of Lu Chen in an instant.

"You can survive till now! I didn't expect you to have dragon crystals!"

"Long Jing, Chuangshi, the gods and demons rebelled, and the three battle pets... I am the only one who is crazy. I have to admit that your strength is beyond my imagination, but the more you are, the less I can stay. You!" Hell once again exploded with terrifying spiritual pressure all over his body, and after he said, he punched him!

"Pluto Destroy Stardust!"

Lu Chen's eyes were splitting, and he endured the severe pain, trying to lift his spiritual power.

However, his body is now incomplete and he cannot use spiritual power at all.

He can only block with his left arm.

With a thumping punch, the **** and demon's empty arm was directly penetrated into a huge hole! The huge impact force directly knocked Lu Chen hundreds of meters into the air, and hit the bully!

"Ah!" Lu Chen gritted his teeth, and looked at his left arm. At this time, the big hole in his left arm also began to spread rapidly.

Now, even Long Jing could no longer resist destroying the stardust, and his body began to quickly disintegrate.

Lu Chen knew that this time, he seemed to be unable to reverse the situation.

Looking up, I just saw Li Wei on the Linglong Tower of Nine Beasts.

Li Wei had already cried and became a tearful person, "No name...No name..."

Lu Chen lay on the ground and smiled at Li Wei, "Hey, I actually have a name... My name is... Lu Chen..."

Li Wei cried even more sadly.

The nameless may mean that you don't even know his name when you don't want to die.

"I remember...you call, Lu Chen..." Li Wei said crying.

Lu Chen smiled slightly and looked at the dimly red sky of the underworld.

After all, he couldn't stop Hades, that guy was too strong...Even if he opened the soul-body unity, he was not his opponent.

"Sure enough, it's still Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon for nine days... Li Wei, I'm sorry, I owe you the favor, I... I may not be able to go..."

Li Wei only felt that her heart was about to break. She kept shaking her head, "No, Lu Chen, you said you won't owe me favors. If you die, you can't pay it back. You...you... do not die!"

"I don't want to die, even if there is still a glimmer of hope, I will not give up. I still have a lot of things to do, Lu Yi and her..." When the underworld ruled for nine days, Lu Chen naturally thought of his sister.

I failed to protect my sister...

"But...no matter, I'm really...tired, tired, tired..."

This journey is not easy for Lu Chen. He does have advantages that no one else has, but he has also experienced too many desperations that people can't imagine.

He has gained a lot, but he has also lost a lot.

Lu Chen laughed self-deprecatingly, "I don't believe in fate, but the irony is that the prophecies of those prophets have been fulfilled after all..."

The little beasts are still in a bitter battle, and the king of Yan should not really kill them, but the immortal army may not escape bad luck.

Of course, even if they can escape from the underworld, the final result is no different.

When the Temple of Eternal Ages is opened, it is the day when the King of Hades steps into the Pingyang Realm. Everyone is in disaster!

Hades walked to Lu Chen, looked at Lu Chen condescendingly, and said in a cold voice, "The gods and demons can't save you because they are too weak!"

As soon as the voice fell, Yan Wang looked at the Eternal Soul Palace.

The entire eternal temple, instantly shines brightly.

Hell's eyes widened, unable to restrain his excitement, "Hahaha, it worked! It succeeded! I have finally conquered the Eternal Soul Palace!"

"With this batch of super powerful underworld troops, the Sixth Heaven is what I have in my bag!"

It is extremely rare to see the calm King of Yama so excited.

"I'm the only one crazy, did you see it! You are so lucky that you could see this scene before you died!"

"I don't have time to play with you now. If I kill you, I will go to conquer the nine days! You can also look down!"

After that, the king raised his right fist again, "Let the blood of you, a super strong man, sacrifice the flag for me!"

"Pluto Destruction Impact!"

Lu Chen was ready to accept death, but suddenly, dozens of black flames behind Hades shot straight down from the sky.

He also felt the threat behind him, and hurriedly accepted the move, resisting it with the Stardust Shield!

"Dark Dragon?!" Yan Wang saw the dozens of giant dragons in the sky, with strong killing intent in his eyes, "It's really interesting, I don't have time to talk to you for the time being, and I want you to live a few more days, but I didn't expect to send it to the door!"

"Okay, then I will send you to **** together!"

Suddenly, a black shadow tore through the space directly, appeared beside Lu Chen, grabbed him, and the space jumped far away!

The King of Hades was defending against Minglong's attack. After a half-step slow, he was rescued by Lu Chen!

Lu Chen looked at the person in front of him in amazement, but he seemed to know him but couldn't remember, "You, are you?"

"We are the Dragon Race of the Underworld!" Hei Rui replied quickly and glanced at Lu Chen's injury, "Sure enough, it is Destroying Stardust... This is a skill obtained from the Eternal Soul Palace! Fortunately, your Dragon Crystal has been there. Defend it and buy you time."

Hei Rui placed Lu Chen on the ground, flipped his fingers quickly, and closed the seal, sometimes chanting words.

"Want to set up an array in front of me? Looking for death!" Yan Wang also saw Hei Rui here, and he exploded with spiritual power. After he forced the Nether Dragon's attack, he shot towards Hei Rui.

Hei Rui didn't care about it and continued to lay out!

As Hades approached, he was suddenly blocked by a transparent shield.

The King of Hades narrowed his eyes slightly. This group of Minglong, even before they were not paying attention, actually arranged a defensive formation!

"A mere defensive formation, when I can't break it? I am the **** of the underworld!" Hell shouted angrily, "the **** of underworld, infinitely broken starry sky!"

With this blow on the defensive formation, Hei Rui directly spouted blood! The defensive array was almost shattered!

The other people of the Minglong clan over there quickly dived, intercepted Hades, and attacked frantically.

Hei Rui resisted the injury and continued to line up!

Not long after, a huge formation appeared on the ground, and Lu Chen was at the center of the formation.

Hei Rui glanced at the big formation and said fiercely, "Damn, we don't know if our bloodline is enough, it's really not good, we will save him if we fight for our lives!"

But now I can't manage that much.

Hei Rui yelled to the tribe, "Here is the blood formation of the Dark Dragon Hybrid, come on, this kid is going to die!"

Dozens of dragon shadows quickly rushed into the big formation, transformed into human forms, standing in their own positions...

Lu Chen's consciousness has become increasingly blurred, and one-third of his body has almost disappeared.

"Boy, whether you can succeed or not depends on your good fortune!" An old man said anxiously, "If you can defeat Hades, remember to break the shackles of the Eternal Soul Palace and restore the underworld to its original state!"

The old man looked at Lu Chen and smiled slightly, "Lu Chen...There are still some things in this world that cannot be broken down..." As he said, he looked at his heart.

All the famous dragons in the formation use weapons to penetrate their hearts at the same time!

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